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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. What happens is the building almost always snap rotates 180 degrees.
  2. The buildings rotate to a backward angle when snapping instead of maintaining their default angle.
  3. I used the purest of the color codes for each. So, the bluest blue and the reddest red and the yellowest yellow, etc. 255 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 255 etc.
  4. That left panel thing has been an issue for a long time now. I have to manually resize it every time.
  5. This is what happens. I get good ideas and then years later a commercial game implements them.
  6. Odd that the error code doesn't make mention of the offending texture file....
  7. Human emotions are difficult to process for some people.
  8. If there were ever to be separate civs, then there would need to be separate reference threads for each civ so that they don't get mixed together and the discussion can be focused.
  9. For walls I think a different solution would be best. We should be able to set multiple objects (wall towers for instance) as end points in the wallset template. Right now you can only designate 1 (as far as I know, I experimented with this unsuccessfully many moons ago). So for instance you should be able to set a stone wall tower as a possible endpoint in the palisade wallset xml file (while you wouldn't do vice versa). I use "endpoint" as the word because I don't have access to the game code at the moment for the proper term.
  10. I think Parthians and Sassanids each need their own topics.
  11. You know it will be an issue for Part 2, then why not fix it now. Anyway you guys are missing the point. Of course the Sassanids would use the sass or sasa civ code, but then you would continue to call the Achaemenids "Persians" with the "pers" code? If we planned to add multiple Macedonian civs then using "mace" for the civ code would be problematic yes? Athenians and Spartans don't both use "hele". And even if you kept the civ codes the same and just changed the civ name, the GUI would not sort the civs correctly as I've stated. For some reason the gui sorts civs by code and not name.
  12. So, the game currently has the Persian civ with these naming characteristics: "Name": "Persians", "Code": "pers", This will (could) become problematic in the future with the introduction of the Sassanid Persians, for a couple reasons. Firstly, now you have 2 Persian civs and naming one of them simply generic "Persians" and the other specific to its dynasty wouldn't work very well aesthetically. Secondly, the game's UI lists civs by their "Code" instead of by their "Name" (perhaps that should be changed regardless), meaning that even if you renamed the current Persians to "Achaemenid Persians" the UI lists it under 'P' for the "pers" code. So, I suggest a couple things: The current Persians be renamed to the Achaemenid Persians The current Persians be recoded to "achae," (yes, templates and artwork too) and The UI code be changed to list civs by their Name rather than by their Code in drop down lists and elsewhere.
  13. I haven't kept the mod up to date the past few months. It's possible unitai is out of date again or something. EDIT: I just need that controllable animal ai patch committed and I can finally get rid of the unit ai file from the mod.
  14. IIRC, the blend file had an older version of the animation. Oh well.
  15. The old attack anim was so much better.
  16. https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/4aggzm/civilization-and-strategy-games-progress-delusion
  17. Yeah, the fire and smoke is definitely enough of an improvement.
  18. @The Undying Nephalim just ask for a sub forum already bruh.
  20. Hmm. "Real size" here is overkill and will likely be detrimental to gameplay, not to mention look super weird next to buildings and ships. It's cool af of course, but do you intend to make Wonders real size? Trees? Ships? Cliffs? Mountains? How about army sizes? 300 pop after all.
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