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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Good video, but once again youtuber uses ugly maps. :/ lol
  2. I don't think the music should stop when using the in-game encyclopedia. Anyone else agree? See that video for example.
  3. I'm an idiot and actually paid for Fraps... I figured, meh, why not support the developer, the 30 second clips record pretty nicely with the demo... So, at about the 45 second timestamp while recording with Fraps, all of a sudden my frame rates crash to 1-5 fps. Mind you I can play the game (without recording) at 120 fps and I can record otherwise at 60 fps no problem. Except every 45 seconds the frame rate eats dirt and this lasts for a good 10-20 seconds before recovering. Anyone have any ideas what's going on and any potential solutions?
  4. Honestly, initial implementation could just have some static portraits. Later, some model/animation could be done.
  5. It would be cool to have a "helper" medallion similar to the Total War games. It would pop up and assist you by default the first time you ran a non-tutorial map. You could click X and turn it off if you want. Initially it wouldn't need any voice acting, just some text and UI elements.
  6. Yes I do. Mirage.js updated today. I checked the files at lines 27, 108, and 115 and the revisions are there. EDIT: I tested this with vanilla. Got those errors.
  7. After latest update. Sorry if I didn't catch this earlier. May have been hidden or cropped up just now, dunno. Happens when tasking to attack or capture enemy building in fow. Looks like a problem in unit_actions now. ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/GuiInterface.js line 257 TypeError: cmpHealth.IsInjured is not a function GuiInterface.prototype.GetEntityState@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:257:49 GuiInterface.prototype.ScriptCall@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:1975:1 GetEntityState@gui/session/session.js:214:21 getActionInfo@gui/session/unit_actions.js:1523:20 g_UnitActions.garrison.hotkeyActionCheck@gui/session/unit_actions.js:679:21 determineAction@gui/session/input.js:266:12 updateCursorAndTooltip@gui/session/input.js:94:16 onTick@gui/session/session.js:795:2 __eventhandler102 (tick)@session tick:0:1 ERROR: Error calling component script function ScriptCall
  8. Not to be contrarian but I don't think unit recognition is why they don't make each civs units unique. I think it's because of texture size. Readability might be an issue, true, because of the mosh pit combat.
  9. It would indeed feel kind of awkward. Imagine the Phrourion having a "Phrourion" tech, adding extra phrouriness to your Fortress. Though, I could just rename the tech. This thread is giving me lots of ideas. EDIT: Renamed my Military Shipyards to NeĊsoikoi.
  10. Hmm, I am using NeĊsoikoi for an Athenian special tech at the Shipyard. Is Naupegeion or something else okay?
  11. Okay, but that tangent was already closed and Alexander had already said exactly what you just said.
  12. Questions. I am no linguist. Would Synergeion Poliorkias work for siege workshop? Toxobolia for Archery Range doesn't work? What would be a good word for a large cult statue? For instance, such as the cult image of Athena within the Parthenon or the bronze Athena Promachus atop the acropolis? Lastly, what would be a good word for a military shipyard or harbor (Neoreion perhaps?)? Something for warships, separate from a commercial dock or harbor. Thank you.
  13. Awesome! It would be great is the AI could build walls.
  14. Forget about the field. What the Hell is happening to the PALISADE? (I have never seen the fields look like that)
  15. Unrelated, but check these out: Happens when I select an enemy building in the fog of war.
  16. Yeah, I don't see anything particularly laggy about the screenshot. Doesn't look any laggier than, say, an AOE3 screenshot.
  17. maps/scenarios/_default.xml That is the "base" map that opens in Atlas. You can edit it easily using Notepad++. Line 4 is: <Terrain patches="16" texture="desert_sand_ripples" priority="0" height="2048"/> Patches is what you want to play with. I forget what a "patch" represents (perhaps 10 or 16 tiles?), but that is the number you want to edit.
  18. I too enjoyed co-OP games in aoe2 back in the day.
  19. At one point it was desired to make the palace at Pella into the Macedonian wonder, if a bit embellished and fancified.
  20. I don't think it would be that much work. All that needs to be done is make 1 tag in the templates togglable viewing in the GUI code.
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