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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. That's great ! Please continue. I'm wondering though, do you make your textures yourself ? I mean the base thing, here wood. I'm really eager to see the final result of the boat, especially how you will do the sails How long do you think it will take ? Keep it up, and thanks for your patience.
  2. @Karamel are you guys working on stuff outside the meeting like preparing stuff that will be discussed ?
  3. Just replace your user.cfg by mine Usually in C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\0ad\config Anyway great job user.7z
  4. Yeah that's a bug see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3415 should be fixed for A19
  5. So I started rigging the new units mesh, but as you can see on the screenshot, it's not really covincing. The two guys on the right are new units they are taller all the other unit except the fat one are the new units meshes, with the old armature, for some reason, it's not the same quality... I made a process to convert new units or any meshes to old armature. Basically go to the new skeletons folder, and import the dae you want in blender. Delete the Armature. Scale it to 0.895. Put the mesh inside the first conversion armature to make it pose like the old one. Then apply the modifier. Remove all vertex groups. (you can click on the arrow next to the list to delete all.) After that, drag the armature to the conversion armature, with automatic weights. This second armature is to make sure you don't add the props and the unused bones to the vertex groups, so the automatic weighting is more accurate. After that drag the mesh to the Bip01 armature. Make sure to remove all vertex linked to Pelvis and Bip01 then you can tweak a little with the weight paint tool, and the mesh is ready for export. RiggingScene1.7z
  6. Britons at that time were mostly clans, so I think that's not too far from the reality either. I also think that's a good thing to keep them, cause it makes 0ad different.
  7. You can export it It seems great, however, you'd need Enrique's consent in the end
  8. The file you look for is template_unit_cavalry_melee_spearman.xml see the 3500
  9. Then I'm sorry my friend but it's not likely it's going to be fixed in a near future. For now this : is the intended behaviour, and while it might look silly, that's how it works.
  10. But my friend, the deer dies at the end, so it's okay
  11. Okay the tess would be really nice also looking for code conventions and stuff could give work like simple tickets
  12. Soon available in my eyecandy mod.
  13. My friend, would you reproduce the bug with latest svn and attach a commands.txt ?
  14. Try to clean it yes, try update to the latest driver I provided
  15. Created this ticket today http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3454
  16. GJ mate If you feel like it you could edit the blue and black line so it looks good Apart from that, when you feel like it you can submit the blendfile and the files here, so it can get commited eventually
  17. Try those http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false
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