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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @vladislav Thanks for the answers 5. Some comments in materials are useless as they describe AO effects while the material doesn't use them. 6. Should we use alternative materials where possible to optimise performance ? 9. There is a material called something_bump while it should be something_norm or something_parallax. 10. I'm not sure I understand. 11. How should materials who only have spec and parallax be handled ? ie (basic_trans_parallax_spec) <!-- Settings for effects above: First value: Normal mapping intensity. Second value: Specular power. Third value: Parallax scale. Fourth value: AO amount. --> <uniform name="effectSettings" value="1.0 50.0 0.0075 0.85"/> <required_texture name="baseTex"/> <required_texture name="specTex" define="USE_SPECULAR_MAP"/> <required_texture name="normTex" define="USE_NORMAL_MAP"/> Here it doesn't make sense as we specify a value for AO while the is no AO. Should we at least put the values to 0 so that it doesn't look like a stupid copy paste ? 12. What about <define name="USE_PARALLAX" value="1"/> <required_texture name="normTex" define="USE_NORMAL_MAP"/> Shouldn't it be this ? <required_texture name="normTex" define="USE_PARALLAX"/> Or does USE_PARALLAX require USE_NORMAL_MAP ?
  2. @sphyrth actually it was made to loop more than once. But I don't now if it's possible to make it not time based. It was the only way I could find to make it work.
  3. Please upload the files in that folder especially if you have one crashing.dmp.
  4. I fixed the model, it was a long process, please try to optimize your polycount and check for overlapping faces. Thanks for your work, it's commited now.
  5. Bisect is clean though Well because it gives more ao space and doing it the right way sounds good
  6. I notified @implodedok and he told me to ask @feneur or @Itms
  7. Hello everyone, The other day I had a look at D94 which purpose is to clean up material files. As @vladislavbelov pointed out there are some other materials with useless tags and some are missing requires like the alpha test. My second purpose is to update the material documentation The third one is to determine what functionalities we support with materials so we can answer more easily one whether something is doable or not natively. My first question is about 'USE_SPECULAR' 1.First does it require specular power and specular Color and does it require a spec texture or does the specular Color tag handle that. 2.Then can it be replaced by USE_SPECULAR_MAP everywhere So we can use <uniform name="effects Settings" value="X X X X "/> everywhere 3. Does it makes sense to use effectsettings on let's say basic trans and set all the unused X params to 0 ? Or should I use define and put it to 0 4 is it better to write <define name='SPECULAR_MAP' value='1'> <required_texture name='specTex'> Or <required_texture name='specTex' define''SPECULAR_MAP"/> 5. Can I remove all the comments and put it in the documentation instead ? 6. What is the purpose of alternative materials ? Is it when switching from glsl to ARB ? 7. What is USE_TRIPLANAR ? 8. How does sim_time work ? 9. Should bump be renamed to parallax ? 10. Should we enable where possible and set quality requirements ? USE_HQ_PARALLAX USE_VHQ_PARALLAX 11. Is wind data required when using Use_wind ? 12. If you see any question with a not obvious answer I forgot to ask to do the doc feel free to add it. And answer it if you can @leper @Itms @wraitii Thanks in advance.
  8. 10. Just add the ".DELETED" suffix to the template file you want to remove. And put it in your mod. I don't see why you would do that since if it can't be recruited in game the unit shouldn't be a problem. 14. You cant easily. Every skirmish map has prebuilt walls. Might want to take a look at the civ.json file for Iberians though
  9. At least update (Autobuild this morning)
  10. Okay I'll have a look and see if it is commitable. Thanks for the zip.
  11. @Alexandermb Thanks I'll have a look sometime today. Stay safe.
  12. Thanks @Kimball glad you like what we did
  13. Maybe you have to edit your templates and remove the line Color.
  14. Stan`

    A22 issues

    @s0600204 Well thankfully you are here to finish the job Don't worry I get the way back machine each time I have to dig a ticket for someone
  15. @Lion.Kanzen @fatherbushido said he would review it when A22 came out, he probably didn't have the time yet.
  16. Stan`

    A22 issues

    @niektb @s0600204 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2944
  17. Just a quick note D451 (Unit Death damage) was accepted today so it should be included soon.
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