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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Perhaps champions, heroes, and elite units, but all others no.
  2. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_wallset"> <Identity> <Civ>athen</Civ> <SpecificName>Teîkhos</SpecificName> <History>All Hellenic cities were surrounded by stone walls for protection against enemy raids. Some of these fortifications, like the Athenian Long Walls, for example, were massive structures.</History> </Identity> <WallSet> <Templates> <Tower>structures/athen_wall_tower</Tower> <Gate>structures/athen_wall_gate</Gate> <WallLong>structures/athen_wall_long</WallLong> <WallMedium>structures/athen_wall_medium</WallMedium> <WallShort>structures/athen_wall_short</WallShort> </Templates> <MaxTowerOverlap>0.90</MaxTowerOverlap> <MinTowerOverlap>0.05</MinTowerOverlap> </WallSet> </Entity> You can only specify one specific template for the "Tower." If you upgrade the tower to a new template, then it no longer acts as a wall connector because this new template has not been specified as a Tower in the Wallset template. Maybe extend the code to allow a list of templates there?
  3. Yeah, the wallset template is very specific.
  4. perhaps this can be added back in as a visual effect only, and only for the replay?
  5. lol, just a lot of code fixes and whatnot. I want to update, but it'll break my local copy without an autobuild. lol
  6. Whatever you do, please keep the old files, lol. Perhaps in the future the civic center actor phasing can be implemented (or the old files used for an Imperial Rome civ).
  7. I really wish we could make wall towers upgradeable (for instance, all wall "towers" just start as connectors and then the player can upgrade them to arrow towers or ballista towers or whatever). It's possible (I've done it with the Roman wall towers because you gave me the un-roofed model), but there is one main problem: the upgraded tower can no longer be used as a wall connector or end point. If we could make the game be able to recognize more than one template as a possible wall connector/joint, then that would be grand. It would allow for upgradeable wall towers and even pave the way for walls to be able to connect to fortresses.
  8. Certainly, the Seleucids had quinqueremes though (or the technology to build them). You could just put a limit on them, or unlock, or make them more expensive.
  9. Originally, war elephants were a replacement for battering rams, so they wouldn't count as Champions. That's all changed though.
  10. Nice fix! He could probably use some sleeves poking out the sides or something.
  11. There's no guarantee this would happen with 0 ad's implementation. Why would you assume so?
  12. Interesting analysis , but I really doubt lag comes from decaying dead units. It's most likely that it's pathfinding. Late game has tons of units, so pathfinding calculations grow exponentially.
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