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DerekO last won the day on June 21 2023

DerekO had the most liked content!


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    RTS games, Tech, Commerce/Stocks, Trade, Politics, 0 A.D. (obviously), World War 2, Any Historic Warfare (basically), Life, Doctorin

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Duplicarius (4/14)



  1. I was about to win and player left Ofender: Red-Star My Name: DerekO commands.txt metadata.json
  2. Was about to win and player left offender: Jeanc Myname: DerekO Umbritu lost his first raid and then left Offender: Umbritu My Name: DerekO commands.txt commands.txt
  3. Was about to win and player left MY NAME: DerekO Offender user: erator commands.txt metadata.json
  4. That may have been why, just tried a similar attack but had fully maxxed out and won against skiritai commandos
  5. I can make and sell them.
  6. Question, How can I have 30 Foot-Companion accompanies with 20 Black Cloacks and 50 Skirmishers and still loose a fight?
  7. Please join this Discord Group to help co-oordination https://discord.gg/G7cJuXFa4H @borg-@leopard@seeh Feel free to register here speeds up process: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/IzzhP8Yj78
  8. Yes, I'll ask for timezones I'm extending signups till next Saturday to help there to be more players
  9. Please quickly respond to this forum and just put your in-game name, and your rating, I want to see who is intrested in doing it, I plan to have the tournament start on Saturday, Discord: https://discord.gg/G7cJuXFa4H Sign up page: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/IzzhP8Yj78
  10. Was about to win and player ended MY NAME: DerekO Offender user: bolivar Was playing game and he felt unsure and then left My name DerekO Offender Name: Mauryan commands.txt commands.txt
  11. I was trying to see previous game plays and see if I could learn a few things and I noticed that it doesn't work with previous versions such as 0.0.23
  12. Yeah I was thinking the same thing, it is a bit too complicated to actually work well
  13. I am thinking of having a bracket guessing game and the people who guess it correctly will get a $5 Gift card of some sort, I also need someone who is good at logisitics, respond to this post or send me a PM thanks
  14. I'm thinking of hosting another 0 A.D. Tournament with a $50 cash prize and free entry, does anyone think that this will succed and are there any concerns about it?
  15. True, I mainly had problems with the Americas and European match making as the timezone difference is large, I am still open in continuing to host tournaments please mention or message me i'll get to you and I'llhelp with logistics
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