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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Thanks. I tried downloading the entire repository with Git Desktop but there were a bunch of errors. Is this a known issue? Also, looks like base templates need to fix the attack component. <Damage> has been introduced.
  2. Yeah, exactly. I'm already starting to add "Native" merc camps on many maps. A "Native" merc camp allows you to train units local to that map location. "Faction" merc camps are those that let you train mercs specific to your faction.
  3. I don't think any cavalry should counter elephants, but overall this is a big improvement over the current public mod. Not as awesome as Delenda Est, but awesome nonetheless. IMHO the Skiritai need a rework, but I'm not sure if that's a whole other subject.
  4. I guess what I'm saying is, let's please add those things asap. Lol.
  5. Yeah. I'm thinking every hero starts with a few standard bonuses or auras in Village Phase. You know, citizens within their aura work faster, things like that. But each phase-up brings a new aura or bonus for that particular hero or type of hero. Take Alexander for example: Phase 1: Generic hero bonuses, such as a gathering bonus aura and the standard "Garrisoned Defense" aura. Phase 2: Gains an "Anabasis" bonus that makes soldiers train faster. Phase 3: Can be upgraded to his mounted version that has a Cavalry attack and speed bonus aura, "Hammer and Anvil." Phase 4: "Imperialism" aura either makes soldiers capture enemy Civic Centers faster or gives a territory bonus to Civic Centers (his current bonus in Delenda Est).
  6. Similar to Hyrule Conquest, the big plan would be to have the player get a hero at the start of the match and they would choose which one. This is the hero they get the entire match. The hero would then appear at the Civic Center with the other starting units after choosing him/her. Inititially, the hero is in his or her standard infantry mode, with only basic administrative benefits (like gathering boosts, etc.), making most heroes nearly identical stats-wise at the start. They're still very strong units, but every player gets one, so it's more or less balanced. Moving to Phase III allows the player to upgrade them to a mount. This is when Alexander gets his horse or Chandragupta Maurya gets his elephant or Boadicea gets her chariot. This is when any military buffs and auras are unlocked. Does anyone like this?
  7. Speaking of cliffs, it would be great to have more cliff objects similar to BigTiger's but using your positioning method and full geometry (front, sides, back for max variation as you've done with the other, smaller cliff objects).
  8. They have really bad normal maps. Probably created the only way I know how, with the nvidia photoshop plugin or something similar. The best normals would be baked in Blender or 3DSM.
  9. Right, but many of the terrains in 0 A.D. are indeed 1024x1024.
  10. I think the smallest terrain resolution is currently 512x512
  11. Can you make the tabs persistent? Meaning that the UI remembers which tab was open for that unit/building?
  12. There needs to be in the tooltips the fact that units consume resources. Apparently it;'s not done with a negative resource trickle, else that would show up in the tooltips. When I attacked a sheep with my male citizens, all the male citizens ran away? Why was that? May I suggest that you combine Citizen and Slave genders like Delenda Est does? Or maybe you want this to be extra slow and more city builder-y. In which case, I think the gender roles should be more stark and more clearly defined, if you know what I mean. Else, it would be better to combine the male and female citizens into one citizen template and the male and female slaves into one slave template. I like the building tabs! But since you have pages of buildings with the tabs, you don't need the UI icons to be so small in the UI. Also, suggestion: Civic - Economic - Military - Defense, maybe in that order and named thusly. I'll make more comments if you deem these helpful.
  13. Okay, first match all my units starved to death. lmao
  14. I'm curious why you included so many art files in your mod. Seems unnecessary. I'll check the mod out though!
  15. Would you guys be willing to fix the Greek unit names specific to Delenda Est? If so, would you want a separate topic for that? @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates @Nescio
  16. It's not the resolution of the terrain textures, it's the quality and also lack of good normal mapping.
  17. Interesting discussion. Though, I agree with some there in that it's not about 2D vs. 3D, it's about art and game design.
  18. Well, the cfg in my isometric file mostly just pertains to the items needed to create the quasi-isometric view, so I don't think there would be much conflict there.
  19. Oops, basically I think it could be another "local.cfg" type file that doesn't overwrite anything. The user's local.cfg would be untouched and would itself be the "backup" if the custom file is turned off with the mod being turned off.
  20. I wonder if we can make custom configs into mods somehow. I know we can't currently, but perhaps with some changes. @vladislavbelov @elexis @Stan` ?
  21. Plus there's my user.cfg hacks that people can contend themselves with until such time as a true iso view is an option.
  22. I think it would be cool to compile a list of wants and needs for an isometric camera option. For example, on the art side, it would increased rendering performance greatly if we disable building rotation (for that authentic isometric feel) and then create isometric versions of the game models, specifically eliminating the unseen backfaces on the meshes. We could potentially eliminate 40% of the polygons/triangles rendered in-game. There could also some custom sound wants/needs depending on how a new rendering matrix affects/works with the 3D sound engine.
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