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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Yeah we're gonna get things moving with @LordGood
  2. I made a version of it somewhere on the forums do you want the texture ?
  3. @fatherbushido @Zeta1127 Unfortunately no. We were waiting for @wowgetoffyourcellphone to finish tweaking the Kushites for their integration in the mod, and when he did, life had caught up some us... So in order to publish the mod we need the kushites, + name + release announcement to be written. Also some stuff needs to be reverted. @leper was kind enough to update the actors following the recent changes. I'd like to to integrate @Alexandermb 's Xiognu while we are at it as well. So unless I get external help I don't think there will be a release before at best A23
  4. I don't think so. Though you could ask someone with A21 to record the game with a video recorder, and post it on youtube
  5. Okay. Up to you in this case.
  6. @JuKu96 Yes, there is google's javascript engine V8, but there is no reason to make the switch. Looking forward to see what you'll come up with.
  7. I'd rather you wait to see if you can get in the team, so you can commit those yourself, instead of having to rely on someone else. Having a backup somewhere would be nice though.
  8. @JuKu96 ticket is #3700 you can find the diff in there. If you need any assistance feel free to ask here. Well threads communicate like peer so if one is stuck the other can lose connection to it.
  9. @vladislavbelov did you forget to disable it by default ?
  10. Actually I think in newer versions of JavaScript you can have typed arrays. And it would seem that integer typed arrays are faster to iterate through.
  11. @Alexandermb Once you have fixed the bugs, (if any) feel free to add this to the terra magna mod.
  12. @wraitii Mimo had a lot of concerns from what I read
  13. @wraitii So what's needed for that patch ?
  14. @JuKu96 It's not really single threaded. But some of the big stuff AI, Pathfinder and NetClient are running in the same thread. Well life caught him back and he now has other priorities than to work on the best RTS to date. @JuKu96 You could try starting off were Andy left the patch. See what he did analyse and then fix it and port it to code.wildfiregames.com. that would lift the task from elexis shoulders. As someone who has been here for 6 years trust me the hardest part is not contributing. It's starting to code. Once you breach that barrier things start to get easier. I didn't even know I could do big patches or C++ before then. About documentation. we are improving it slowly by enforcing jsdoc and doxygen.
  15. Too bad @andy5995 had to give up on this...
  16. Would be a nice and quite unique feature.
  17. @JuKu96 the person just above you was working on it. He doesn't anymore, because that doesn't make much sense since STUN has been implemented. It wouldn't make the game any faster any way.
  18. I can send you the arrow models I made for the fist shooting range
  19. The thing is there are no 0ad server. When you host you are the server. So if something goes wrong it's your connection. There had been talks and WIPs about a dedicated server option. I don't know how dare @elexis has gone with that.
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