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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. This was also the basis for the Persian cavalry in the Alexander film.
  2. Also the Hyrcanian cavalry for the Persians. All of these tribes are related to the Scythians I think. Could update all 3 of these units in one swoop.
  3. Meh. I prefer a more comprehensive approach from a gameplay perspective. Like AOK monasteries and "relics" vis a via "gold" resource, 0 A.D.'s relics would be horses, sheep, cattle, goats, etc. that you capture and garrison into the corral for a food trickle (or other benefit, specifically horses and camels).
  4. Turtles, ducks, swans, all on the water, etc. Also, @wraitii, shore waves could definitely be improved. The ocean water is like 99% the way there, except shore waves.
  5. Alistair has some Petra errors in DE. Now fixed in the DE github repo.
  6. I don't think the Stoa units should be champions to be honest. They should just be merc citizen-soldiers. I actually wish they were removed and the stoa used for something else other than just a barracks.
  7. I honestly don't remember why it was there. Maybe for the nomad civ from Terra Magna? Dunno. Never worked anyway if that was the case.
  8. Sorry, Delenda Est had an old copy of headquarters.js for some reason. Deleted that and got no more errors.
  9. I love these, but I honestly think they would have looked more like Lions reference. Artistic license might be okay though.
  10. In sure that could be useful, but I was envisioning some kind of template scheme where you could list child templates and frequency for each. That parent template would be what's listed in the building templates production queue.
  11. Pretty sure this one would have had cheek pieces. Nice reference tho. I like these a lot. The Hellenistic Thracian helmets are some of my favorites. Would be nice to have cheek piece variations as well. Great references for Scythians. The game really should include Scythians for variety.
  12. I don't think new players know which maps are balanced yet though. Lol
  13. Why they always pick the ugliest maps? :/
  14. Mmm guys make sure to focus on references. I have seen no reference for "XXL tee shirt" style sleeves for Greeks.
  15. I think the crown should tilt backwards over the head.
  16. Indeed. I'm not sure we need 1000 possible variations per unit either. A "linothorax" unit mesh could suffice.
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