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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. So here is the final blendfile. =) HorseTrial3.7z You now have the two horses rigged, and ready to be exported for the game. Here is a patch for those who want to try it. =) Horse & Horse New.diff And here is a little screenshot for the forum lurkers. As you can see it's more a different variety of horse than a real improvement, but the new horse has more details. When I have time I'll try to make the same with new units, so you can finaly use them.
  2. A few time ago I discovered that an old placeholder horse with better geometry was added in the game. I afterwards learned it was made by Enrique and was the last survivor, since he lost his pen drive. So I managed to get the old armature of the horse and make a blendfile so we could export it to dae again (For now anims are in PSA/PMD) For now I have been able with a little tweak from the XML to reexport the horse with blender, with four anims (Walk, Run, Death, Idle) I will maybe add the attack anim afterwards. So you might ask what the point ? Well the armature will prevent from having to redo all the anims for the new horse, which considering the amount of artists active on those forums, is really a timesaver. And offcourse make the game a little more beautiful is always nice. So here is the Blendfile, if someone feels like adding new anims in Blender he can now do so. HorseTrial2.7z For those who want to try : Horse.diff What's next ? I will rig the new mesh that I already textured with this armature, and everybody will have a new horse. If the results are okay, I will do it with the new units mesh until Enrique makes all the anims. PS : This was helpful in the process : https://developer.blender.org/T27426
  3. Found this today : http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9422&hl=frank
  4. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Maybe defense tower, and fortress(Optional)
  5. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    For the norse I don't think so =)
  6. What about making it have a king, like in the regicide game, which would have an aura that would severly advantage the player while he is alive, but would do the inverse if he is dead ? Also, Cavalry. The carolingians were so strong because of that, that should be the key feature.
  7. I fully agree with you, Maybe we should all take time to read and reread, the vision and see what it lacks. We could make a list of things that should be but aren't, things that aren't but should be, and finally, make sure everyone is going towards that vision. I will repeat, but this is why we need a Leader.
  8. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Still the storehouse to do ^^
  9. Maybe it's time to have a #4... I can totally understand how it can be time consuming and cause arguments especially if your bride doesn't have the same atitude toward the activity... Yeah Indeed, he has done a great job and still does. You are also the founder I guess that counts a little ^^
  10. Totally forgot to answer Can you detail the baking part please ? This is looking great, I never use arrays ^^
  11. The question isn't wether it's good or bad, there is always someone that's not going to like it. The question is more about synergy. I wasn't there when you were at the lead, but I know for sure that Michael did add something to the game. He might have made bad choice, as we all do, but he made choices, which is exactly the thing we need right now. I mean yes, it could go on like this. But I think it shouldn't. I think we need to find someone to take Mythos place, as Feneur is the best for all the Administrative stuff, and can't also manage the game right now, but I could be wrong. I have many times seen contributors leave because of lack of presence, which is to be expected due to the nature of the project, but surely could have been avoided. How did they elect the project Leaders in the past ? I bet you are not willing to come back are you ?
  12. You can set other players to unasigned Also, could you give the time where the bug is ? Not everyone can watch a 30 minutes video
  13. Hello Plautius, Welcome to the forums !
  14. Wow Wijitmaker used to write a lot back in the days ^^ There are not really places for discussion, and I like stuff set in stone =)
  15. The good thing to do would be to include the trac wiki into the game...
  16. Okay let's assume community advice is bad which is a little weird on a community game but whatever. I think we should then look at the original plans: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Design_Document and see what we are missing and what we have that we should'nt. If you don't know where you are going look where you are from. I see a lot of features than we lack and only capturing that is added. Maybe I'm wrong but we are still on trac. I thibk what we need is someone to lead now.
  17. Depends on the map type Mind to share your maps ?
  18. Indeed a lot of players seems to like it. Could be an alternate balancing. Best would be a vote
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