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  1. 0 A.D. Social Media Accounts (We need you!) I’ve been given the lovely honor to curate 0AD’s social media accounts. In this capacity, I would love to invite every forum member here at the Wildfire Games Forums to take a look at our current accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Mastodon. As you may know, 0 A.D. is completely free, libre, open source and volunteer based. No wages are paid in the development of this game and there is no budget for marketing. Exposure for this project is made up almost entirely of word-of-mouth advertising. We, the fans, are the developers of this game, both here on the forum, as well as on other platforms like trac, phabricator, GitHub and IRC. Together, we are all contributing towards the development of this game, however large or small those contributions may be. Every like, comment and share contributes towards the future of this game that we have all grown to love. The more people know about this game, the higher the odds that we will attract more developers in various fields from programming to art and translations. So, if you haven’t given these pages a visit yet, please take a look. And maybe give us a like https://facebook.com/play0ad/ https://twitter.com/play0ad https://instagram.com/play0ad.official/ https://mastodon.social/@play0ad (open source social media) Other media accounts worth checking out are: The Spanish language 0 A.D. Facebook page: https://facebook.com/0adfanslatino/ (managed by Lion.Kanzen) Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/play0ad (release trailers and original 0 A.D. music tracks) Our Bandcamp site: https://play0ad.bandcamp.com (0 A.D. soundtrack) 0 A.D. on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/0ad/ Another reason I open this topic, is to receive community suggestions, feedback and comments about our accounts. And remember, there is also a lovely thread called “Your screenshots”. Don’t be shy to post some nice shots there. The ones that are exceptionally pleasing to the eye might receive a feature on our platforms. Our current followers, January 11, 2020: Instagram: 3 Mastodon: 22 Twitter: 3537 Facebook: 11,834 As Stan` the Man aptly pointed out to me recently: "" Some free promotional art (Click the image, then click it again to open the original sized file in a new window): Hero Portrait by JustinOperable, backdrop by LordGood. Ashoka the Great: Hero Portrait by JustinOperable, backdrop by LordGood. Hannibal: Hero Portraits by Victor Rossi, backdrop by LordGood. Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Queen Amanirenas: Remember, 0 A.D. and the Pyrogenesis game engine aren't just free. They are libre software:
  2. Another free-to-play using our graphics as advertising. So much coincidence.
  3. Facebook now allows to add short videos instead of a static image in the banner. Example: https://www.facebook.com/exorstudios/ From what I have read (I am not 100% sure of these details), it can be 20-90 seconds long and should be at least 820x312 pixels (but maybe Facebook resizes the video to fit the banner dimensions). I just think that you could also add a nice battle video on your https://www.facebook.com/play0ad/ page. PS: avatars can also be (7 seconds) animated GIFs.
  4. Hello. Could it be possible to add other social media icons on the front page ? https://www.reddit.com/r/0ad/ https://www.youtube.com/user/play0ad https://www.gamereplays.org/ needs to be created (see also : link ) and why not icons for - forum - irc channel
  5. Hello I noticed you were searching for a Social Media Manager. Facebook announcement here: Are you still looking for someone ? Because I think you really need someone to actively work on your social media promotion.. Hense my posts: - here (about making social media icons more visible), - and this one (about allowing players to upload replays on GameReplays.org), - and this one (about moving the bug tracker to Github, a much more used and efficiant bug tracker). Just being stared a lot could make you reach the top on the list of games engines) I am so surprised that you don't have more players, more contributors (devs, artists, testers...). Also, posting news about development updates on these Facebook groups wouldn't hurt making 0AD more known: - https://www.facebook.com/groups/RTSgameslovers/ - https://www.facebook.com/groups/IndieGameDevs/ I don't know why this makes me upset but I think your game is too good to stay in the shadows of net.
  6. 0 A.D. Group on Facebook I wanted to let you know that I created an open 0 A.D. Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/0adgroup I think it will be a good way to spread the word about 0. A.D. and provide the community another way to stay in touch and a place they can exchange their thoughts, opinions, screenshots, etc. Think of it as ‪#‎0ad‬ (the IRC) but on Facebook. An excerpt from what I wrote in the group itself: " Why not the official 0 A.D. Facebook page? - Because pages are all about the Brand, and groups are all about the Community. Your posts are the center of attention here, feel free to talk about anything that's related to 0. A.D. or its time period. Why not the official 0 A.D. forums? - I feel as if a Facebook group can give 0 A.D. much more exposure and spread the word about the project better. The official page is good in this aspect too, but as I pointed out earlier, it has a different, more centralized mechanism. " This is not intended to draw attention away from the official page or the forums, rather the opposite. See you there!
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