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On 17/10/2021 at 6:57 AM, alre said:

surprising (to me at least) how @Dizaka was using autoqueue for making women in the cc at the start of the game.

I'm super-bowtech!

Note also that I have 2 women in the queue sequentially and not just 1 woman as one of the devs mentioned there is a .2sec loss in production due to queuing.

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49 minutes ago, Dizaka said:

Note also that I have 2 women in the queue sequentially and not just 1 woman as one of the devs mentioned there is a .2sec loss in production due to queuing.

there is not, unless you autoqueue batches. There is a thread somewhere discussing that.

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44 minutes ago, Dizaka said:

@alre check @hyperion msg about 0.2s pause for adding to effective queue.  Hyperion discusses it in 1st post.  That's the reason why I do 1+1 queueing vs just 1, especially early on.

hiperion was wrong, keep reading. I and weirdjokes were making tests, and freagarach explained the results.

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@mysticjimits a pretty nice surprise to watch myself in one of your videos!. I agree noferatius (the unpronunciable bloody name lol xD) was the MVP. He saved Akazid from the counter attack and carry on the pressure in left side.
Really good and important work to let more ppl know the game, discussing games and teaching the basics. I've learned good advices and tricks watching your videos.


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55 minutes ago, guerringuerrin said:

@mysticjimits a pretty nice surprise to watch myself in one of your videos!. I agree noferatius (the unpronunciable bloody name lol xD) was the MVP. He saved Akazid from the counter attack and carry on the pressure in left side.
Really good and important work to let more ppl know the game, discussing games and teaching the basics. I've learned good advices and tricks watching your videos.


Hey, nice to hear from you. Glad you've found the videos useful, and yeah - it seems if you play enough games, sooner or later someone will submit one to me, glad it was a nice surprise to see yourself involved in this one. :) 

*And yes, I swear people submit games with players with unpronounceable names just to listen to me struggle!!!  

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2 hours ago, alre said:

about the Sunday live commentaries, could you maybe stream them live someway? It would be super cool to watch the game on 0AD with the added commentary on the background. 

Hello dude (well played earlier, btw :) ) 

So with the 'live' games, the main reason I do it this way is purely so I can have the guest (in the case of these last few games, @Player of 0AD) on the show seeing the action at the same time as I do the commentary and we're able to interact, etc. 

I appreciate there is an immediacy with live streaming - but I've always deliberately avoided it. There is literally so much that can go wrong when you are 100% live. And the content I produce, I do invest a little time in it as a production - there is a bit of editing and thumbnails and stuff. The two games we recorded today will shortly be edited for broadcast on YT - hopefully you won't have to wait too long, I'm thinking of releasing those midweek. 

I've not completely ruled out doing live streams, but I'm really struggling for time at the moment. And I'd have to be confident I've got the streaming settings perfect and actually set up some graphics in OBS Studio to make it look a bit professional. 

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thanks! actually, I think I explained myself poorly: I only meant the audio commentary. You could broadcast them live and we could listen to it while in the game watching the match. To me it sounds like a real step up for the experience of spectating a game, and I would enjoy it a lot. You can make the video for youtube after the editing. I don't know if this is good for you, but I hope you like the idea.

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12 minutes ago, alre said:

thanks! actually, I think I explained myself poorly: I only meant the audio commentary. You could broadcast them live and we could listen to it while in the game watching the match. To me it sounds like a real step up for the experience of spectating a game, and I would enjoy it a lot. You can make the video for youtube after the editing. I don't know if this is good for you, but I hope you like the idea.

Hello. Yeah, I actually wondered if that's what you meant after I'd done the reply - I guess I'm so used to people asking why I don't live stream I was a bit on autopilot! My bad :) 

It's an interesting concept, actually. Essentially you'd need to be able to hear mine and Weirdjokes audio feed live. We're currently using Mumble for verbal communication. Now, I'm a complete noob with this software, but I can see it being possible - although I think we'd have to ensure that everyone else on the channel could hear Weirdjokes and I, but was muted - so as not to be an impromptu addition to the recording! I think the only issue is potentially the players might be able to tune in as well and gain a bit of an unfair advantage. I know there is the risk of this when live streaming, but there is usually a significant delay in the broadcast, but here - the audio would be almost in real time. 

@Player of 0AD - any thoughts on this? 

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12 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

That sounds for me like there would be the need for a livestream. We can't make the location of our voice-chat public without risking that somebody will talk there instead of only listening.

If you use discord then the admin can ban whoever is talking over you ;) 

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