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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. @Freagarach-willing, Delenda Est will have battalions by default... eventually. Then you'll have battalion vs. battalion battles instead of some weird mosh-pit hybrid.
  2. The Iberians Lusitanians-Celtiberians-Iberians Above: Iberian hero selection (4th hero will be Retógenes) Above: Iberian Citizens (left), Iberian Forced Laborers (right) Above: Caros (left), Indibilis (right) Above: Viriato the Lusitanian (left), Iberian Priestess (right) Above: Devotio champion (artwork by Joan Francesc Oliveras Pallerols)
  3. Its already in svn. Right, but it is largely broken.
  4. Delenda Est released for A25 (an updated, even better release will come in the next few weeks with more fixes and more stuff for A25) https://0ad.mod.io/delenda-est Better Scouting released for A25 https://0ad.mod.io/better-scouting-mod Two-Gendered Citizens released for A25 https://0ad.mod.io/two-gendered-citizens Theban Greeks released for A25 https://0ad.mod.io/theban-greeks
  5. I choose Second Temple because it's more within the game's timeframe. It was impressive, just not as large as the Colossus of Rhodes.
  6. I think a "Capture the Wonder" game mode would be awesome. So, on certain random maps, a game setup option would be available to choose a "Capture the Wonder" victory. This is different from a standard "Wonder" victory; it would place a "Wonder of the World" at the center of the map, and the player or team who can capture and hold it for a specified amount of time wins the game. Like a "Wonder" victory, the time duration can be chosen by the game host. The random map script could have a "<capture_the_wonder/>" flag that enables this, so that it can be available on a map script-by-map script basis (some map scripts would probably be unsuitable for this game mode by their design. As an aside: If "Capture the Wonder" is implemented, I'd suggest renaming the standard "Wonder" victory to "Build a Wonder" or something similar. Your thoughts on such a game mode/victory condition? For discussion of possible Wonders, go here:
  7. For a potential "Capture the Wonder" victory, or even to just add some cool buildings to the map editor, a list of world "wonders" could be appropriate. This thread can serve as discussion and as a place to link various tasks. Possible Wonders Hanging Gardens of Babylon COMPLETED The Persian civ's wonder replaced with the Apadana of Darius Mausoleum of Halicarnassus COMPLETED Already in-game as an Atlas-only structure Stonehenge COMPLETED Already in-game as an Atlas-only structure The Great Pyramids of Giza As they would have looked in the year 1 B.C. 3 large pyramids That there are 3 could perhaps add a different dynamic to the game mode Capture all 3? Capture 2 out of 3? Capture only 1? Task Thread Statue of Zeus at Olympia Task Thread Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Task Thread Colossus of Rhodes COMPLETED Task Thread Lighthouse of Alexandria This would double as a "Wonder of the World" and as a Ptolemaic wonder Task Thread Athena Parthenos Task Thread Athena Promachus Task Thread Pantheon of Agrippa Task Thread Flavian Amphitheater, aka "The Colosseum" This would double as a "Wonder of the World" and as an Imperial Romans wonder Task Thread Circus Maximus Task Thread Ishtar Gates of Babylon Task Thread The Great Sphinx at Giza As it would have looked in 1 B.C. Task Thread Second Temple (of Jerusalem) Task Thread Temple of Bel Task Thread Wikipedia Colossus of Nero Task Thread Wikipedia
  8. Tabs are 1 click. Drop-down is 2. Might make a difference to streamers/casters.
  9. Skiritai. They're your fast flankers and ranged-infantry killers (give them extra pierce armor, with less hack armor), while the Spartiates are your tanks who kill melee things (uber hack armor).
  10. Not a bad idea, but I think there's a "catch-22." A large cash tournament like this would bring a lot of new interest and expand the multiplayer community, but at the same time, since the community is so small, there is already a small group of top players that would more than likely monopolize the top 3 cash-winning slots.
  11. He does function similarly to Han Ministers, doesn't he?
  12. I guess the point is the gameplay element. One could rationalize it in any way necessary. lol
  13. Could have Mycenaean/Minoan ruins for Greek maps. Assyrian ruins for Middle Eastern maps. Etc.
  14. You're okay. I think "control point" victories are fine, as long as they're a game setup option (and not on by default). "Shrines" could still have a gameplay effect (in DE they could trickle glory, for example), even if the control point victory is not enabled by the host. I think biomes could have different "shrine" models. Sahara and Nubia biome shrines could be based on the current Ptolemaic temple actor. Those actors are based on sacred complex "kiosks" anyway, not actual temples. In an Italian map, the shrine would be based on the Temple of Vesta. In a Greek map, I think the shrine would look like the Temple of Athena Nike or the "Athenian Treasury" at Delphi.
  15. I don't think "too much turtling" is a problem with this game.
  16. I will see what they say. Thanks for the replies. Ill get back to you.
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