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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The topography is perfect as far as I can see. You can even imagine Cesar's siege walls and camps up on the surrounding hills.
  2. Nah, I'm pretty sure they've deduced its location satisfactorily.
  3. The issue is one of gameplay, unfortunately. For gameplay reasons, you need nice wide open gates to allow elephants, siege engines, large numbers of troops, long lines of traders, resource-shuttling citizens, et al. to pass through. It might have even been acknowledged back in the day that gates could be more accurately presented, but the gameplay considerations do remain. It is possible to make double gates and other configurations though with some tweaking of the obstruction code (I made the Triumphal Arch passable under the arch; not exactly a good comparison, just saying I've played around with it a bt).
  4. Groovy. You need to convince WFG to use your standard. Once that's done, then you can make some patches orienting the Greek/Latin in the game to this standard.
  5. I didn't transliterate anything, I simply used the spelling used in hundreds of publications and articles. Whether that's not scholarly enough or that the traditional layman's spelling is wrong in some way, that's up to you to decide. I am not anal about whether a K or a C is used, I just want to make a fun game. I do know it matters to other people though, like yourself, so I don't begrudge that. Just know I can be of no help in this regard and I'm not even 0 A.D.'s designer or even on the official team in any way, so I can make no decisions here. If it was up to me, I'd have a toggle option to turn off <SpecificName> in the tooltips and UI, rendering the discussion irrelevant to me.
  6. This is actually so cool I wish the core game had it.
  7. This is one of my pet peeves as well. In the name of inclusion, the entertainment industry is actually using exclusion. Why make James Bond black when you can be creative and create a new awesome black agent character (maybe even make a cinematic universe out of it where 007 and this new agent frequently cross paths)? Maybe even make him come from South Africa or Liberia somewhere like that so you can include realistic socio-political or historical commentary. You know, a black African who just happens to be as sophisticated as the suave white guy from MI-6. That would be real inclusion. But no... that wouldn't sell in the Chinese market, would it? Why make another goddarn show or movie about Roman Britain (cast with random Middle Eastern and black actors), when you could have a show or film about the Kingdom of Kush? Bring something new to domestic and foreign audiences. Nope, gotta have another Roman show about a lost legion or Boudicca or Gladiators @#&#036;%ing each other.
  8. Indeed, Terra Magna could be the version of these civs that is compatible with the core game, while Delenda Est adds custom features.
  9. Ptolemies: Alexandria Naucratis Ptolemais Hermiou Rosetta Heliopolis Crocodilopolis Heracleopolis Cyrene Pelusium Gaza Arsinoe Berenice Persians; Persepolis Pasargadae Ecbatana Susa Babylon Sardis Arachosia Areia Phrada Zariaspa Jerusalem
  10. I recommend these Delenda Est skirmish maps for YouTubers: Nubian Frontier Saharan Oases Arabian Oases Alpine Valleys Autumn Fields Miletus Peninsula Neareastern Badlands Butana Steppe Tarim Basin River Oxus Coele-Syria Siwa Oasis
  11. I stole the nomads art from Terra Magna and the player played on an unfinished map. But thanks!
  12. Well, this is made up of many individual objects.
  13. For the Athenians civ: Acharnae Aphidnae Athens (of course) Cephisia Cytherus Decelea Delos Eleusis Laurium Marathon Phaeleron Piraeus Plataea Rhamnous
  14. I fear the restoration will turn into a boondoggle. So many corporations and rich people pledging donations, who will coordinate these funds?
  15. Likely InterestingLog would output exactly what is in that screenshot
  16. Sounds like less of a miracle to me and more like the fire marshals being smart and professional at what they do.
  17. On the contrary, it makes the game feel complete and polished. Keep trucking on, my wayward son.
  18. "Grid subdiv" is also a useful terrain for figuring out sizes.
  19. think of it as an innovation or evolution of Age of Empires. That's what 0 A.D. represents at the end of the day.
  20. Something like this has a footprint slightly larger than a Civic Center.
  21. Regarding "hills" needed, we can use hills, cliffs, mountains, or simply pits in the terrain -- small depressions in the terrain grid simulating an open quarry. Different maps can use different methods. Doesn't require every map to have lots of hills everywhere.
  22. I did this in DE. The current bonus is just unacceptable.
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