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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I think that's a good idea to create a list. @niektb what do you think ?
  2. Well having tried to make the weyang palace I think Mingtang Pyong would be easier ^^
  3. Stan`


    No problem, only thing I ask is for you to have fun playing it Will try to make the mods enjoyable with my teammates
  4. Stan`


    Hey @Servo Torrents are way of downloading stuff. If you are not confident with it, or that it is restricted in your country, just use the normal direct download by clicking on "directly" word in the osx download page.. It's okay not to know
  5. Not sure that website works actually ^^
  6. Might be a dumb question, but are you sure your local IP is static ? If it's not always it won't work.
  7. Stan`


    @Servo what occured when you tried on your mac ?
  8. Looks like it. Here is the call stack. I'd say @Arthur8889 has Nvidia Switchable Graphics and that they doesn't work well. > ig7icd32.dll!67be39a8() Unknown [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ig7icd32.dll] pyrogenesis.exe!ScriptInterface::CallFunction<CColor>(JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char * name, CColor & ret) Line 171 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CGame::Update(const double deltaRealTime, bool doInterpolate) Line 422 C++ [External Code] ntdll.dll!77ee041d() Unknown
  9. @fatherbushido I don't know if it matches the game quality standards, but anyways here is a new goat. So have fun with it goat zip contains ready to play files source contains reference images, images used for textures, textures, and blends. Goat_Source.7z goat.7z
  10. Yeah but the issue is the number of entitites that would represent at the end of the game. I'm pretty sure 5000 per person clicks is not a big number for a game. Different yes, unrelated not so much, If I can do D557 arrow thing should be piece of cake, at least so I hope. I just don't know how to get the component manager to add an entity. Not giving up. Got interpolation working rest is on ticket. Yeah will do. Well that could be a solution, but the only way I found in the past to get stuff I wanted done was to learn it and do it myself eventually ^^ I noticed I get warnings popups when using atlas in debug mode, and AFAICS click selection is still broken in atlas, making it really annoying to select a single unit. Maybe that something that should be fixed in FF ? Or @vladislavbelov may have an idea for this kind of bugs
  11. @Itms If someone tells me how I can make object appear and disappear in unit action.js could be done quickly.
  12. @Lion.Kanzen I'm somewhat on it. See #657 and D557 I mostly fixed the duplicate code. @vladislavbelov raised concerns about STD deque and STD lists though Im not sure performance is would be really different. About unitai Im not sure what is broken. About formations I think I will get the center of it and draw a line to the target no formation either multiple lines or no lines at all over three units. Still remains the question of the animated arrows. I need to make them disappear with no hack at the end of the anim and clearly have no idea on how to do that. And last but not least I think it could be done for A23 But I clearly will need some help :/
  13. A list would be perfect I prefer to work that way. It's easier to keep track of everything that way as long as the list is maintained. Also if done properly it could work as a roadmap. Moreover if some props like scabbards and stuff can benefit the main game it's great.
  14. Art ofc, not much coding needed for that faction AFAIK. I'm just coding and learning c++ now for the game hence my last line.
  15. If you have some simple tasks I could probably help with some props, swords, barrels, crates, jars, helmets, spears, khopesh etc, I could do buildings and complex stuff, but my time is too much limited by c++.
  16. Maybe get a list of patches but I'm not sure that would change much.
  17. Looking at the files it needs to be exported from blender then you need to add a Skeleton file from it and make all the actors. Then it has to be accepted.
  18. Yeah I wasn't sure if it'd be easier for artists
  19. @leper I think I managed to rebase your patch properly. So what should I do next ? https://code.wildfiregames.com/D557
  20. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Fences look great. Doesn't it make the houses too big tho ?
  21. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    I think it was decided earlier that Norse wouldn't have any towers
  22. Can't you just remove the templates using '-' like for techs ?
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