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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Indeed. If regen is ever committed what I would do is make stragglers (individual trees) not regenerate, but I would make groves slowly regen their wood over time when not being chopped.
  2. I would say you should both delete your copies of the mod and then redownload from the same source.
  3. If we had a spawning mechanic, a bonus could be that they periodically spawn a pirate ship (a liburnus or lembus) at their Dock.
  4. Surely it would be very simple to change them to Gallic structures.
  5. I really wish we had an ambush mechanic. I have proposed in the past how to do this.
  6. Would be great to have some Illyrian merc units for Delenda Est.
  7. I kind of agree. A cool idea for Romans would be to have 4 different Roman factions, kind of like a unique bonus: - Republican - Triumvirate (Caesar is here) - Principate - Dominate The player in game setup would choose "Romans" as their faction, but when the game launches this player can then choose one of the 4 eras of Romans. That way all the other players only know that they have chosen Romans, not which era they're playing. Can do this with a couple other factions too. For instance, the Macedonians could have the choice between two major dynasties, the Argeads (Philip, Alexander, et al.) or the Antigonids (Demetrius, Perseus, et al.). Persians can choose between Achaemenids and Sassanids.
  8. I honestly have no clue. If you both have the same versions installed, then they should be compatible. ipso facto.
  9. @Alexandermb Keep in mind, the "wings" on the side here are simply his cheek pieces hinged up for comfort.
  10. Excellent work, @Lion.Kanzen!!! @wackyserious I think the Gauls would make a fine placeholder building set. Illyrians were influenced by the Celts in the North and the Greeks in the south, near Epirus. What do you think would make their bonuses and penalties? Team bonus?
  11. The ones in Enrique's texture are pretty fancy. More for heroes. And not every set of graves need to look identical.
  12. Yeah, that's why I took the cape off of that Alexander infantry dude.
  13. I might have to pick your brain for some Scythian asstes.
  14. If there were ever any cut scenes for scenarios or campaigns, this method would actually be very nice if applied to "character" textures. Meanwhile, I'm stealing the test texture for Delenda Est! Looks great, actually.
  15. Are the grass polygons smoothed? That's one of the main issues with the current grass models.
  16. Hmm, battalions. Maybe I can switch to modding that game instead.
  17. Still says I have no permission to commit. hmm
  18. Looks like I need to be given write permission or added to the team, so that I can create a branch and therefor a pull request, so that I don't have to create a fork. whew. https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request
  19. Do I need to "join the project" via Github to allow me to push?
  20. 91 fixes for Millennium AD, but it keeps wanting me to login before pushing.
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