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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Make sure that the game is in his firewall exceptions
  2. Sounds a bit strange considering the size of maps but for big maps it could make sense. Welcome back.
  3. I guess artist manpower as well of lack of interest added to lack of references that would have made them significantly different.
  4. Nah it's UI but that's C++ Code anyway.
  5. /me wants land unit fishing with harpoons.
  6. Try to open the offending file and add a newline to it.
  7. Scrollbars are a planned feature that hasn't been implemented yet.
  8. If implemented to a full extent textures will change. And maybe the ground too. It can also be imagined that water level would be replaced with icy terrain. Adding a snow variant for unit and buildings should be doable too. I'd like to add Aurora borealis to the game but it should be done with shaders.
  9. Well decreasing unit speed shouldn't have a big impact on the game's speed.
  10. Really ? I didn't know that
  11. Make sure you apply the mod selection changes. Else Atlas won't load it. Also note you have to open Atlas via the game.
  12. Well I plan to commit dmAthena's work as soon as development is not frozen anymore ( And that her portrait is finished of course) So when I'll do so itll be better if it matches the rest
  13. I guess the idea was to easily pick the function
  14. /me doesn't want to recolor every unit portrait That's not really a reason is it ? Portraits are 2D art and not used in the 3D part of the viewport Also I believe that's more of a 3D engine reason than a specific application. Red is for champs green for mercenaries and blue for common folks. I get your point but I don't know if that's a good reason either.
  15. @wowgetoffyourcellphone said purple was a royal color
  16. Just worth noting, in case someone is interested. Regenerative Resources -> #1973 Weather -> #40
  17. That's some fine work here @dMAthena. @LordGood @wowgetoffyourcellphone Do you have any feedback ?
  18. You'll find the files you need in binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components. I don't think it needs C++ changes but I'm not sure.
  19. For Amanirenas Id suggest you take LordGood's drawings as references
  20. Then you'd have to ask user check on modio if he agrees download the mod relaunch the game. Or fail.
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