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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Yeah, stone "mines" can look like quarries or something like this:
  2. In Delenda Est, capturing ruins could give a trickle of glory, but in the base game what benefit would there be?
  3. Hey, good choice of terrains and assets! Using a MOBA style map as inspiration is a good idea. Attack lanes, sneaks, etc., are generally signs of a good map.
  4. I think one of the defining characteristics of a cheat unit or Atlas unit is that it doesn't necessarily have to be "balanced." They're only there for fun and to show what the game can do.
  5. I use 'The Governor' for the Imperial Romans.
  6. If we chose Yangtze (or YangZi), I could include the ChangJiang map from Delenda Est into the maps update.
  7. I don't know. For a lot of our buildings, the rear of the structure is too bland.
  8. This is indeed possible. The file should just be like this: identity_delendaest.js with the lines I'd want to change in it.
  9. In simulation/components/identity.js, the schema outlines the classes and visible classes. They include gigantic lists of possible classes. In a mod which adds new classes to its entities, is it necessary to mod the identity.js schema to include the new classes?
  10. How can I make an omnipresent sound be heard by all players? I am making new death sounds for heroes and I want everyone to know when a hero is killed. This does not work: <SoundGroup> <Omnipresent>1</Omnipresent> <HeardBy>everyone</HeardBy> I do not know the options for "HeardBy" component and I can't find the component or js file where the schema is kept.
  11. Rear guard action? Sounds like a good time!
  12. Can you make an A25 version? The A24 version bugs out. ERROR: Error in timer: ReferenceError: g_GameAttributes is not defined getGameDescriptionList@gui/common/gamedescription_CartographyMode.js:9:6 getGameDescription@gui/common/gamedescription_CartographyMode.js:237:37 updateCaption@gui/gamesetup/Pages/GameSetupPage/Panels/GameDescription.js:51:62 updateTimers@gui/common/timer.js:61:8 onTick@gui/gamesetup/SetupWindow.js:105:3 @gui/gamesetup/SetupWindow.js:55:64
  13. Correction: I will add this tower as a special building for them in Delenda Est. It's up to y'all if it's added to the EA version of the Han.
  14. Thanks. I think then if the plaster section is used on anything, then it will match up nicely with the rammed earth section.
  15. Halfway between the 2 would be good. lol But AO settings should be consistent across the buildings of the set. May need @Stan`'s help or @LordGood
  16. I think that's much better, and I like how you added the water staining from the other section. Anyone else?
  17. I think the rammed earth section in the bottom right should be closer in color to the plaster texture in the upper right. The 3rd super tower could be another special building for them. Perhaps a build limit of 2 or 3 in City Phase, and uncapturable (gotta destroy it).
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