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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Well you can change the hotkey by manually editing the config file, switching to a qwerty layout might also work
  2. We use an ECS. Each of the object in the game have a bunch of components. A health component, a UnitAI component a sound Component etc. The title of the video is a bit misleading. What they do is optimize the scene on the fly using LODs (Which we don't have and are also Components (One could add that component to every entity and switch meshes on the fly depending on the zoom level)) GL optimizations (which we can't use because of the old opengl version) Multithreading which we only partially have. And finally they optimize stuff for platforms.
  3. @LordGood Missing file 'art/textures/skins/gaia/cattails.png' referenced by: 'public/art/actors/props/flora/cattails.xml'
  4. No, I know that we won't be able to fix everything that one might want. But asking is the first step. Then you can't blame people for not telling you.
  5. Would you mind to elaborate on the circumstances you'd like to see changing ?
  6. Oh okay, sorry about that. You can still ask questions here then we'll do our best to answer them.
  7. I don't know if @(-_-) still plans to work on the feature https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1642 You can compile it yourself in the meantime to test things for your mod
  8. @ramtzok1 Btw how did it go with the Fork AD developers did you get answer for all your questions ?
  9. Can you attach you mod to this topic ? I might have an idea when looking at the code. Maybe it's just a folder name mismatch
  10. The first step would be to look the interestinglog.html file in %localappdata%/0ad/logs and see whats the root cause
  11. The object is used but I haven't found any use of the height property. It just sets the value.
  12. That's different. Elevation bonus just adds more range to the tower. The fact that it isn't taken into account in the visualization is a bug ret.attack[type].elevationAdaptedRange = Math.sqrt(ret.attack[type].maxRange * (2 * ret.attack[type].elevationBonus + ret.attack[type].maxRange)); Just had a look. It would seem that the height property of the footprint isn't used anywhere. So it's basically useless. @bb_ can you confirm ? EDIT: I was wrong
  13. Yeah. That would suck though. Pyrogenesis is not that bad.
  14. 6x6 footprint would be 24x24 7x7 footprint would be 28x28 I guess 7x7 makes sense. Actually you can't see the height footprint. It's something different. So height seems to only be used to define guarding and whether a projectile will hit the structure.
  15. In the Actor viewer in Atlas you can. Well as I said obstruction define how close you can get to the building, so I guess the original author tried to get as close as possible to the building. Footprint however shouldn't be that precise.
  16. That plus from what I've seen It looks worse than our engine. Same goes for the spring engine
  17. Hehe. If we had to choose a graphics engine though I would go for Godot. I believe we could migrate 0AD code into a GDNative plugin and replace JS by Godot script which looks a lot like python though it now has variable types.
  18. I know I try but I'm exactly where I have been wanting to be during all the time I was a mere contributor. So now I have to be the changes I wanted for all those years
  19. Thanks guys. I'm sure people would notice more the scaffoldings/buildings basis though. I extracted lordgood's to make one for walls you can see it on the edge of one of my screenshot. It's using the scaffolding texture from the main game. Maybe I'll push further. I have too many things on the list. I also need to improve to be able to do material like Lordgood Alexandermb and now BigTiger It's not boring it's tedious and repetitive. You can quickly mess up if you want to do things properly.
  20. After that patch is committed one will be able to add trees with a slow regen rate and an another. object that will boost that regen. Destroy that object and the effect goes away
  21. Worth noting that someone asked the government for a 90% tax reduction on that money.
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