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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Hmm, seems like in a Scenario it should probably be configurable by the map file? Or extend it to be overridable (word? lol) by the map?
  2. I have an idea! Battalions. We can add flanking and routing and more interesting combat while not overwhelming the player with too many entities to manage. https://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est/news/battalions-and-formations
  3. ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/common/mod.js line 9 Script value conversion check failed: v.isString() || v.isNumber() || v.isBoolean() (got type undefined) hasSameMods@gui/common/mod.js:9:16 loadFile@gui/gamesetup/Persistence/PersistentMatchSettings.js:28:4 onLoad@gui/gamesetup/Controllers/GameSettingsController.js:87:76 SetupWindow@gui/gamesetup/SetupWindow.js:59:11 init@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:47:18 onPress@gui/pregame/MainMenuItems.js:90:13 performButtonAction@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:77:9 pressButton@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:63:10 ERROR: GUI page 'page_gamesetup.xml': Failed to call init() function
  4. Might be fanciful, but a large wooden horse was my idea. Horses (and other animals of the steppe) were sacred to them, as shown in their artwork and jewelry. A huge wooden horse would be "permanent" enough for a wonder, but impermanent enough to have wasted away due to time.
  5. My position is that it should be added to the game so I don't have to add it to Delenda Est. It's a nice feature, and one I think AOE2 had back in the day. I'm not sure why elexis was so hard core against it.
  6. Well, to be honest none of the game's buildings are adapted to look good on an Arctic/Polar/Winter map.
  7. I have noticed that soldiers sometimes don't go on to the next tree, likely because they are assigned to a formation. Formation controller/UnitAI conflicts and makes the soldiers stop gathering after the first target is depleted?
  8. Ptolemaic Cretan Archer (left) vs. Seleucid Neocretan Archer (right) Possible updated look for Seleucid spear cav?
  9. I can't wait to see videos with the new biomes!
  10. You should merge the pull request in your Git repo. It'll make it easier for players to play your campaign as a mod they can turn off and on.
  11. Agreed. The mod selection screen looks pretty convoluted and unintuitive.
  12. Scenario maps would theoretically have triggers, locked teams, locked civs, storylines, locked victory conditions, specific starting resources, objectives, etc. Skirmish maps allow the flexibility of random maps, by allowing players to choose their civs, victory conditions, starting resources, and a few other options, while allowing the designer to sculpt a great-looking map in Atlas.
  13. Siege Towers combatted units on walls so that ladders could be brought up. We need ladder teams.
  14. Well, one guy asking about something doesn't make it s problem. An hourglass might look like a bone. Lol
  15. I would say most of the old terrains won't be compatible with the newer stuff, but there are some here and there which I'll poach for the terrain update. Excellent! You've been a big help so far.
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