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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hey @ddb_brutus Welcome to the forums, I guess playing games as observer, watching replays, and asking good players like @Hannibal_Barca could help you
  2. @elexis Maybe a nice map for the game, if not too similar.
  3. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I'll try to have a look. It's hard to extract stuff from your mod sometimes.
  4. @Phalanx Having some suggestions about the ux wouldn't be that bad
  5. @Phalanx Thanks for sharing Is she interested in contributing ?
  6. Hey @Hello and welcome to the forums. Thanks for your interest in 0 A.D. modding. If indentation is correct your missing quite a few endtags. You can do <bone></bone> but also <bone /> if there is nothing in between. For instance <bone name="Finger_R" > should either be closed by a <bone/> tag or by being written <bone name="Finger_R"/> If you want I also wrote a script that generates Skeletons files from dae files automatically. https://github.com/StanleySweet/0AD-Skeleton-Generator On a side note I don't think you have to add the prop bones. Happy modding and feel free to ask any questions you might have. EDIT: Added link
  7. @wackyserious you mean make a new one ? For the bag I'll probably commit it when we commit those textures
  8. Looks like something that could be committed yes. What units should have it ?
  9. @wackyserious leather looks a bit flat to me, maybe you could add more depth to it by using drop shadows / the burn tool.
  10. Better wait for the final versions
  11. @wackyserious Only WFG can do you want to submit some of your psds ?
  12. @EzellN Do you mind attaching the file that block of texts prompts you to ? We won't be able to help you otherwise. In the meantime you can try to disable Prefer GLSL and postprocessing in the options Welcome to the forums.
  13. @wowgetoffyourcellphone wouldn't it be weird though to have both like one looking better than the other ?
  14. What interests you in that change ? Sounds good, don't kill yourself though ^^
  15. Noted. I won't change those then (Apart from the name change)
  16. Hit me up when you have something ready, with if possible @wowgetoffyourcellphone comments taken into account. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Since you are the one that always ask we keep variants in stock, do you want me to keep old horses, or can I nuke it all together ? Great ! I'm not that experienced with anims, I really need to find a way to learn how to make better ones. The zebu is still missing it's death anim, maybe @Alexandermb could do it so we can add it in game as well, if so I'll upload my latest blend. What I would be really grateful for is if he could record his process, no comments needed, just plain video, so I can learn.
  17. With the greenlight of @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @LordGood I'm willing to commit this then.
  18. @Nescio about the XML caching I believe we do cache them as xmb though we package the XML in the game as well. I think @leper or @Itms told me it's because we still want mods ability on the released version. @Servo 1. Sounds really weird. 4. Should probably be discussed with @Alexandermb
  19. I have no experience in Spanish language
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