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Everything posted by Lopess

  1. Lopess

    Han China

    Offtop(There is also evidence of javelineers with incendiary arrows also from the year 900 -1100 I believe that the tactic was common but it was not something of note or something reserved for the lower social classes). Tomorrow I will return to Xiongnu mobile fortress. we have a lot of props to take advantage of.
  2. A draft of mine kept for some time. What do you think? @Lion.Kanzen
  3. Could you give some details on this point. What textures do you find problematic?
  4. "The female citizens don't seem to have anything indicating the player color. This may be confusing I guess." Good notes, regarding unit textures, we are hoping to finalize all textures and after that unit colors will be implemented. "Why is there a castro and a fortress? Is that not the same?" In this case it will be a special structure, Duileoga can give you more information.
  5. Está bien, haré una revisión de texturas en 3D y algunas unidades nuevas pronto, tan pronto como termine de ayudar al mod lusitano o lleguen mis vacaciones. Después de las revisiones tengo la intención de crear una civ ciudades estado andina, necesito investigar más la parte buena y tengo algunos buenos libros en casa y archivos PDF para estudiar sobre ellos
  6. https://www.academia.edu/36347875/De_cuando_los_cráneos_se_hicieron_montaña_y_mar_la_sangre_La_Guerra_en_el_Clásico_Maya_Tesis_Doctoral_ A great read, I will make some cautious reviews (mod preclassic mayas) as this is the classic period.
  7. https://github.com/0ADMods/Lusitanians_civ
  8. Extra concepts are always welcome, I only have my weekends free so far and they are quite busy, I still have the defense towers that should be more decorated. In December I will have vacations, it will still be quite busy but at least the night period will be calmer and so I can help more with Umayyads, as well as a revamp of my Mayan mod and help to the Zapotecs, and the Lusitanians of @Duileoga.
  9. Lopess

    Han China

    This camp was very good to congratulate, it reminds me how much it is possible to create new structures using only existing elements. You can create a separate mod with this mechanic, if we think about it there should be an interesting diplomatic mechanic for several civs already present in 0ad, to which in the future you can add them too.
  10. Proposal for a banner for the Zapotecos. ( I'm still researching more technologies. ) 61968-Texto del artículo-4564456557126-2-10-20181119.pdf
  11. Other features that can be considered. Military organization with the insignia of officers who would help organize the battlefield and formations. Fire attacks against enemy structures. In addition to protecting battle uniforms, they had strong ritual and psychological value.
  12. I intend to expose here a sequence of realistic technologies for the Forge (or armory) Pre-Classic Zapotec (and for Mesoamericans in general). Initially, I intend to replace a standard 0ad technology with a name and technology suitable for a preclassical Mesoamerican civilization. Then we can discuss unique technologies and in the future some Zapoteco names for them. Mesoamerican forge (Zapotec armory) tecnologics soldier_attack_melee_01 -- Secondary weapon// Chert knife. soldier_attack_melee_02 -- Improves obsidian blades. soldier_attack_melee_03 -- Improves green obsidian blades. soldier_attack_ranged_01 -- atlatl. soldier_attack_ranged_02 -- Chert arrowhead. soldier_attack_ranged_03 -- obsidian arrowhead. soldier_resistance_hack_01 -- padded armor. soldier_resistance_hack_02 -- armor padded with salt. soldier_resistance_hack_03 -- wood reinforced helmets. soldier_resistance_pierce_01 -- reinforced shields. soldier_resistance_pierce_02 -- leather reinforced shields. soldier_resistance_pierce_03 -- wood reinforced shields. archer_attack_spread -- atlatl training.
  13. Beautiful new texture for Scythians structures.
  14. Usarei esse como referencia para a cupula central no templo/CC. Talvez o barrack necessite somente de mais props de armas e escudos.
  15. Lopess

    Han China

    I can help a little with 3d if no one is available
  16. With snap is: sudo snap install 0ad On Alpha 24 there was a difficulty in launching the ppa, I'm not sure if it was resolved on this new Alpha.
  17. I don't know if I understood your question correctly, but in edit mode we can click the "A" key and everything in that object will be selected. See the .blender of the models, note that initially they are in a pink color because it will not find the texture in the indicated location, just indicate the correct location on your pc. Temporary texture, I'm using it as a base for modeling, in the future we can improve it without the need to change the 3d models a lot. arabe_b_milleniumAD.blend
  18. Only sketches for now. The third constitution was created from Stan's Blender file.
  19. Very good, I'll see how I can mix the two ideas. Stan can I use it with Temple?
  20. Lopess

    Han China

    Fork with the update. https://github.com/wltonlopes/han_china
  21. Lopess

    Han China

    Correction made, I only needed to bake the AO maps. I believe the DelendaEst @wowgetoffyourcellphone mod can use the new AO map for the Han Pagoda.
  22. Lopess

    Han China

    I'll take a look at the model, I can send a modification to github if I can fix it.
  23. Lopess

    Han China

    Is there an error in the tower AO map?
  24. Lopess

    Han China

    I'm pulling your latest changes, I already knew your repository on github I hope that soon the han can be added to alpha 26, even with my limited time I hope I can help you and m7600 as much as possible with the my limited 3d/code capabilities.
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