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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Meh. I paid for those units and their fighting power (through upgrades). If I can overwhelm a player with 100 units, it's their fault that they don't have 100 units to repel my attack.
  2. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Yes, or could you maybe make a nugget?
  3. The gold looks a lot like player yellow and the square isn't near as distinctive as the stone quarries; still it would be better than the status quo.
  4. Don't know what you are referring to. Personally I really don't like the UI. All symbols are so minimalist, they don't have any flavor nor transport any vibe of medieval.
  5. You might wanna check your sources for that. I've been German all my life and never heard of a 'Kar'. We got 'Karren', but that's something you put behind oxen. Chariot would be Streitwagen. (Just checking I found out there actually is a geological term 'Kar' meaning 'cirque'.) Edit: Come to think of it, we have 'Karre', which is a colloquial term for a car...
  6. In Germany we have federal and local programs for that, supposedly covering up to 60% of the cost. https://www.co2online.de/modernisieren-und-bauen/daemmung/foerderung-fuer-waermedaemmung/
  7. Both. There is a baseline ( for 100 x you get 82 y). The more y is bought, the less you get for 100 x. Over time the exchange rate goes toward the baseline, but if players keep buying y it might never reach it again.
  8. 25b to be specific. I scout the coast and if I don't see fish I don't build a dock or fishing boats (because they're so slow and short sighted).
  9. Hi @Barade. A lot of the things you mentioned are work in progress. Some answers: Select next idle warrior: Minus, NumDivide (you can look up/change the hotkeys). There's a mod for a bigger minimap. The are some threads about 4k, if you search the forums you might find something. Units' stats are shown when you hover the mouse over the sword & shield symbol, the civ is shown when you hover over the colored bar with the player's name. I think there are a couple of campaigns, but I'm not aware of one that has been ported to this alpha. I believe there's a way for cinematics, but someone else would have to answer that (or you search the forums). cheers
  10. I assume that the majority here will agree that retreating is a skill (when microing your units) and should not be automated. And while I'd be ok with not having to kill each and every unit of a civ to defeat it, I also wouldn't want my units to convert to the enemy. Complete genocide is just the standard/default, although other modes are possible.
  11. I haven't heard about wind or solar projects being that far off. And I know that there are a lot of problems with dams. I'm sorry, the Chernobyl references were actually about another nuclear plant built by the same partners, Kudankulam. That one already had a lot of incidents/accidents. Rosatom initially wanted to also use the same WWER 1000 series in Rooppur, now it's the 1200 line. I guess 1/5th more trust is in order, but 1/5th of zero still isn't much.
  12. @UltraMan Seems kinda obvious to me that you should have a melee front line.
  13. Another horror story about a new nuclear plant: https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Atomland-Bangladesch-es-wird-ernst-6229253.html It's about a plant in Ruppur/Bangladesh. Partly built with Chernobyl technology. Besides all other horrible and horrifying facts in that article: the building costs have more than tripled (4bn USD > 12.65bn USD) so far (still two more years of construction), and electricity will be more than twice as expensive than solar power (7cents, 3cents). Has there been any nuclear power plants in the recent years that actually stayed close to their projected costs? I only know of examples to the opposite, that's one reason why I don't trust anyone who says that nuclear power is oh so cheap.
  14. I try to help out in that regard. I absolutely hated the turn times in a24 and I'm absolutely not looking forward to them potentially re-introduced with acceleration 'feature'.
  15. I thought that was already possible, but a recent game proved me wrong...
  16. I'm having trouble doing the correct clicks with the merchants as well. I'm now using the highest possible concentration when doing it and I pay attention to the tooltip at my cursor. I sometimes have to redo it but mostly the problem is solved for me.
  17. Since there are different modes and mods I don't think one has to get bored quickly with the game. But maybe someone just wanted to make an edgy remark...
  18. I abandoned the game because I couldn't place a marketplace. Screw that. I doubt that I could have produced Egyptian units from the military colony as advertised, but since I won't capture it I won't know for sure.
  19. I don't know who screwed up what, but Wild Lake in a25 just sucks. Is anybody actually enjoying the 'feature' that you can't build anything around your CC? With the India biome it was so terrible that I abandoned the game. With the Agean-Anatolian biome I hoped it would be better, but it still is terrible. Not only is it still a pain in the averywhere to build anything, but it also somehow breaks the AI. Repeatedly I had workers like this one neither being idle nor clearing the terrain but just standing around. THE HECK??!? (Wild Lake never was nor is balanced, just given the distribution of treasures and Gaia units.)
  20. 'Thought police' & 'spoiling the children'... Gee. I'd consider it basic decency not to massively use foul language around minors. Granted, in some ways I'm old & conservative. How do 'servers' play into this?
  21. 'Regulation on the delegation of authority concerning land conveyance permissions' (According to dict.cc, and it was a real thing.)
  22. I might be wrong but I've got the feeling there's not much manpower in the lobby moderation. Anyway I think there should be a three strike rule (warning - time ban - perma ban); doesn't require a real time response and might help a bit.
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