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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I could make one armor texture if needed though I'd like to avoid that if possible ^^ About the anims... Comparison Interesting threads http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20053 http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19289 I'm trying to make it compatible with old armature. http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20071 Someone started making new anims, but left ;( http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19546
  2. Unfortunately I'm not good enough to make human animations. You can see examples of my failures on this forum. About armor, do you see any currently in the game I could use ?
  3. I guess he means make them recruitable in the military colony (special building you can build on phase 3)
  4. It's an XML file in simulation/templates
  5. 1. I might look into that. 2. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2679 I asked sanderd17 about this, and this is really complex 3. Just edit the template_turret and remove silhouette 4. I don't know much about that too, I guess it could be done.
  6. In this case though, everything has already been made on an artistic pov So it's 'just' XML editing. What you could do : Look at all the sele models in atlas, and tell me for each of them which armor, helmet, shields, and weapons should be used. e.g sele infantry : mace_archer_a helmet spart_infantry_melee_armor mace_hypapsit shield, spear ...
  7. Nice, curious to see how it looks in game
  8. Well cavalry archer for instance will go on the wall if you allow archers...
  9. Yes all Philip's server seems to be down ...
  10. In the public. Zip file art/actors/units/seleucids
  11. Everything is possible really, I could make a skeleton cav too if I want to or obese roman emperors on horses ^^ Basically just pick an armor in the picture an ingame horse, a weapon, a shield ingame, and a helmet and you get your guy
  12. His armour is another issue Here are all the hellenic carth and roman armors that we have, (I removed Celt Mauryan and Iberian) You should find the ones you want in this. After that, just change the name in the xml, and it's done.
  13. For the helmets that's how it works, units have a helmet prop that change between models.
  14. For all of those that want to try it I submitted a working patch
  15. So this : Edit : It seems they have it in game. Sele Unit : Mace Unit
  16. By Bearded helmet you mean this ? (It's in the game)
  17. http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17924 Have a look at this thread, all the helmets for sele should be here The planned ones at least.
  18. I made the cataphract helmet Not sure it is used though ^^
  19. I'm only saving the eyecandy part. By the way if you wanna use it Wow, feel free to do so https://github.com/0ADMods/eyecandy
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