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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I 'd like to see a push thing anim in the code so that when garisonned they switch to it depending on the thingy:)
  2. Looking gorgeous though, what texture did you use ? =)
  3. In the config option you can set the view distance.
  4. What is the name of the file you got ?
  5. Same for me (I have to build a car) School project...
  6. Depends on what you are looking for, Micket. If you want the current textures http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural rome_struct.png rome_struct_2.png rome_struct_2_spec.png rome_struct_arch.dds rome_struct_arch_norm.png rome_struct_arch_spec.png rome_struct_norm.png rome_struct_spec.png
  7. You could try modelling the wonders I made a texture for the gaul wonder if you want there is the pers wonder (gate of all nation) ( Or the athena partenos statue) (Temple of capitoline jupiter) Look at this file http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/textures/skins/structural/china/blends It was for the china mod(forgot to tell you) but it should give you some clues There will be a pers blend file dont know enriques eta on this though. Lastly for gaul wonder refs.http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19465 Hope it helps.
  8. Hey Micket did you enable manually the advanced graphics options by setting material quality in the user.cfg ? Otherwise you wont see normals(parrallax) in game. Actually according to Enrique rome is one of the civ which has a good bump.... The celt though...doesn't Enrique submitted the file he used to bake the bump in the art source.
  9. Well I believe that the notion of height is 3D
  10. I believe STK (Super Tux Kart) has glow maps.
  11. @wow the leader left Also Enrique told me something really true better work on something you want for you are more productive. Now I agree with you that some stuff has more priority. On trac its really clear. Now I think team members should work on priority tasks while contributors should work on whatever they want.
  12. Here http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser
  13. We got rid of hard counters, so only spearman against cavalry, the rest can't really say.
  14. Just that people are volunteers And work on what they please
  15. Because this game is fifteen years old and 4:3 display were common at that time. Also I am afraid we can ´t do much for the ratio cause if a vectorial image doesnt exist resizing a small image will make it blurry unlike what you see in movies. And I don ´t think anyone will remake a bcackround in the coming weeks. You might like those though.http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2993
  16. I was wondering if we can set obstruction can ´t we set passability ?.
  17. AFAIK it's a 2D pathfinder so I don't think it support that, don't quote me on this though.
  18. Thanks ! I'll put it into my mod soonish.
  19. I tried to make my props, (eyecandy mod) be long enough for this not happen however, having a list of bad props would be nice I'd like to see bridge aswell, for gameplay, especially if weather gets implemented, (frozen lakes)(and non freezing ones for the sake of it, with different water color support, and different water heights, In another game, water is tiled and you can raise all the waters of the same type.
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