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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. That's weird. I was thinking I could do some plants, maybe Enrique would accept to get in the game. Do you have anything you'd need ? (I don't know reed, corn etc.)
  2. I sent an e-mail to Enrique, Lordgood and Pureon, telling them about all the tickets This one is about the Pers CC, it's a recurrent one with carpet flickering. Pureon did move some but apparently it's still there: This one can be closed now that we have the rotary mill, thanks to Enrique and myself : This one requires a design decision, or a beautiful Lordgood tower remake. (Keep in mind gauls were not supposed to have towers) I submitted some patches to fix it (Make it both garrison holders, or none) : This one is a long term one but I added some files that can be deleted : Brian suggested a way to improve ships. Since it's a very long simple work, it could be added to beginners tasks. I put it here so you know about it : These tasks are finitions it's about helmets, You can review them in the official art task thread I think, I made the list, so we can close them, or I can improve my helmets. Enrique could you please review my last archer anim, someone told me it was way better but I wanted your advices. I plan to make it a bit longer to add little pauses, and to make it like it is hard to bend the bow. Thanks for reading. I know I'm not in the team but I thought that could help you guys. If I can do anything more (Close/Open Tickets, work on specific tasks, tell me).
  3. That picture bugs me... It lacks something... Variation of texture maybe ? We really need decals like this :
  4. Could you attach the logs ? (You could have an hybrid Nvidia/Intel card) and that sometimes causes issues.
  5. I ´d suggest you drop by IRC and ask leper or Philip. And/Or create tickets for it.
  6. Can you attach the logs here ? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors
  7. Are you using any custom firewall ? (Some anti-virus are bundled with one too);
  8. Also don't forget the fishing ship anim (Ptolemies) Keep it up. As Enrique said glad someone is working on anims. keep it up
  9. We could make it a tech ?
  10. That implies checking if the unit has a prop shield ^^ also, it makes a difference on wether the shield is big or not ^^
  11. True I'll speak about it for 1000 AD. Did they use the same weapons as men ? I remember talking to a blacksmith showing me "women weapons" which basically were big clubs with thousands spikes.
  12. That suggestions belongs to the balancing thread I think. I agree they could be treated as 'heroes'.
  13. I knew that gaul women had the same rights if not more than gaul men. I wonder why this wasn't used as a civ specific options. It used to be mythos to be asked for such questions now I don't know who is in charge for it.
  14. I trust you and would like to see that as well but do you have a source ?
  15. I think this one might be more suitable http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showforum=17%C2'> They are thracian units in the game though. Then can be an interesting faction to play as. However you will need to find someone willing to make every buildings and units for them and that isn't likely to happen. Main team artists are working on Seleucids leaving me alone to help you. Since I'm working on Han China, Vikings, and Karlings, not sure I'll have time ^^
  16. Simple Question, why are you trying to compile something's that already compiled on windows ?
  17. Great, maybe plumo could announce that the final version of the A16 contest has been released for public use. A little advertisement is never too much.
  18. My thanks go to the original author Stanislas69. He is the creator, I only did some remastering. The install instructions go like every other mod (although Forest Battle adds only a map). Place the extracted folder in the correct folder and enable the mod in the mod launcher. Have fun and happy playing! Thanks for the modifications niektb. You might want to remove the git folder in the zip though.
  19. If I remember correctly, I made a thracian cap for Seleucids not so long ago, it's not in the game yet though. I think the main issue is the Thrace timeframe, it's a little before 0 A.D. It could be nice for a mod though.
  20. You could upload your mod to https://github.com/0ADMods .
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