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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Like I said above just remove the .000 and .001
  2. If you didn't change it you shouldn't need to. I guess the names being messed up is the reason ,:)
  3. Okay did you change the armature ? Each armature must have a special xml file if they are not shared. If you didn't try to rename palisade_gate_towers.001 to palisade_gate_towers and gate.000 to gate Probably you joined two meshes
  4. Okay, meshes can only have one material Remove one and it should work.
  5. That's something else But yes you should. A dangling vertex is a vertex no connected to a face.
  6. The game doesnt handle "dangling vertex and edges" in the gate mesh if there are any it will fail to import
  7. Okay in edit mode use face selection, press h to hide everything then switch to vertex mode and delete the rest
  8. It would be if you used the selection only export. I guess that's not the case so make sure the gate still has the armature modifier.
  9. When exporting make sur both are selected
  10. Did you export both the armature and the mesh?
  11. You can drag and drop when writing a post Yeah another thread is better
  12. Good Job! Now you can zip the folder and send it to us
  13. You need one xml file per dae file the name of the xml file is the one that will appear in atlas. Where did you put the mod ?
  14. In the entities list switch the list to actors(all)
  15. @Pablinski2 SVN is the game. If you go into binaries/system/ you will find a file called pyrogenesis.exe (that's the game) if you run it you'll get A24. If you put the mod in one of the places I mentioned above you will be able to select it in the mod selector,
  16. Will not work, you won't be able to build a wall off the new tower
  17. @FeXoR Ping. Also, how hard is it to allow tower upgrades for walls (as in multiple tower templates)
  18. Not a separate blend file but a separate DAE (Collada) file. For naming you can ignore it during the test phase I'm sure Nescio is gonna give you great names for the commit phase. Now the important phase is to see how they look in the game and more importantly to get you familiar with how to test that
  19. Ah just answered your message. Hope you'll enjoy the game.
  20. It changes units because I told it to import units when I wrote the python script Else the result might be different. it usually doesn't matter much anyway. So much actually I actually forgot about it XD Art isn't really held to programming standards. object could be also be named more nicely but at the end of the day it makes no difference also it's hard to run sed scripts on windows
  21. Did you try the curve modifier? Yeah don't the world mod fool you. There are only gonna be the palissades
  22. If you do that you will break the scaling of all the art files. Depending on how they were exported it might break the files luckily the engine does not support scaling so everything is ignored.
  23. @Pablinski2 Did you try with the curve modifier? Using a circle and the curve modifier one can do some pretty fancy things. Mods are actually a very convenient way for people to test things. Here is a mod template. You need to extract it either in binaries/data/mods or documents/my games/0ad/mods. it should look like this binaries/data/mods or documents/my games/0ad/mods/pablinksismod - mod.json - art - ... Try to get comfortable with how it works. experiment with the xml file (you can use notepad to open them) Ask any question you have. You need to enable it using the mod selection. Don't forget to click save. Then you can see the files in the scenario editor. pablinskis_mod.zip
  24. Yeah its good :). wanna try making a mod?
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