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Found 4 results

  1. what if metal/stone spawns could not be within a certain distance from the cc of a player.lets say like a bit more than p3 so really far where youd have to either reach for it if your lucky enough to get one nearby. otherwise this would motivate players to build ccs or colonies to fight over these resources that would be quite scarce otherwise.i dont think civilization balance would get messed up because of this altho not sure it might.but the game balance would be rly improved as ppl wouldnt get unfair advantages.also could be as an option would be rly cool also with berries but i have a better idea for berries/hunt.most games are generally unfair in a sense that one side gets an extremely significant advantage which is defenetly fun as makes every game more unique and unexpected but 0ad has enough suprises and complexities as is and for rated games especially the fact that if 2 players of exactly equal skill play bacically the one with significantly better map (which prob happens like 70% of the time ) wins is rly annoying.there are strats to adapt to this randomness mainly scouting early and rushing if you see that enemy has a significantly superior map than you or outposting their berries/hunt(with vision tech to maybe get to it in time when enemy tries to capture)as you rdy your rush but i havent seen anyone using this but me a few times.
  2. I noticed the color of metal is essentially the same color as stone. Wouldn't it look nicer if metal was the color of copper or gold?
  3. Description of the task. misc task for 2d artist and texyture atrtist add accurate ornamentation for Roman and Hellenistic armor, helmets, buildings,etc. Medusa for Lorica Musculata.
  4. How To Play update or downgrade 0 A.D. to fit the requirements of the mod version you want to play download the .zip file of the desired MinMod version extract it to <0 A.D. installation folder>\binaries\data\mods run 0 A.D. and navigate from the main menu to Tools & Options → Mod Selection (select the mineral mod entry in the upper field) → Enable → Start Mods start a new single player game with a supported map ************************************************** VERSION 0.2 ************************************************** ************************************************** VERSION 0.1 ************************************************** ********************************************** ANNOUNCEMENT **********************************************
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