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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Stan`


    Can you be more specific as to when and why this error occurs ? Can you give us a simple example on how to reproduce it ?
  2. @Nescio I will probably include them after some discussion with the team, just in case. I'd like to avoid having caps and stuff in filenames, but I'll do it in the XML file. You are welcome
  3. Yeah there aren't too many PolygonZ. That will be a nice addition to them new bows I'm planning to commit. @Alexandermb could you change the pick to a double pick ?
  4. @Alexandermb Templates are still broken, can you fix them ? It tells me it can't validate the state element. Also, did you use the beotian helmet I made ? Cause it's complaining about it missing.
  5. Yeah I use the same basket for gathering, and carrying, cause it makes more sense
  6. I'll go with the shortest version then, because that's what you prefer @Alexandermb
  7. @Alexandermb Thanks. Do you want your name to be included in the credits ? if so how should we credit you (Under what name) ? I'll put your name when I commit this.
  8. Ah you mean credits.json files ? If so I'll fix it in the polybolos commit.
  9. @Alexandermb Do you have the blendfile lying around ?
  10. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I'm coming there slowly, though I need to get some stuff validated by Lordgood first. (That was part of the conditions of me joining the team) My goal is to commit as much as possible before A23 without breaking anything
  11. That part is true however I don't think js files have such an equivalent
  12. There has been a Poc. (Proof of concept)
  13. If you mean flatten it, no it is not possible. There was an implementation some time ago. It was dropped because it's old and mostly because that means the map data would have to be serialized over clients.
  14. I guess, no at first sight ^^ That model was probably taken from something else which was put on that face over the ground. I'll add it to my todo list @Imarok
  15. @wowgetoffyourcellphone @vladislavbelov made a patch that did just that sometime ago, I don't think it was accpeted commited though.
  16. https://github.com/0ad/0ad → Clone or download → download zip. But it will take ages. Can't you download tortoise svn and use it to clone the repo following this https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions → Aquiring the code section @Alexandermb
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