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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. If we have instancing and the performance becomes acceptable, what could be done, as a simple yet very boring task is to split every grass patch into little grass tufts, and use the drop propping mechanism currently in the game to automatically adapt to the ground. If the tufts are small enough, terrain won't be an issue anymore. Currently that mechanism is not efficient because it implies a lot of draw calls. I guess your time is now limited, but if you still have some feel free to submit more patches. We hope to be giving a talk in Brussels about computer graphics this year. Having your code might make it more convincing. Also, That period of doubt is coming to an end. Mac now has working builds, Slackware seems to have patched itself up, Fedora will be fine, and we are getting RC ready, which means might finally be able to get to that review queue.
  2. Thanks for testing @s0600204 I remember you fixed the crash when there was no soundcard but didn't you fix that one as well in a differential ? I can't find it.
  3. Thanks for testing The official version will be out soon.
  4. Make sure all those XMLs are properly indented, else I'll be on your back
  5. Hello Alexandru, 1 - That's normal, the bear animations have not been done yet. That's a planned feature, but we need someone to animate our bear. 2 - I'm not sure I understand, would you mind to elaborate a little ?
  6. Much things for A24 thanks for your work
  7. Hey nice work. To improve the look you should into look into smoothing groups if you need help for baking ao maps let me know.
  8. Looking good. I shall commit them to the art repository. But you need to sign the legal waiver.
  9. Looks nice. Indeed it's not fixed yet but it's in @vladislavbelov's plans. @Lion.Kanzen We can't use this directly as it's better if someone writes the shader code directly into the game. This way users on Windows Mac and Linux can benefit from it.
  10. @JC (naval supremacist) I deleted your answer cause you kinda necroed a thread to put oil on the fire. Sorry if you saw that as a personal offense. I'm locking this thread as well.
  11. I'm open to texture improvement suggestions, proposals.
  12. Stan`


    I'm locking this thread. The issue has been taken care of and anything else would just trigger a flame war. Like that JC answer I just deleted.
  13. Great. Still need to bump the public mod version And fix the installer. But that's good news right @Itms
  14. Hey @jonbaer Looks like I forgot to answer we made some progress regarding mac builds in the past weeks. If you want to help you can test the latest versions and the Mojave patches on code.wildfiregames.com and test the bundles here
  15. I'm creating this thread to gather the testing of bundles. Always download the latest one Please test thoroughly if you can, and answer the twelve points below + your mac os version. 4/12/2018 (Compiled on Mac OSX 10.9.50) : http://www.mediafire.com/file/c09iks5acu6uduv/0ad- 13/12/2018 (Compiled on Mac OSX 10.9.50) : http://www.mediafire.com/file/88d5ey08ej0pwr5/0ad-0.0.23b-alpha-osx64.dmg 14/12/2018 (Compiled on Mac OSX 10.9.50) https://www.mediafire.com/file/88d5ey08ej0pwr5/0ad-0.0.23b-alpha-osx64.dmg/file 15/12/2018 (Compiled on Mac OSX 10.9.50) http://www.mediafire.com/file/02r6qknx7v5cblh/0ad-0.0.23b-alpha-osx64.dmg/file (Same link updated file)
  16. @andy5995 Looking at the build error it seems like it didn't install the correct version of SpiderMonkey. Do you still want to try again ?
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