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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. It looks to me like either the merchant would be on another camel and having a rope to tie it or it would walk beside it. Not sure if it could be on a horse. AFAIK the only civilisations using camels for merchants are Chinese (Still waiting for proof on this) Persians, Ptolemaics. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Are camels really walking like horses ?
  2. I don't know, maybe the same as horses, to do things like this (TW : ROME II)
  3. He apparently did, his card is a 8400M which supports Complete DirectX support, including Microsoft DirectX 10 Shader Model 4.0 Full OpenGL® support, including OpenGL 2.1 So maybe the drivers are outdated @delvin https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/50007
  4. @wowgetoffyourcellphone How many icons left ?
  5. > pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramARB::Uniform(CShaderProgram::Binding id, unsigned int count, const CMatrix3D * v) Ligne 234 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgram::Uniform(CStrIntern id, unsigned int count, const CMatrix3D * v) Ligne 765 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!InstancingModelRenderer::RenderModel(const std::shared_ptr<CShaderProgram> & shader, int __formal, CModel * model, CModelRData * __formal) Ligne 370 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!ShaderModelRenderer::Render(const std::shared_ptr<RenderModifier> & modifier, const CShaderDefines & context, int cullGroup, int flags) Ligne 765 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRendererInternals::CallModelRenderers(const CShaderDefines & context, int cullGroup, int flags) Ligne 379 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderShadowMap(const CShaderDefines & context) Ligne 921 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderSubmissions(const CBoundingBoxAligned & waterScissor) Ligne 1515 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderScene(Scene & scene) Ligne 1899 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CGameView::Render() Ligne 489 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!Render() Ligne 221 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CGame::ReallyStartGame() Ligne 322 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!ProgressiveLoad() Ligne 239 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Ligne 328 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc, const char * * argv) Ligne 590 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc, char * * argv) Ligne 632 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!main_utf8(int argc, char * * argv) Ligne 126 C Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!wmain(int argc, unsigned short * * wargv, unsigned short * wenvp) Ligne 151 C Les symboles ont été chargés. [Code externe] Frame annoté pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Ligne 364 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. [Code externe] Frame annoté [Les frames ci-dessous sont peut-être incorrects et/ou manquants, aucun symbole chargé pour kernel32.dll] Frame annoté virtual void Uniform(Binding id, size_t count, const CMatrix3D* v) { ENSURE(count == 1); Uniform(id, v[0]); }
  6. You can put only your nickname there you're not forced to put your real identity.
  7. Yeah sorry I know it was just an example That roman example was pretty good though, I wonder why they switched to the other uv version, maybe more space for details ? Do you remember ? Taking pixels and moving them around should not be hard (Though some of those are dds files and they are different in the way they are stored) The issue would be resizing and maybe rotating, maybe alpha transparency too. Another thing would be the UVMap from the meshes
  8. Bonus 1:i if you can make land fishing units too that's even better. Bonus 2: fishers for every fishing boat.
  9. @Alexandermb Could you make anims for those meshes, so I can switch them to the unit meshes ? The ptol fisher has anims, but it's using the old armature...
  10. No in this case you have to use the process defined here :https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SubmittingPatches
  11. @Lion.Kanzen I am really sorry to be annoying but can you try to keep your references organized and not spray them all over the forums like this. You are a very valuable member of this community but I cannot use all the materials you provide if it's like this. It's just counter productive. Here is an example to demonstrate. Take sundiata for instance while he only has one field of experience (or at least so has shown so far) his thread is very easy to look at. I know that If I want references for Kushites I'll go there. But now with all the pers images you have given so far I have no idea where to look so it's a huge waste of time to collect things. Can you try to organize everything ? I made a thread just for this. It's for textures and let's weapons and maybe the final camelry anims. Sure they can but that will make a lot of useless noise on the repository when I will update things also that means that will have to carry around halfway done work in releases. Download speed isn't that important those days but I'd like to not have three huge projects with independent files lying around for the sake of simplicity and clarity. Also If I were to leave for unexpected reasons Lordgood would have to deal with it and it's not fair. I don't think I said this but I really like the time and effort your putting into this. And now when the time comes we will have some nice textures for units. About 3D I think everybody can but it takes time and a lot of practise.
  12. I guess the main reason is that Gauls and Brits were one civilisation at the beginning (Celts) as some of the folders still shows and therefore It probably made sense to have Gaelic and Welsh names as those languages are probably the closest ones we had. If you can suggest names for Gauls though I think nobody will complain I think @Itms is the one you want to talk to about this. @GunChleoc might have some insights too.
  13. That's basically 3D painting, maybe at some point I'll do a tutorial for this.
  14. Stop using it. Seriously. While I agree it would be a good idea especially for Romans, that is a huge task that will require someone dedicated to do it. That means updating every texture to fit the new uvmap, not to mention ruining @wackyserious's work so far. Having props inside the textures has the only drawback that it means you have to load the whole texture if another mesh decides to use the prop unless it's part of the mesh which is not better that also goes for having the head. About the indian pants, that's something that could be done if it has a good application for the main game. Those seams could be fixed, if someone actually cared to do it.
  15. Split the topic and moved the part to the art department, as this is not an official task.
  16. Nice to see that spear is accurate ! Spears are my next improvements after the helmets commits. (Though some other stuff might come in beforehand)
  17. Yeah camelry didn't know if that word made sense. Ah yeah forgot thanks Should be good now
  18. Patches are always welcome but should be submitted to Phabricator
  19. They were Check it out. We are also one step away from having all the new meshes in the game I need @Alexandermb's help on three more types > Camel cavalry > Fishing boats for sitting fishers > Fishing boats for the ptol Fisher. Then we'll have the new units everywhere
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