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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Was that addressed at me or the devs? Because I wouldn't have an idea what to do. I also have no idea what that os error regarding a device wants to tell me. You mean like antivir? I believe I have whitelisted everything 0ad. In earlier versions I rarely had an error massage when trying to save, but the game didn't crash instantaneously.
  2. 'Sende die ausgewählten Einheiten in einer Angriffsbewegung zu der angegebenen Position nachdem Ressourcen abgeladen wurden.' O.s.ä. Ich spiele auf englisch, deswegen bin ich mit den deutschen Termini nicht vertraut. Bzgl. 5426 weiss ich nicht wo du hängst oder wieviel ich von dem Gegenstand verstehe. ~'Wir sollten die (ungefähre) Größe bei den x/y Karten anzeigen statt dass wir "Kartengröße: sehr groß" oder ähnliches in den hardkodierten Karten-Beschreibungen verwenden.' btw There's a bullet point missing in the German translation of the manual. hth
  3. Scary and majorly annoying. Considering it didn't happen once with the six previous versions of 25 I'll go back one step if it happens again. Oh my, thx! For the longest time I wasn't even aware I had two GPUs; and then I guess I didn't really bother to check. Ramped up the grfx settings, but playing at turtle I didn't notice a performance difference.
  4. The word comes from the latin roots of regis and cida, meaning "of monarch" and "killer" respectively. A game mode where you have to kill the enemy's ruler (hero) to win; already a mode in 0AD.
  5. Crash while trying to save in the dialogue. All saves were deleted after my last report. Load & save possible after restart. @Stan` logs2908.zip
  6. @CeresI didn't have that with language set to English; my first guess would be a translation error.
  7. When I want to do sth like that I do an area selection until I have at least the number of desired units in it; other units I kick out by CTRL+click on their icon. Should I have more than the desired number of units in my selection I CTRL+click them individually; since they're marked they stick out and with the ctrl held a mis-click won't change anything.
  8. I think it's difficult even for experienced players to use them effectively. And watching games of high ranked players I hardly see any healers at all. So I don't know if devs will make it a priority. I too think it's not realistic. It really takes some time to level up units with buildings' training. If you currently watch AI armies switch from resource gathering to group, and then to actually attacking, it's probably a lot to ask for an even longer approach. Yeah, no. I think the cap is actually one hero, and I think that's fine. What I don't understand is why the AI doesn't use the alarm bell. They can do an annoyingly good job with retreating their soldiers into buildings, yet they always leave their women out to be killed. Neither nice nor efficient.
  9. I don't know. Maybe you're just such a nice guy. Or you try to improve communicating your point?
  10. I don't think you were not clear, it's just not clear for me why anyone playing a strategy game would pay as little attention to the available info to not notice the unit info and stats and not get that there's loot. Maybe we should add some emanating numbers and a dingeling sound when an enemy is killed or a building captured/destroyed? :ugly:
  11. Maybe I'm just a pedant, but how could anyone not ever look at any unit info and not notice that there's a loot category? As I said before, I don't think loot plays much of a role and so I don't care too much either way.
  12. @Stan` I was able to load and save without removing any file. AFAIR I only had a problem with a corrupt save once, when I had manually messed with a file; I don't think loading/saving was possible then until I removed the culprit. And I wanted to mention that this happened shortly after I updated to 25b. Ofc it would be great if the game wouldn't crash when it encounters a corrupt save.
  13. I believe it happened after I hit 'save' in the menu bar, not sure tho.
  14. Yeah, holding x/y relics for z time might be a good mode.
  15. I don't know if I would like that, also seems pretty unrealistic. But there is the 'capture the wonder' winning condition. There are already treasures. If, for example, I manage to claim 6 treasures on Sahara Oasis, that's 1800 resources that clearly give me an economic advantage/lets me build my military faster.
  16. I always thought the in-game depiction of gathered food was unrealistic; guess I was wrong:
  17. I believe you are a better player than me, yet I can't agree to that in its absoluteness. If you don't advance the enemy/enemies will bite you in your behind or elsewhere; to advance you need special buildings, advancing will automatically expand your territory. A lot of games I watched, for example on the popular Mainland, included the intermediate goals of reaching resources like woodlines or minerals, and/or gaining a strategic position.
  18. Hm, I guess. Although I probably wouldn't consider that already snowballing in effect.
  19. I don't think loot has much of an impact. I just looked at my latest summary and I used ~70k res and had ~1k loot. I fail to see how that would counter snowballing. If you got an increasing advantage, how would that not help in expanding too? And how would Military Colonies count toward that? (Which, btw, I think are already very strong, while the ability seems to be arbitrary. Carthage and Rome couldn't build military colonies? Maybe I just don't know enough history.)
  20. There are no plans to include new civs, like the Han? That would influence what I consider a sensible name, with the Han example whether to exclude or prefer Chinese terms...
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