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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Oh didn ´t know that. If my tree is okay though i could make others that are on the list.
  2. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18888#entry294620
  3. I noticed there were no willows in the game so here are three variations. Credits : - Enrique for the lights - Wikicommons for the leaves (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bloedel_Reserve_Willow_Tree.jpg) - The game for the trunk.
  4. If we have that probability, we'll need to take in account the probability ancient tunnels leading to behind the walls exists. if such a thing exist then a building should be built on the other side, making the units able to pass.
  5. Not bad at all you have five days to make it better. I'll repeat my advices i said to Swamp gremlin
  6. Did you make big screenshots ? You can resize them in paint to something like 2000*1500 and export them to jpg.
  7. Is that possible to be a secondary feature ? Maybe something hardcore players can turn on and off.
  8. That's what I though too, so I suggested making it a mod
  9. I would be for, though, that might be a little complex to manage. Maybe make a mod about it ?
  10. Don't you think that would only make sense if we had a lot of different ressources ?
  11. That sounds quite complicated my friend. Would you mind trying to make mine smaller and try to prop it ?
  12. If this is too much hassle, IIRC, north chinese used to cultivate wheat, so we could use the default field
  13. *Stan hopes it's better. http://imgur.com/IZ2kNsD
  14. I changed the armature, to add ears and mouth, cause the old one didn't have one. I'll try to make the pig texture, and model use the same armature scheme, to save some time. About the texture, i'm not used of organic stuff, so I had to work out how seams worked. I'll see what I can do for the anims. Need some help to figure out the mechanic look of them though.
  15. If you give me a reference or something I could maybe work something out for you.
  16. It was the latest custom build I could do
  17. I can do something with the top floor of the towers but Îd keep the third florr as is for garrisoning in the movie the leader are here and in the picture an archer is there.
  18. I ´ll try all that then... What bugs me actually is that we make an historically ac urate game taking a ay some of the historic features.
  19. Okay so 1 fix stretching 2 size 1/2 the towers I ´ll believe in me the day i ´ll deserve to teach people and start doing stuff like you guys.
  20. Indeed it was latest revision on that day. What does these errors reveals ?
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