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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The greaves look nice, but I wonder if they are truly needed.
  2. I'd rather we just dispense with the whole Part 1 and 2 thing. After 1.0, just have WFG release a large update every 1-2 years that's basically like an expansion pack (more civs, extra features, major engine improvements, etc), with balance fixes and minor bug fixes at 2-3 month intervals.
  3. Okay, so what we need are variant files for Phalanx and Syntagma. @Alexandermb
  4. I would do this: Basic: No greaves Advanced: Greave on left leg only Elite: Greaves on both legs For Romans.
  5. All Suebian citizen soldiers -1 all armor (hack, pierce, crush), -10 cost (wood or metal), +10% speed.
  6. It's fixed. Needed the civ requirement in the pair tech.
  7. Anyone willing to make these? @Alexandermb @wackyserious? These are excellent concepts. Great work @Obskiuras. There is already a hex shield model in the game for the Celtic civs, but maybe y'all'd want a new one?
  8. These would be great mercenaries for the Suebians. Can you supply references (images and text) for each, especially the last one? I can then start to create and add them.
  9. Sheezus, this was the problem. Thank you! The error message was not very helpful.
  10. Very much like the one already in the mod! Courtesy of Millennium AD.
  11. I don't think it's an art issue, though it's possible they can have some non-art insight into things. It's definitely a tech/sim issue. So... @elexis @Freagarach
  12. Right, the files are okay, but if I'm playing as another civ and I capture an IMP civic center, then I get that reqs iterative error. It's very very strange and I'm stumped.
  13. I never got that error, but yeah, A24 should be good. I would suggest that you also install the SVN version of the game, that way you can play the latest Delenda Est from here: Github: Delenda Est
  14. I have narrowed it down to these techs for the Imperial Romans (because if I delete pair_city_cohorts from the production queue there is no error). Any ideas? romans_imperial/pair_city_cohorts: { "genericName": "Urban Cohorts vs. City Watch Corps", "top": "romans_imperial/unlock_urban_cohort", "bottom": "romans_imperial/health_regen_structures" } romans_imperial/unlock_urban_cohort: { "pair": "romans_imperial/pair_city_cohorts", "genericName": "Urban Cohorts", "specificName": { "imp": "Cohortes Urbanae" }, "description": "The cohortes urbanae (Latin, meaning urban cohorts) of ancient Rome were created by Augustus to counterbalance the enormous power of the Praetorian Guard in the city of Rome and serve as a police force. They were led by the urban prefect.", "cost": { "food": 300, "glory": 300 }, "requirements": { "all": [{ "tech": "phase_city" }, { "civ": "imp" }] }, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in City Phase.", "icon": "armor_cuirass_empire.png", "researchTime": 30, "tooltip": "Unlock the ability to train Roman Legionaries at the Civic Center.", "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" } romans_imperial/health_regen_structures: { "pair": "romans_imperial/pair_city_cohorts", "genericName": "City Watch Corps", "specificName": { "imp": "Cohortes Vigilum" }, "description": "The Cohortes Vigilum were the night watchmen, fire fighters, and police force in ancient Rome and in other large Roman cities.", "cost": { "food": 300, "wood": 200 }, "requirements": { "all": [{ "tech": "phase_city" }, { "civ": "imp" }] }, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in City Phase.", "icon": "sentries.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "Structures +1 health regeneration per second when damaged.", "modifications": [{ "value": "Health/RegenRate", "add": 1 }], "affects": ["Structure"], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" }
  15. It could be as simple as having 5 garrison slots, the "seller" slot being the first one that gets garrisoned and the "buyers" being the next 4 slots. They'd fill up the slots sequentially.
  16. In both Empires Ascendant and Delenda Est, neither the phalanx or syntagma formations show the correct animations.
  17. I did too at first, but I got used to it quickly. Funny how it elicits such an effect.
  18. So, since I added the coin resource, I've been trying to think of ways to "gather" it and came up with Market Vendors. Building a Market unlocks Market Vendors that you can build and trickle Coin resource. Eventually, I'd like to have units "gather" coin at the vendors by tasking citizens to the Vendor stalls. Need some animations for that to work though. For now, they just trickle the resource for you. I will adjust the "Market Taxes" tech to boost the trickle for the Vendor stalls. Eventually, it would be nice to have civ specific models, but for now they are generic. I want cities in DE to look lively and lived in. I think these go some way toward achieving that.
  19. I hate this aspect of the AI (I also hate the way capturing in general is setup). All of a sudden, the AI will delete 20 houses all at the same time, and no human player would do that (or at least their attention would likely be elsewhere). It also robs the human player of the hard-earned benefit of capturing those buildings. I honestly think it all needs to be rethought. Truly.
  20. Is this because of the trajectory/gravity adding force to the projectile? While the height bonus cannot currently be implemented (on hills or elevations), the wall attack bonus can certainly be implemented right now.
  21. Does the tile option need to have such thick lines? Weird.
  22. This could just be a "campaign" for the core game, but there's no one on the team to make such a decision as far as we know. EDIT: But really, all the game needs is ONE campaign and the code to support it. That will allow modders and players to make their own campaigns, which can become their own mod.io downloads. All the core team needs to do is decide which campaign they want to do.
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