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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Units may be hard to distinguish because of the mosh pit combat of the game (please add battalions: BfME2), but I never really have a hard time distinguishing my units from the AI's in Delenda Est, mostly because you see one side attacking another side and there are a large number of ranged units standing afar from the mosh pit showing you a battle line and direction of attack. Also, if an enemy building is being attacked, it is likely not the enemy's units attacking it (pretty obvious). DE's more saturated player colors also help do the trick. It just seems more consistent to me to make fabric items player color, but not armor. Armor should be clear that it's armor and not just a player color shirt. That's why I would rather not have player color on helmets or head gear unless they are the decorative elements like plumes or crests. Bronze and Iron and other metals should look metal. If you are depicting a linothorax, then it is visually lost if it is covered in player color. The colors of the jackets and tunics of the Persian archer Wack posted aren't against what I just said since it's all cloth, but it would be nice that something (the kidaris hats) aren't player color too, for one thing so the units don't blend together in a sea of silky sherbet.
  3. The lack of communication seems more pronounced now since it's 10 months between alpha releases.
  4. According to the documentary film 300, he did and lost anyway!
  5. In ancient times, you didn't have to hold formation in battle, as it was useless. In ancient times, slinger soldiers were actually mini-onagers. True fact.
  6. In ancient times, banging a hammer against the ground causes mature wheat and barley to swiftly sprout. Prospolemon! In ancient times, valuable ore and precious metals were to be found in big rocks laying on the surface of the ground. In ancient times, when a tree was chopped down for wood it vanished entirely.
  7. This works. Is there a way to remove Glory from both trading and bartering?
  8. Ideally so that other mods in the future can have the maximum amount of control over any new resources they add to the game, I think the core game should allow the resource files to have flags for "trade": true and "barter": false, "tribute": etc. Basically what you suggested. That's so DE (and other mods) don't have to maintain custom variations of core javascript files.
  9. Added the coin resource to Delenda Est. Lots of changes need to be made (like tech costs and stuff), but it's in. I wish the game had a "coin purse" sound effect (when selecting coin treasures or sending tribute notification). I'll be making Blacksmith techs heavy in metal costs. I'm mulling simplifying techs at the Blacksmith too, but that's an aside. Coin will be used to buy slaves, hire mercenaries, and pay your Champions. You acquire coin through trade/barter, finding coin treasures, and taxing your villagers and merchants. Taxes can be increased or decreased, which also has a slight inverse effect on gathering rates. Right now I do it with tech pairs at the Civic Center, but it would be cool to implement some kind of slider in the far future. I converted the old "Persian" metal treasures to coin treasures, since they represent finished goods, wares, etc. Then made a new "iron weapons" actor to replace the "Persian wares" actors as the metal treasures: Metal treasures have the Anvil portrait now. Pegasus and the Golden Fleece have been converted to Glory treasures now, instead of metal.
  10. Got it working after a lot of fixing of the mod. lol. It's pretty neat. You need Delenda Est as a dependency.
  11. My guess is that Civic Centers are just being randomly assigned their names. Given one can play as Britons on a jungle or desert map...
  12. I'm getting hard crashes, sometimes just cuts to desktop with no error codes. Here's something I'm getting: Assertion failed: "0 && (L"FYI: WARN_IF_FALSE reports that a function failed. Feel free to ignore or suppress this warning.")" Location: wdbg_sym.cpp:91 (InitDbghelp) Call stack: While generating an error report, we encountered a second problem. Please be sure to report both this and the subsequent error messages. errno = 12 (Not enough memory) OS error = 8 (Not enough memory resources are available to process this command.) I have 16 GB of system memory and a GeForce GTX 1060.
  13. Hmm, some kind of antler design on a wooden shield could work nicely for an emblem. Thoughts anyone?
  14. Numerous civil wars, invasions, plagues, economic turmoil, and religious upheaval will do that.
  15. That's essentially what it would do, but with a UI (which is probs the hard part).
  16. I know the "packing" stuff for nomads is sexy and all, but after experimenting with this a lot in Atlas, I'm starting to think "packing" civs are kind of tedious to use. In DE I'm thinking of just making "nomadic" civs have these features: Buildings half cost, strength, and build time. No territory effects whatsoever Egalitarian units (male and female mix) Looting and Capturing bonuses "Ox Cart" dropsite Cavalry focus
  17. Yeah, I know. But much better for end user to make it an Atlas feature. One can also make a "POG" map where they paste all their cool little scenes, and then keep that open as a second Atlas instance and then copy and paste the little scenes over. But like I said, my "dream" system would probably be a lot better for the standard user (ie, 90% of people). lol
  18. I do this too. What we need is a true POG system (Premade Object Groups). Imagine in Atlas you go into POG mode and it loads a tiny "map" on which you can place objects. Then you save this grouping as a POG that is then added to a new sort in the object menu, which can now be placed in subsequent skirmish or scenario maps as one object (as if you're copying a pasting), or even extended to be placed by random map scripts too.
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