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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I think there could be a "max attackers" component in the templates just like there's a max gatherers component for trees and other resources. Gatherers focus on other nearby trees when the max is reached for the target tree. This spreads out the gatherers better and doesn't clump them on any one tree. The same could be done for combat, with one change: units can focus fire if directly tasked to by the player, otherwise they default to max attackers code. All in favor?
  2. Yeah, I don't know why the Agora wouldn't have been blanketed in market stalls and tents/canopies on any standard market day. They didn't run foot races down the middle of the Agora every day, @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates. I was a bustling a thriving market in the heart of the city. The fact that they bothered to model the Stoa of Zeus, Temple of Hephaistos, and the Painted Stoa, among other architectural notables is a big plus in my book as well. They didn't have to even go that far, since we know the masses don't care about accuracy, but they did. :) And the Acropolis isn't overly fanciful. They have the Parthenon situated correctly and wonderfully modeled and detailed, they have the Erechtheon modeled accurately. Athena Promachos is too large and lavish (by a factor of 2), but the fact they included all these details at all is great. One thing I like is how colorful everything is. Buildings have colorful plaster, people wear colorful tunics and robes. Walls are covered in frescoes.
  3. You could put a temenos around it with some statues at the entrance and all kinds of different ideas.
  4. Yes, this saved game causes crash within about 10 seconds. Running Public mod, latest exe (svn).
  5. Yep, get the error Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. You may find paths to these files at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x8C52188C) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 126 (The specified module could not be found.)
  6. Apparently, something like this may be more accurate.
  7. Athenian agora. You can see the Royal Stoa, Painted Stoa, and Temple of Hephaistos. A bit fanciful, the rear side of the Temple of Hephaistos.
  8. Please look over the map resize patch. It was looking very promising with some really handy features.
  9. Persians in isometric. (Persian Wonder: Hanging Gardens of Babylon; eventually this should be replaced with a more fitting wonder, such as the Gate of All Nations, or the Audience Hall of Darius or something. Keep the Hanging Gardens in the game though for scenarios and/or capture the wonder game mode) Capturable animals, with effects. Notice the different Yakhchall, or "Ice House" models, courtesy of @Stan`.
  10. Played a 25 min match with this patch. No crash. Will test again.
  11. I for one would like to see such a font, but I am not a typographer (lol), and not many people here are.
  12. Making the tails and manes separate objects kind of invites these kinds of issues. Now, to make proper variation with multiple horse props (like for stables or chariots) you have to make new mane and tail actors for each horse prop (with new corresponding variant names).
  13. Confirmed. Latest updates cause frequent crashes.
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