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0 A.D. Social Media Accounts (We need you!) I’ve been given the lovely honor to curate 0AD’s social media accounts. In this capacity, I would love to invite every forum member here at the Wildfire Games Forums to take a look at our current accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Mastodon. As you may know, 0 A.D. is completely free, libre, open source and volunteer based. No wages are paid in the development of this game and there is no budget for marketing. Exposure for this project is made up almost entirely of word-of-mouth advertising. We, the fans, are the developers of this game, both here on the forum, as well as on other platforms like trac, phabricator, GitHub and IRC. Together, we are all contributing towards the development of this game, however large or small those contributions may be. Every like, comment and share contributes towards the future of this game that we have all grown to love. The more people know about this game, the higher the odds that we will attract more developers in various fields from programming to art and translations. So, if you haven’t given these pages a visit yet, please take a look. And maybe give us a like https://facebook.com/play0ad/ https://twitter.com/play0ad https://instagram.com/play0ad.official/ https://mastodon.social/@play0ad (open source social media) Other media accounts worth checking out are: The Spanish language 0 A.D. Facebook page: https://facebook.com/0adfanslatino/ (managed by Lion.Kanzen) Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/play0ad (release trailers and original 0 A.D. music tracks) Our Bandcamp site: https://play0ad.bandcamp.com (0 A.D. soundtrack) 0 A.D. on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/0ad/ Another reason I open this topic, is to receive community suggestions, feedback and comments about our accounts. And remember, there is also a lovely thread called “Your screenshots”. Don’t be shy to post some nice shots there. The ones that are exceptionally pleasing to the eye might receive a feature on our platforms. Our current followers, January 11, 2020: Instagram: 3 Mastodon: 22 Twitter: 3537 Facebook: 11,834 As Stan` the Man aptly pointed out to me recently: "" Some free promotional art (Click the image, then click it again to open the original sized file in a new window): Hero Portrait by JustinOperable, backdrop by LordGood. Ashoka the Great: Hero Portrait by JustinOperable, backdrop by LordGood. Hannibal: Hero Portraits by Victor Rossi, backdrop by LordGood. Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Queen Amanirenas: Remember, 0 A.D. and the Pyrogenesis game engine aren't just free. They are libre software:2 points
I've just committed the building snapping feature. I'd like to here some feedback: does it behave like you expect, would you like to change something (like adding an option to enable it by default)? To use the building snapping you need to select a building, press Ctrl and move your mouse. When a preview of the new building is near to other structures it`s trying to snap to their edges (while Ctrl is pressed). Snapping (1).mp41 point
Hi everybody, I would like to initiate some discussion about the idea of implementing borg-'s expansion pack mod in a24 release. I know it's almost done. But to be perfect it needs some patches to be applied. Thus any javascript geeks are welcome to join this project and apply bug fixes. I'm sure @borg- would manage and coordinate the whole process (testing, patches applying, etc.) but he needs some volunteers to help to make this mod tuned on high level. So the idea of that topic is to: 1) let people know that there is need of some js work to do - maybe some of you guys could help with that 2) find what functionalities of this expansion pack could/should be tested (some testing team would also be necessary) 3) discuss if it is worth to wait a bit with 0ad a24 release date so it could have implemented Borg's expansion pack as a native functionality (not a mod) As this expansion pack made a huge positive impression on me, personally I would recommend to include it into alpha 24 release. In my opinion better wait a bit and shift the release date in favour of better game balance and less versatile but more diverse building system with some new type of units. All opinions and comments are welcome here so feel free to let us know what do you think about it guys. Thanks! snelius1 point
This is a balance mod meant for testing changes before creating patches for them on trac. The changes are purposefully small and not drastic, and I don't plan to fix all of the balance issues as I don't have too much time available and additionally it makes it harder to get into the game. Additionally I'm also limited by other factors, such as map generation. Currently mines are spawned entirely randomly, which means that in team games one team will occasionally enjoy a huge metal advantage, while the other team has no extra metal mines or has to share 1 mine between all of them. This means that if champions are balanced in such a way that they are cost efficient vs citizen soldiers then we will much more frequently have the winning side decided on map generation. CURRENT CHANGES Team bonuses: Iber: 20% to 10% Rome: 20% to 10% Kush: 20% to 10% Technologies: Loom: 50% to 100% and cost from 150F to 200F Armor plating: 500W, 250M to 300W, 150M Advanced Siege: 1000W, 500M to 700W, 300M Citizen soldiers: Slingers: 9.5P, 1C and 3.0 accuracy to 9.2P, 0.9C and 3.5 accuracy(right between skirms and archers). Archers: 6P to 6.7P. Citizen cavalry: Cavalry archers: Move speed from 17.5(same as javelin cavalry) to 16.0 and run speed from 29.2 to 26.6 Elephants: War Elephant: 250F, 250M to 300F, 200M Elephant Archer: 200F, 80W, 20M to 150F, 75W Champions: Archer Cav: Move speed from 20.3 to 18.4 and run speed from 33.8 to 30.7 Catapults: Splash damage radius: 10m to 7m Buildings: Carthaginian temple: 400S to 300S Kushite small pyramid: 300F, 300S to 300S VERSION 6.0 CHANGES Actually changed archer damage to 6.7P from 6.8P Fixed elephant archer speed, as I originally didn't realise they had cav archers as parent template. Carthaginian temple cost from 400S to 300S Kushite small pyramid cost reduced from 300F 300S to 300S BalanceTestModV6.zip1 point
1 point
I want to signal that Aqua ( 50K full resources) is a legend now in 0AD. So please, pay attention on what he's saying because there's no one like him on this planet.1 point
@Alexandermb necesitamos barbas más prominentes.1 point
Made a script that I think would be useful for the modders out there. What it does: Creates a mod pyromod file Creates a mod zip file Creates a backup file of the original folder Names all generated files with the corresponding mod.json version defined Does some sanity checks. You can define a .gitignore file on the root folder of the mod Requirements: Python 3.8.0 or above Optional: gitignore_parser (to install use pip3) How to use: Execute with python3 make_pyromod.py from the command line and read options outputted. The three arguments: "origin", "destination" and "backup" default values are hard-coded as is easier for me this way. You can change them to your liking. make_pyromod.py1 point
It's quite simple. That each armour level means a 10% damage reduction (i.e. a 0.9^x power exponential law) is clear from: A23: simulation/components/Armour.js 53 A24: simulation/helpers/Attacking.js 103 Now health is fundamentally the amount of damage that can be taken. Therefore reducing the damage taken by a factor z is equivalent to increasing the health by a factor 1/z = z^-1. (If every hit inflicts only half the damage, then it'll take twice as long to kill the unit; if the damage per hit remains unchanged but the unit's health is doubled, then it'll also take twice as long to kill the unit.) One additional armour level means ×0.9 (i.e. -10%) damage, which is equivalent to 1/0.9 = 1.11111, i.e. +11.1% health. The tooltip, however, displays not the percentage of damage taken, but the percentage of damage resisted, hence (1 - 0.9^x) × 100%, which is merely another way of stating the same thing. The reason 0 A.D. has both armour and health, is because there are different damage types, and entities can have different armour levels for each type. Nonetheless, all auras and technologies currently in game affect all armour levels equally (which is not mandatory), therefore those are basically equivalent to health increases. I'd personally prefer +4 armour levels over +50% health, though, since higher maximum health means the unit takes longer to heal or regenerate.1 point
0ad tries to free what it can. The problem is that when you free allocated memory by calling the system function it doesn't mean that the memory will be returned to the OS (it will be free for the game but unavailable for other applications).1 point
I think yes, because they throw roks which with speed delivered high blunt damage. Armoured nights were invurable against pierce damage of arrows and swords but they were vunerable to hammers and any blunt damage dealing weapons or projectiles like rocks.1 point
Not sure if possible to implement, but maybe you can only train slaves after a certain number of enemy units are killed, this would avoid slave spam and be historically accurate as well. With exception to spartans, which were a slaver society, perhaps they could train slaves for free at a certain limited rate as a civ bonus. I am not sure which other civilizations had big slave populations but this could be available for Romans, Hellenic and Ptolemies.1 point
What's the rational against a simply villager unit as the main economic unit? I don't completely agree with giving dedicated male and female workers/villagers different stats. In some civs men did a lot of the hard work, but in other civs women worked just as hard or even harder. In most societies agriculture is a family operation, involving men, women and children. So were many other small scale economic activities (and most economic activities were small scale) as well as things like building homes. I'd caution against gender specific stats in this regard, because the stats would probably differ quite a lot across different culture groups. Some of the reasoning behind different stats might apply to Greco-Roman civs, but probably won't apply at all to others. In my opinion, plebs are plebs, and I think gender differentiation only becomes really relevant for higher social classes, politically or militarily. I think it would also be interesting to differentiate laborers/workers/villagers (whatever you want to call it) by using a more slender body type, perhaps even a teeny weeny little bit shorter than soldiers/warriors, and use different walk animations, with a slightly hunched over look, face looking down, instead of straight or up, like the higher ups on the social ladder, who brim with confidence. The lower classes laborers/workers/villagers should have a humble look. Less meat, fish and diary, and a hard life of back breaking menial labour makes them look a little more scrawny than the average "citizen" who would have looked a little more "plump"/less hunched over. ( @Alexandermb, don't know what your thoughts on this are).1 point
Always thought that for emulate slavism, units should have in the loot propierties a slave point value, so you can train a percentatge of killed units (if every unit killed is one point, training one slave should cost 4, so a 25% of killed units could be slaves). Now with the possibility of exclude certain resources from the trading pool, this is more viable. But I suppose that this is a little bit offtopic1 point
And raiding... Cav was used for raiding... Quick in and out... Burning down the countryside... (Burning enemy fields should be a thing).1 point
That is on point, sword would be used as a secondary weapon if the lance broke or the rider lost his mount. Also, apart from the other points already mentioned (chasing retreating units, scouting, attacking light infantry) on many battles of the antiquity they were used to great effect with the anvil and hammer strategy, heavy infantry attacking the front lines while the cavalry would circle the flanks and attack from behind. If I am not mistaken I've read that 0ad has logic with regard to lower armor when attacked by the flank, I am not too sure if this is actually implemented though. If we were striving for historical accuracy though we would have a very hard job to make it real, as it would require heavily nerfing skirmish units, they were used just behind the frontline to taunt the enemy, get a few kills before armies clashed, or the flanks. Slingers had an even less preeminent role. So I would avoid looking at drastic changes at a first iteration to improve balance, just making it better than the current state would be a huge accomplishment. If we were allowed to dream though: - Archers and skirmishers could have a limit to how many throws they can perform and then get a cooldown, this would drastically reduce their abuse. - Flanking generates an aoe morale effect in which units would have a more drastic armor nerf, reduced attack speed or similar - Your favorite civ trivia: roman soldiers throw a pillum (a javelin shaped weapon) and draw their gladius (sword) or use it against cav, macedonians can have sarissa wielders (greatly increased armor in formation, abismal walk speed), etc... - etc...1 point
I need some help about cavaly. Specifically what were the battle objectives between cav lancer and cav sword, in the battle? Was the cav sword lighter n faster? @Lion.Kanzen can help me?1 point
I am for the the option to already include borg's changes in A24. Let's be realistic about when that release is going to take place – it won't be anytime soon. I also offer help with making / reviewing patches and testing. On a different note, we could probably get more people interested in the mod by making a tournament in it. When there was a Hyrule Conquest tournament, it was the first time I found out about that mod and there were suddenly many people giving it a try. I don't feel like organizing this, but I don't strongly refuse to if none of the experienced organizers is interested. Maybe @HMS-Surprise, @Unknown_Player or @Stockfish? Right, there is currently one tournament going on, but for now we could at least find some players that could possibly be interested. Let's make it the #4 goal of this thread to find out if there is interest. I would myself sign up for the Borg Expansion Pack tournament to help it gain more popularity.1 point
Happy to see movement in this direction, I played and spec'ed a few times and must say that the game flow seems much more nuanced and balanced. I am happy to help, whether adjusting parts of the code to patches or playtesting.1 point
If there really are some volunteers to help me with this, surely I would work on it with the greatest pleasure. I just need to know if the people willing to work at it. @ValihrAnt and @Feldfeld always helped me and I'm sure they continued to help. I probably won't use all the patches that are in the mod, just the one that has been tested and approved and with less potential for risk. @badosu can help on some tests too? Certainly @Angen can easily patch patches for the a24 version. After the patches are verified and applied, then I start converting the templates to a24, as I convert I can send it to be verified by devs.1 point
I'm not doing this all alone. I have mostly been cooperating with Feld as borg- is generally harder for me to reach, but both of them have given me their opinions on things, helped test and offered suggestions on how to improve the changes.1 point
As far as I know, the team would be willing to implement it. But I've been working for many months on this mod, and I would need many more months to convert it to a24 and make the patches separate and up. It's a time I don't have now, unfortunately.1 point
1 point
There should be some kind of pin/faq about that recurrent topic. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11223-the-role-women-play/&tab=comments#comment-184429 https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6046-women/ https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_Units#FemaleCitizen https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/List%3A_Entities%3A_Player%3A_Support#FemaleCitizen https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/952 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3122 [...]1 point
I am in favor of females for religious units, military units among specific cultures (nomads, Mauryan etc.) and as heroes (Boudicca). But as the main "productive" unit, no. Really the game is skipping the most important feature of the ancient times: slavery. Free women were not working as miners or as lumberjacks. Enslaved women were mostly working in shops, in houses and in fields (and in brothels...). This is sad that women didn't have a more prominent role in history, but it is like that and we cannot change the past (only change the present and the future).1 point
Hello everyone, I was wondering if I could get some help working on the PCGamingWiki Article for 0 A.D. The PCGW is dedicated to supplying information and fixes on every PC game available, including this one. If you need help, please see the Sample Article. If you aren't comfortable with Wiki syntax, just use the Discussion page and others can help put your information in the page. Thanks, I apologize if this is considered spam. If you believe it is, feel free to take it off. EDIT: Here are some things we need for the article if you'd like to help: How to "hack" settings, since there's no settings menu right now I'm guessing there are various config edits you can use to change settings. If you can link me to guides for that, I'd appreciate it. Windows and Mac OS X save locations Game Issues and how to fix them A wiki, if there is one A list of commands you can use in the command line for the game1 point