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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Yeah i know I was just wondering why the sleeve pattern was bigger =)
  2. @Enrique Any plans to add Jos3bv's anims ?
  3. It's planned but not implemented yet.
  4. Nice, any reason you didn't make it uniform ?
  5. I have been working on it for some time, to actually update it using python and LaTeX, but I never managed to finish it. See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1840 I have the files somewhere, but for now what you will get is unit stats at best and buildings (I'm not Qwertz/Kosmo)
  6. Every art stuff needs some reviewing and some treatment before they get into the game. This is a pretty time consuming process, and it's sometimes biased by ones preferences. So I guess the art leader didn't have time to check them out
  7. Here's the ticket http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3054
  8. Back in Coventry early this year I gave reference to this project, so we might see some students coming by next year.
  9. I'd say it's pretty low poly. Around 300 tris maybe.
  10. Is your IP fixed by its MAC adress ?
  11. There is a patch that will do just that. It needs to be cleaned up before it ends up in the game but it's planned. It just hasn't been settled yet.
  12. We decided to go for another building see https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/19465-suggestions-for-the-gauls/
  13. Due to engine limitations doing the moat would be complex. For the red wall, the textures used are the main textures for the whole civ. So it would have mean having a special texture only for the wonder.
  14. They were not used because IIRC they didn't please Enrique. Probably a biome issue They are being used in ponies ascendant.
  15. It wasn't. Enrique asked for it some time ago but I believe wraitii probably forgot to look for it.
  16. Can confirm too. I discussed about it with wraitii but he wasn't able to reproduce it with his laptop.
  17. Nice work ! Try to limit the seam effect if you can to make it more uniform
  18. Just post the files here as an attachement.
  19. Same for me I don't see them on my E4G (Chrome on Kitkat)
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