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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. There are multiple factors to take into account. Some updates require a lot of changes on our end, so that takes time, some have unintended side effects, some are okay, but distributions changed in the meantime. And since the whole game relies on it, and all Oses must have the same version it can be a bit tricky to get it right.
  2. They would, graphic backends do not affect replays. (The mod you have to install maybe)
  3. @Ceres Do you know how many sound cards the NU PC has ? You could try setting different ones as default and see what happens.
  4. Maybe that could be computed by using the report of the players, e.g if you get half the reports the other guy loses honor points?
  5. Sorry X) http://docs.wildfiregames.com/templatesanalyzer/
  6. We might not have a macOS Vulkan build for A27 it depends on whether we manage to compile or find binaries for MoltenVK. Selecting two hundred units is slow. You can try moving them and keeping them selected, and moving them and deselecting them. You'll see it's faster. When selected, we gather a lot of information about all the buttons, things they can build etc, and that's slow.
  7. If you run into cases where vulkan doesn't work with the game yeah running it into the docker could be nice
  8. The person who tested was on arch. Maybe you can request an updated package ?
  9. No it should not have affected it whatsoever
  10. We currently don't know who is online in a game. You might be only online on the lobby. The game is happening on the host's computer so there is no information that comes back to us. I suppose that could work @user1 @Dunedan @rossenburg but how much time? It might be a very long game?
  11. You need a dedicated server because it's the host that sends the ratings. If the host quits, gets ddosed or whatever nothing is sent. There has been some work there but it has gone stale.
  12. Have you tried BoonGUI? https://github.com/LangLangBart/boonGUI
  13. I miss the war dogs with chainmail ^^"
  14. Refs : [Differential] D4893 Fix SM bug 1739486 + Cleanup of outdated SM patches (wildfiregames.com)
  15. In theory defining REBUILD=false might work but I'm not sure it's passed correctly down the line (might also create new bugs due to leftovers). I really need to improve the scripts.
  16. There is none currently but you can still try. Maybe using podman and an actual docker image would work. We have some to build on the CI. Yeah and that's the issue. String.h and string.h are two different files, but your OS think it's the same
  17. @s0600204 check irclogs's discussion of today https://irclogs.wildfiregames.com/%230ad-dev/2023-01-15-QuakeNet-%230ad-dev.log Basically Debian and Fedora decided to replace posix_prefix by posix_local, and that caused a mess for some packages, including virtual env.
  18. Oh wait you're using WSL2... Compiling there has never been done before. And you are running into Windows being case insensitive. Why don't you compile using MSVC on Windows ?
  19. What version of GCC do you have ? What OS are you on? What Python Version do you have?
  20. Hello, Please look at this video. Or install the community mod.
  21. If you only change one thing you need to change the name eg add ~ at the beginning. Else it will override the whole file.
  22. Well those aren't components, they are GUI files, so either they have a functional style or they use ES2015 class syntax. To override them you need to create a file that will be called after the one you wanna change and just add the variables you wanna change.
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