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Everything posted by Lopess

  1. Yo creo que se podría, pero tengo algunos proyectos por delante y no creo que sea utilizada por nadie, era una máquina ingeniosa pero fracasó en su cometido (según el artículo). Todavía tengo la fortaleza del vagón xiongnu aquí en la pc. Necesito implementarla.
  2. Units Illyrians => https://github.com/0ADMods/illyrians , They are a little outdated, but just put the current addresses of the helmets. (I miss bigger mods with multiple civs, they are easier to support in a group).
  3. Thracians and Illyrians, were already created in mods a long time ago, the Thracians in particular have several resources in the current game I think it's enough to know which units are needed and add them.
  4. We have direct download on mod.io, on github it's for alpha 26https://github.com/wltonlopes/Mayas_preclassic, but the last updates must have broken it, I want to implement some new models of units, but I have to create better textures for the units.
  5. Initial structure thought for a special construction (town or city phase)=> Santuario Tower, it can provide bonus in health and "morale" for troops and units around, based on sources initially provided by @Sundiata The structures are being made and gradually updated, I'm a little tight on time because I'm finishing my studies and changing my profession XD, but modifying the 0ad is my best way to pass time (apart from hanging out with old friends from high school and drinking cheap beer playing 2000s games). --- Any help on textures for the units would be appreciated. ---
  6. I like that, I've already created something similar for my fun but not with this beauty that you achieved, something cool that I can imagine and create maps of a campaign mod in which you choose a civ and fight scenarios (similar to : https://github.com/wraitii/0ad_grand_strat ) to the one with cities already created, to conquer the map you must defeat enemies and capture all cc or strategic points on the map for "x" minutes.
  7. MetalCore, DeathCore, HeavyMetal, NuMetal, Eletronic, Folk Music, Classic music, Samba de Raiz, Rap/HipHop brazil, Mpb, Nacional Rock, Choro, some Latin American pop music, indigenous instrumental music I'm a little eclectic.
  8. My fork github https://github.com/wltonlopes/yayoi_japan, during the week I make few updates, but on the weekend I will be more active, errors are known because it is a work in progress;
  9. If it's a Korean mercenary scout it could be on a regular horse, leave the native cavalry to the Yamatos in the future.
  10. I think the best place to hire him would be in a dock, my fear is to limit Wakoku cav to land maps, but honestly I think they must really be a civ without cavalry only limited to their mercenaries, I'm thinking of leaving their javalineers as hunters/explorers with bonuses for hunting and fast, something similar to what exists in the Zapotecs.
  11. But in this case it could be something lighter, like archer cavalry or javalineer
  12. I was already aware of this, maybe as Korean mercenaries? I like the idea and have already implemented it in parts suggested by @Carltonusfor Jomon and Aniu merc units.
  13. I will change the civ name to the new proposed name. I will make two long shields, one rectangular and one rectangular with a trapeze tip.
  14. @Lion.Kanzenso the civ's name could be Wa kingdoms / Wajin, or something more correct along those lines.
  15. Ahora entiendo su pregunta, pero debemos recordar que en ese momento no era una sola unidad política. Pienso en los reinos Yayoi/ o reinos Yamatais en plural. Tenemos reino Wa pero es en el siglo III. que realmente sería el reino de Yamatai (soy un leigo en el tema estoy usando las búsquedas del tema civ japonés, tal vez deberíamos continuar las ideas allí)
  16. Yes @Radiotraining did that too. It's a good idea, we can do that when the buildings are finished.
  17. I'm trying to recreate it based on the images from the forum, there's still a lot to be done for everyone who wants to help will be welcome especially about the civ icon and unit textures. I'll make a branch available in the repository I already have and with the original 3d file soon.
  18. Nothing a vacation with free time doesn't help. But even more about the files it's easier to find helpers when the 3d files already exist, which is already a big help. Really almost a gig of raw files is not interesting to make it available on github, but a zip file on a Drive link would be enough. And if anyone who is not yet fully familiar with the modification in 0ad wants to take this mod as a start I'm willing to help in what I can help, it will be a pleasure since I always really liked all the art that @Bigtiger created.
  19. @Stan` create a repository on github and allow access to the community can help with that.
  20. Now @wackyserious you are admin too, let's wait just a bit for @Duileoga to see the previous message about helmets, maybe he has something new, about textures can be free to merge with the current mod
  21. I can't answer about the helmets part but the textures part was already a known error and needed correction so thank you very much. I am adm of the repository and I will send you an invitation for you to participate too.
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