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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Try those http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false
  2. You could try mimo's patch, and see if you can reproduce it. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3221
  3. Maybe related http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3448
  4. And we are in feature freeze so devs will start looking into the remaining bugs and decide wether it will be fixed for a19 or not.
  5. Yeah create a ticket and attach, system_info.txt, and maybe interstinglog Is it a realtek soundcard ?
  6. Might be interesting to read http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18525 Also I think you could use that subforum for your mod http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showforum=438
  7. So what do you need ? Btw there is a slave unit in the game already
  8. No problem as you see not much has changed in art those days
  9. Hey, Primus is the title, Yves is the name. I think you might want to have a look at main.cpp ? If you come up with tweaks, it would be nice that you create a ticket on trac, and submit your optimizations http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ See the programmer subsection on that page
  10. Sorry for the necro, but what is the current state of this ? Also IIRC we could set up Jenkins for a code convention check, which would allow us to clean some parts of the code.
  11. Do you know how big it should be compaired to the other buildings ?
  12. +1 for Syllepsis also, the word isn't confusing, nor religious which is nice.
  13. That report doesn't say much Did you agree on some keypoints ?
  14. Funny how the chinese barracks look like the one from Rob Kimball's Han China mod.
  15. Actually capturing is just another path to win, right ?
  16. I don't know for what reasons we shouldn't have both. =) I don't know if the saxons had many boats, but I was thinking maybe we could only have the wooden structure on the last image for the docks. It would give a village look.
  17. So here is the final blendfile. =) HorseTrial3.7z You now have the two horses rigged, and ready to be exported for the game. Here is a patch for those who want to try it. =) Horse & Horse New.diff And here is a little screenshot for the forum lurkers. As you can see it's more a different variety of horse than a real improvement, but the new horse has more details. When I have time I'll try to make the same with new units, so you can finaly use them.
  18. A few time ago I discovered that an old placeholder horse with better geometry was added in the game. I afterwards learned it was made by Enrique and was the last survivor, since he lost his pen drive. So I managed to get the old armature of the horse and make a blendfile so we could export it to dae again (For now anims are in PSA/PMD) For now I have been able with a little tweak from the XML to reexport the horse with blender, with four anims (Walk, Run, Death, Idle) I will maybe add the attack anim afterwards. So you might ask what the point ? Well the armature will prevent from having to redo all the anims for the new horse, which considering the amount of artists active on those forums, is really a timesaver. And offcourse make the game a little more beautiful is always nice. So here is the Blendfile, if someone feels like adding new anims in Blender he can now do so. HorseTrial2.7z For those who want to try : Horse.diff What's next ? I will rig the new mesh that I already textured with this armature, and everybody will have a new horse. If the results are okay, I will do it with the new units mesh until Enrique makes all the anims. PS : This was helpful in the process : https://developer.blender.org/T27426
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