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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Yep! Definitelty an issue. Right-click to view the info dialogue should be possible no matter the state of the template.
  2. You have video references for elephants running? Or is it more about the head movements and ears flapping? As far as I know, the stride of an elephant doesn't change depending upon speed, but I can see though the elephant's head and tail looking more agitated and aggressive for sure!
  3. The only reason the Army Camp had to disable TerritoryInfluence is because it had inherited TerritoryInfluence from its parent template (template_structure_special). But if your templates don't include TerritoryInfluence at all (if template_structure_special never had it enabled), then TerritoryInfluence won't ever be enabled and won't need to be disabled.
  4. Can you make concepts for archery range and cavalry stable too?
  5. It's mainly for techs and attack bonus that they have both. But it would be relatively simple to adjust
  6. About farm cost, research Irrigation Techniques at the farmstead.
  7. The spear looks too centered for every unit that uses it, so probably a mesh reposition.
  8. Hmm, unrelated to textures, but I think that spear needs shifted forward a bit. Probably a simple reposition and re-export.
  9. Yep, an American embargo and attempted regime change comes with a cost!
  10. I agree that there may be too many blacksmith techs in DE, lol. I've been meaning to revisit them.
  11. I'd like to see the primary source for that cataphract. It just looks so different from all the other sources I've seen. Perhaps it's a later variation on the theme, during the rise of Parthia.
  12. Since the graphics have been getting some nice upgrades lately due to the efforts of the art department, perhaps we can adjust the default zoom levels a bit for the base game. I am thinking: view.zoom.min = 30.0 ; Decreased from 50 to 30 for a closer min zoom to see the excellent artwork. view.zoom.max = 220.0 ; Increased from 200 to 220 for a farther max zoom. view.zoom.default = 120.0 ; Default camera zoom not affected We could make a ticket to add a couple presets to the game as well. Standard/Near/Far, so players can choose based on their gameplay style and their computer specs ("near" zoom values help with framerate, for instance).
  13. This one is perplexing me, since the Indentity and GenericName elements look just fine in the templates. Not sure what it's barking about.
  14. Both armor textures already in-game. Now, that gorgon greave is pretty awesome. Would be good for a hero, maybe Leonidas or Themistocles.
  15. See Delenda Est for new already fixing the shoulders. The texture there is fine. Already have a prop there.
  16. I wouldn't mind giving the players 4 free (Sentry) towers at the start, like in AOM. You can then upgrade them individually to Defense Towers in Town Phase as is now. (Delenda Est does this already with 4 free wooden towers that can be upgraded to stone later).
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