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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Thank you. Ironically, I am wanting to add player color to a few of the textures.
  2. Errything I personally do for DE is the standard 0 A.D. licence.
  3. Nice! Everything looks nice and authentic. I acquiesced on the player color because I realized a lot of the Persian textures already had a lot of player color. I like your textures, you do an incredible job. I even used some of your new textures for DE's Kardakes. Request. Can you re-commit them has RGB color instead of indexed color? lol I can't import them to Photoshop with SuperPNG for some reason. lol Request 2: Maybe look into the Persian Female Citizen textures. They could use updating, improving, and variation.
  4. I desaturated the Ptolemy buildings in Delenda Est and nothing was sacrificed.
  5. Bro, you should keep going with this. The game is looking so nice now. Also, keep experimenting and expanding on your cliff objects. Maybe wider/taller/shaped cliff objects with some nice AO mapping (and match the current cliff textures).
  6. I've been using these texture in DE for a long time already. lol I gave the "quilted linen" textures to other units, while keeping the scale textures for them. I also have 2 versions of the Anusiya. First, they start out robed in their palace garb, then you can upgrade their armor to "Campaign Panoply" to get them as you see there. Here are my bebe bois: (One more mention of how badass they'd look in a battalion with a standard bearer dude on their right position of honor.)
  7. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Scythian_archers Should probably gather up some light/medium Scythian armor/fashion sources.
  8. Sometimes they go into "run mode" and move at run speeds, other times the run animation plays randomly with no corresponding movement rate increase. Here is a replay of the latter, where I send a cavman to scout the southern part of the map at around 3:20 and he randomly goes in and out of run animation for the next couple of minutes. commands.txt metadata.json
  9. @wackyserious I do like the textures though. Let's see them in game.
  10. Not that I'm not complaining, but sometimes some of my units get stuck in run mode and move very fast when tasked to do various tasks. Not sure if this is related to the new running code changes.
  11. Can I have this POG for my new Palmyra map?
  12. The UV mapping for the pikeman shields could be rotated about 80 degrees clockwise. It's always bothered me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Started a new skirmish map: Palmyra.
  13. Part of the problem too is that texture artists have been straying from the established formula and using saturated colors for the diffuse texture and not neutrals. Another problem is that truly units don't need 10 textures for every unit and rank. For proper visual randomization you really only need about a maximum of 4 variations (see many of the house sets), and even those should be relatively similar (don't mix linen armor variants with bronze armor variants, etc.).
  14. My point was that you could use less color if the saturation is turned up!
  15. Making so many shades or tones of the same player color #1 reduces the effectiveness of player color (I thought player color should be obvious), and #2 adds visual confusion (now it's all pureed and blended like a smoothy). If, as I'd prefer, player color was strong and vibrant (like in DE), but used selectively, then you don't get some mass of vague player color, you get visual clarity.
  16. Well, obviously if both templates are using the same Gallic actor then that actor would probably best be situated in the /gauls folder. But if it's an actor used exclusively for the Carthaginians I'm not sure if it doesn't make more sense to keep it in the Carthaginians folder. If we say that actors should go into the folder of their ethnicity (I don't necessarily disagree), then you might need more folders. Doesn't seem like a simplification to me. Again, I don't care much, but it seems like a change for sake of change and not some tangible improvement.
  17. I have a mercenary folder for the units trained only from the merc camps, yeah.
  18. The way people are putting their mods on Github makes it difficult to clone them. I have to go one step higher to clone it to desktop, but then the mod doesn't show in the list. @Bigtiger, the mod's contents should be in the top level, along with mod.json, etc. The license and readme can go with the mod contents no problem. Also, should be "dependencies": ["0ad>=0.0.23"], so the mod can be used with development version of the game.
  19. I guess I don't care either way. I mean, your reasoning is pretty thin (they are units trained by the Carthaginian faction after all; should there be a folder for every single ethnicity found in the game? Maybe, maybe not), but doesn't really affect me much.
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