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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I wanted stone and metal icons to be 2 completely different colors.
  2. I think it was a conscious choice, but one that could go either way.
  3. Icon Shape = Representation Temples = Wonders Diamonds = Civic Centers/Military Colonies Yellow Nuggets = Metal Mines Gray Blocks = Stone Mines X Marks = Relics Squares = Mercenary Camps (Delenda Est)
  4. I'd like the shore waves fixed first. Water color depth looks fine already. Now, reflection color could use some work and water surface shadows (from ships, shore trees, etc.) stronger and affected by ambient color.
  5. It could be a timed thing, so micro isn't completely eliminated. Perhaps 20 seconds. After that time, they go back to targeting nearest enemy.
  6. Is there a ticket or diff for this? Seems like a basic multiplayer lobby feature that is sorely missing.
  7. Agreed wholeheartedly. In addition to "Attack Ground" I would like an "Attack Group" option that keeps your units attacking the enemy units you've selected within a radius, so that if they move around they're still targeted. "Attack Ground" would leave your troops shooting at an empty space if the enemy soldiers moved out of the area. The only other option is to boost the pierce resistance of all melee troops, which will have unintended knock-on effects.
  8. Luckily, the translation for Rice Paddy is "verified" by Google Translators:
  9. Google Translate says "rice paddy" = "Dàotián" in Traditional Chinese. Would this be correct?
  10. This may be because it is the only "Champion Cavalry Swordsman" in the base game. The parent template may need a small nerf. A small reduction in Pierce attack to make it less effective against units, while maintaining its effectiveness against buildings? I think as long as a unit type can't be used exclusively and requires some kind of backup, then its strength can be justified. Them cav swords again...
  11. So, I think the "temple" icon would be the Wonder. The "diamond" would be civic centers. In that image, you see an orange player civic center, a blue player civic center, and an unclaimed Gaia civic center. The gold square is metal ore, and the gray blocks are stone quarries. There will need to be some logic to prevent a bunch of overlapping stone and metal icons when the "small" mines are used on the map. So, a group of "small" metal mines are only represented by one icon; similarly a group of small stone outcrops would only be represented by one stone icon.
  12. Some of these are nicely done. They at least fit with the rest of the style. I will say the Great Khan Statue wonder is absolutely trash and should be remodeled/replaced in the first patch. The model looks like it's literally just a unit mesh scaled up by a factor of 100. It's terrible. Notre Dame looks super nice, but the video maker didn't bother to show us the world-famous iconic front façade. lol
  13. I am currently making a 4-player Gallic Highlands and eventually a 6-player Gallic Highlands skirmish maps. They'll be ready for A26.
  14. What I meant was, one can "test out" differing mine placement schemes by trying the skirmish maps more. Seems like folks are wedded to their current build orders with the mines plunked down next to the CC, when if you try the skirmish maps you will see that slightly tweaked build orders do not ruin the game.
  15. Fanatical perseverance with more than a hint of madness.
  16. I was just kidding with Stan. He knows I would prefer more assets in the game, even as Atlas objects, than fewer, and even if they are slightly out of time period (Britons/Boudicca shouldn't be in the game, but here we are). It could be a separate building, acting like a super tower, making it a strategic choice on its placement.
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