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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. It's not bad, but you get these weird effect of your units being scattered to the wind chasing down fleeing archers. There needs to be some work done on the fleeing behavior to mitigate this effect.
  2. Lol. On one hand everyone wants new stuff, but get angry when things change. I would say A24 was an aberration in that the changes were reductive rather than additive. Those new features that were added were often not pushed to their full capacity, so felt inconsequential.
  3. The concept in DE is quite mature as well. Besides some renaming and a few other things, the concept is rdy to plug into EA whenever. It'll affect balancing so will need some balance work when implemented.
  4. Absolutely! Atlas needs Flora/Forest brushes, Wall Builder (click-drag like the game), a "beautify" feature.
  5. Yeah, I see there is no jav cav shield base variant. Hmm base_javelin_relax base_javelin_fast are the only 2 options. Hmm
  6. I think the animation isn't quite right. Other "aspis" cavalry animations don't have this clipping.
  7. Not sure what they're called in game, but they can be seen in Atlas if you want to take a look. Go to Actors and filter "helmet"
  8. I figured giving them Greco-Italian helmet types would drive home the Tarantine origin, but in truth they'd probably wear the helmet types that prevailed in the respective states in which they served.
  9. Yes. Tarantine Cavalry are skirmish cav who use shields (while other skirmish cavalry types didn't use shields). First adopted by the Greek city of Taras (Tarentum), and then quickly adopted by other Hellenistic states.
  10. As you can see the standard aspis clips through their arms, unfortunately.
  11. No, it just means I have an actor available if WFG wishes to use it. Lol
  12. Athenians Britons Carthaginians Epirotes Gauls Han Chinese Iberians Imperial Romans Kushites Macedonians Mauryas Persians Ptolemies Romans Scythians Seleucids Spartans Thebes Xiongnu Zapotecs
  13. Is that a real problem? The AI names generally mean nothing (though, I have a proposal to make them mean something, but that's a different thread). Seems like the minimum number should probably be 8, just in case someone wants to watch 8 Persian AIs fight, as an example.
  14. No, only a few instances of Spartan women rising to the occasion to defend the homeland. For instance, after the Spartan army was defeated by Pyrrhus of Epirus, the defeated Spartan men rested that night while the Spartan women built a palisade around the city to fend off Pyrrhus' army the next day.
  15. I mean, it wouldn't be a huge deal to just remove 3 ai names per civ. They have plenty others.
  16. I think the really wide one could be reduced in size, agreed. Though, don't the gatherers cast a silhouette?
  17. They have a good mix of citizen soldiers and mercenaries, plus War Elephants. Kind of like a mix between Ptolemies and Macedonians. Republican Romans are based on the Punic Wars era (aka "Polybian era"), during the 3rd and 2nd century BC. The Imperial Romans are based on the high imperial era of the 1st and 2nd century AD.
  18. I suppose it doesn't matter, but it seems weird that your enemy's name is Seleucus the Cowardly, while at the same time you're training him as a hero.
  19. She could look a little like Athena. Maybe that could be her upgrade. Capture a factional merc camp. Spartans get Cretan Archers.
  20. Better take this one out, since it's already the name of a hero.
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