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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. They apparently put some money to make another one 2.5h per week for one year. Else a bunch of people forked the blender game engine -> https://upbge.org/
  2. If they were in SVN I would not have said lying around I would have said they landed
  3. I do believe patches in that area were made. @Angen (You still around mate ?) @Alexandermb and @temple and I (very quickly) worked on it.
  4. Ah well I missed this thread. @Itms Should I contact them to see if they can make an exception for us ?
  5. That's really strange. Is the screen layered of the sort when you are not using any mods ? Do you have other mods installed beyond fgodMod ? What issues have you encountered when trying to play in LAN ?
  6. I believe I missed you on IRC. The people that you should convince are @user1 and @Hannibal_Barca
  7. True, however this is part of the discussion for the isometric view, on whether it could impact certain players. Different level of zoom might make the game easier for some people. To be fair you can edit the whole game and change the source code ^^ that's one of the cases where one spent too much time wondering if he could, and too few time, whether he should.
  8. What is it supposed to do ? Is it like the socket feature where you can only put buildings on specific areas or are we talking something completely different.
  9. @Jeru Can you ask SPI whether a monthly income is acceptable ? @elexis is right, also one user just put a bounty on a ticket (Isometric view).
  10. True but this would be a breach of my contract. 0 A .D. already being an exception I had to put
  11. That could be nice, however, we do not do this to get paid, most of us anyway, and also, if I earn income on the internet I have to ask for a special french status, and pay taxes
  12. @Jeru Is monthly too bad ?
  13. Isn't patreon a monthly thing ?
  14. As we are doing it for free and on our free time I don't think that would change much. That's definitely something I'd want to push though.
  15. Well if you wanna do some more feel free to let us know
  16. Did you apply you Gaia patch on your repository ? This looks like one of the fortress is using the wrong civ
  17. Might be related to using IPV6. I wish I knew more about networking. Maybe @Imarok knows.
  18. Well technically what could speed up things is using integer arrays as opposed to object arrays. Unfortunately though I believe that needs at least SM45 support
  19. Hey sorry you haven't got an answer. I don't know if these informations fall under the GDPR. I believe though the reason you didn't get an answer is because people forgot to answer. Sorry for the inconvenience @Itms@Hannibal_Barca@elexis@user1
  20. Well the Roman looks a lot like the one in Rome total war. Some Icons are also under copyright. My main concern on the merging aside from the amount of work it would be is that I'm pretty sure there is a lot of broken stuff in it
  21. @Itms do you have the status on the design document ?
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