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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I'd say why not with a solid design doc like the one you provided, with more graphical references if you can. Now I don't see why Hans wouldn't be able to fit by themselves ^^
  2. Might I suggest https://github.com/0ADMods/convert_attack Also I thought your mod would not modify gameplay ?
  3. I found myself spending more and more time reading the logs in public transportation, and it's not always nice to do it on a phone. So I decided to take advantage of my recent Android lessons and make a small app that gets the latest log on the server. You can swipe up to refresh and filter the trac and phabricator bot so that only real person messages are displayed. I integrated an auto refresh feature too. To make it work you have to refresh once after ticking the options in the menu. Here is the github link: https://github.com/StanleySweet/0A.D.Logviewer
  4. Should be all the errors, not related to gameplay. I still need to check every building in game. Some I fixed, some are fixed by @fcxSanya interestinglog.html
  5. Stan`


    Hello, and welcome to the forums. Formations are inherently broken, and have been for a few alphas. It is recommended you do not use them
  6. Playtesting also helps in a somewhat measure.
  7. . Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I would also be in favor of A for realism, and because it could make things interesting.
  8. My thoughts too. Strangely I wasn't able to find a good document on the wiki to help him do that. Likely because we have more 2D/3D artists than sound artists.
  9. Would be cool to add them as the beginning of the game.
  10. It's always urgent when people want to play mods. I need to check why it's not compatible.
  11. @elexis @fatherbushido @leper
  12. @alpha123 wrote a patch which did just that. But it wasn't implemented at the time. Leper raised some rightful concerns. And elexis gave a good input then alpha left and the patch was forsaken. More info here http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1899
  13. Can your friend attach attach her system_info.txt, interestinglog.html, and mainlog.html please ? See GameDataPaths and ReportingErrors
  14. Ah my bad my mobile messed the link up ^^ Have fun.
  15. No I meant how to do you get those results. Do you handpaint for instance
  16. One question I get a lot on IRC though is how do you select idle units.
  17. Well they are animated yes. DId you need anything more ?
  18. Hello and welcome to the forums See the post where I uploaded the PDF that should help you setup your game.
  19. Short answer: Hebrew is not currently in the games as it needs a special character set. It could however be added.
  20. Could you attach your system_info.txt, interestinglog.html, and mainlog.html aswell please ? See GameDataPaths and ReportingErrors As Loki said some of those files will give us insight. If you have a relatively old graphics card try disabling glsl and post-processing in the options.
  21. Ah, that's my art subforum, so me to answer I guess. Indeed this looks promising but you'll have some work to do on those texture to make them more realistic. Try to see how that cloth would fold to add shadows. that will improve greatly the quality. For the shield you forgot the metallic emboss
  22. Nice, can you try to improve the transition between the horns and the head a bit ? Sorry for the nitpick.
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