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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Why not include Daes as well then ? Since nobody can import PMDs anymore
  2. Agreed, need to figure out if JSDOC allows that easily, or If you have to generate everything separately.
  3. @LordGood @Enrique For some reason when enabling advanced graphics horse_a.Xml is crashing the game, any ideas ?
  4. Oh right then it's perfect Maybe you could make a variant with no shield ?
  5. That front arm should move a bit maybe ? Apart from that looks great EDIT : Actually it moves, maybe the elbow has a strange position then...
  6. But why would that change between A19 and A20 it doesn't make any sense ?
  7. Best would be Gaelic I think
  8. You could use my mod as expansion stuff it adds cliffs eyecandy some buildings and other stuff (0adMods/eyecandy)
  9. Well I guess someone could go back throught the art repo and get everybuilding back as a mod. My eyecandy mod could be used for thar.
  10. Cause it was made as a replacement/improvement
  11. Was replaced. Can still get the buildingby reverting. Thanks to svn and it not being a binary format
  12. I tried to imagine what the latte tavern that was discovered some time ago could look like hence the curved smoke. I remember reading than chairs weren't common pratice so I went for benches. Add that it wasn't originally planned to add a table but without it it lozt the tavern fil. I then added plates mugs and beef horns
  13. @LordGood Can you by any chance use the same armature to rig the poor ptolemies gate ?
  14. Currently only the c++ part has its documentation generated. Since there are some JSDOC comments on the Js part of the code as well I thought it would be nice to generate it as well. I therefore separated the js code (AI, GUI, RMGEN, Components, Globals, Helpers,...) from the public folder of A20 to generate the documentation. Documentation was generated with JSDOC 3 using the node.js plugin Since classes don't have the proper @class tag for now I added in attack.js so you can see what it can look like. Here are the Documentation files (Open Index.html) : out.7z And here are the files I used for the generation : 0adtest.7z During the execution I got the following warnings : The unexpected identifiers ones are deprecated foreach (@elexis if you want to nuke those) and there are some errors with comments.
  15. Man... that's so gorgeous... are the gate animated ?
  16. Try to see if you can find the install files. Maybe it got corrupt. If you do find them, lauch binaries/system/pyrogenesis.
  17. Mmmh does it appear in your application list on the taskbar ?
  18. Why not download it via the repos ? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wfg/0ad sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install 0ad then in the command just type 0ad
  19. My bad, I had 7-zip open which would prevent the game from starting (windows and lack of support multiple usages on the same file). So the XML can be removed. see this ticket
  20. Something cool would be to import/export 3dmeshes as heightmaps.
  21. Its going to replace the faul tavern in game See first post =)
  22. Here you go templates actors everything (The first guy who says I'm not nice enough gets punched :P) You just have to copy paste the public folder. Don't forget to delete the remaining tavern actors, and, If you can, edit the celt struct so that the cardigan cloth is player color. (Don't have any DDS editor that doesn't screw up everything) Gaul_Tavern.zip No advanced graphics tho.
  23. Prop Points Prop Name Prop Type Prop Point Texture celt_tavern_shield1 Drop Prop shield1 celt_props_new.dds celt_tavern_shield2 Drop Prop shield2 celt_props_new.dds celt_tavern_shield3 Drop Prop shield3 celt_props_new.dds celt_tavern_shield4 Standard root celt_props_new.dds celt_tavern_table Drop Prop table Celt_struct celt_tavern_table_eyecandy Standard root of table celt_props_new.dds celt_tavern_bucket_food Drop Prop bucket_food Celt_struct celt_tavern_bucket_water Drop Prop bucket_water Celt_struct celt_tavern_barrel1 Drop Prop barrel1 Celt_struct celt_tavern_barrel2 Drop Prop barrel2 Celt_struct Horse Drop Prop horse /\ Curved Smoke (Included in Zip) Standard smoke /\ Projectile (If Applicable) Standard projectile /\ Blendfile + AO attached =) Gaul_Tavern.zip
  24. Update Added Some Props Added Wood ! Fixed the Roof UV a bit Removed the Heads on per @WhiteTreePaladin's request Added more contrast
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