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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Yeah that's what I mean won't it confuse other players ?
  2. On topic. Making foundations is rather easy. Commands you need to know in blender: - Creating a simple triangle - Creating empties - Object renaming - Object rotation y a precise angle - Object rotation - Object displacement - Object parenting. Things you need to know in 0 A.D. - Creating actors - Using props The ground work was done when Enrique eventually committed my drop prop foundations. Boxes barrels delimitators brick brick piles planks tools all are available as props in the game. One needs to create a scene with at least a triangle and four empties rotated respectively by 0 90 180 270 degrees and called prop_delimitator_0X where x is the the number of the mesh. Then parent them to the triangle that has to be below ground. (to make an actor one needs at least one triangle) Then if the mesh needs more props just create as many empties and name according to the mesh that should replace them. Then create the actor. Take example on the other foundations and on the farm fields. For the texture use a small one but whichever you want cause it won't be seen anyway. Note : the min height and Max height allow props to adapt to the terrain. History note : Historically the game had it's props separated from the main building structs. If it's done correctly every struct could reuse the same props allowing for optimisations. Only drawback is Ambient occlusion. Big advantage graphical updates are way easier. Change one mesh update the whole game. Decals for foundations are easy to make. Take a plane and scale it to the size you want then export it. Don't forget to apply the scale (Ctrl + a ) Off topic Yeah it seems the artistic department allowed for more outside contributions and still keeping things moving from the inside. (There is still a lot of unused stuff on the forums) I hope you'll all like the new alpha. And that it won't be too hard on your Pcs. On topic Destructions are harder to make though we could have different sizes for that black thing that pops up when building are destroyed and then add props on top of it when they are done. One thing that could be done by anybody is for each of those foundation actors creating a simple grid for instance 2x6 and then placing the props points marked as cross on them. If you have a programmer friend that has nothing to do I guess a little program could be written that places empties at the given positions and then generate a dae file. (too bad I don't have time)
  3. Maybe if someone comes with better open source references we could avoid having to make a 3D model
  4. But it has to save as spaces, not as tabs EDIT 1 : Make sure to check for recent commits so i do not revert things accidentally.
  5. @Alexandermb I'm really sorry if I wasn't clear. We use SPACES for XML files. Two spaces make an indent. So you'll have to tell whatever editor you are using to use 2 spaces for indentation, and not tabs. Plus I commited something today that will break some of the files. EDIT 1 : Avoid caps in names. It's nice and cool on windows, but on linux, or any case sensitive filesystem it will cause havoc if not respected. EDIT 2 : Sele chariot and maur chariot won't load in atlas. EDIT 3: I'm not sure heroes should have promotion anims, but that's up to debate @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  6. @wowgetoffyourcellphone For helmets I have another fix coming, but I need to fix all the occurences of the beotian helmet before committing it. Then they will all use the same mesh, with different props and textures. on the helmet prop point.
  7. Should be fixed now. I'll make sure to always have gpuskinning on from now on.
  8. About the indentation fix you used two spaces per indent right ? Horse death.
  9. I am not aware of any conflicts between the two do you have a source /proof ?
  10. Not really. I was waiting for @Lion.Kanzen to come up with something, who was waiting for a 3D model of the eagle, Which I can't do yet because I don't have the sculpting skills. Someone like @Micket could probably, but he hasn't been around in a while. And I think @LordGood has some other things to do right now.
  11. I mean the belly and the paws distort badly and make the texture look more stretched that it really is. Best way to ask for public opinion => Ask for specific opinions ;D
  12. Hey ! Had some time to review. The death animation is okay. The rest though... is not so good. The way the body distorts is weird. Attack A & B do not seem natural at all... The sitting Idle is okay. The other have weird distorsions The running animation is close to being okay, it only needs a more cohesive movement. Walk anim looks fine. @Sundiata @wowgetoffyourcellphone Can I have some more feedback from the game ready files ?
  13. @elexis I guess it could merged with this one.
  14. Death a -> Looks weird, when he falls the legs have a weird positon like if it slid back to home position it should fall further. Whatever canter is for the big horse it's broken. Side note : Please disable auto keyframe when you save I still need to test the ingame export versions, and their uvs but so far that's a huge improvement. Thanks for your work. EDIT Looking at the files I see you added a lot of stuff. Chariot, helmets, capes, and stuff will have to be commited separately. EDIT 2 : Looking at the pony curve thing I think you should do a tutorial on how you did this, it looks like something that could be really valuable. EDIT 3 : Pony is broken I think you exported too much materials, or there is some unconnected geometry. Horse looks cool in game as well though the running anim is a bit stiff. Two chariots out of three are broken. The pers chariot now goes through the horses but I believe that can be fixed afterwards. Stables seem to deal okay with the horses so far. Something is off with the playercolor band see that black line. Fix all those and you should be good to go @Alexandermb EDIT 4 : XML files use spaces not tabs, and 2 not 4. Usually I would fix it, but there are two many files...
  15. @Andrettin I'm probably less knowledgeable about that part of the code than you now are To get your patch reviewed you need to go through this https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SubmittingPatches Thanks for looking into this.
  16. That's because the link is incorrect I think. @plumo
  17. It does look better indeed. For the record how many different textures are there ? In other words how many meshes do we need to fix all of them ?
  18. @Alexandermb The UV map on some of the horses is uncommitable as is. Maybe you could make different variations of the horse for different uvs ? Unless you find a fix.
  19. Yes you can. But before you do would you mind telling us why you hate it ? Just download the combination of zips (data and the other) for your os. http://releases.wildfiregames.com
  20. That's not really working well though...
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