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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. From what I've seen it's sometimes faster on linux on the same computer specs. Same computer arch vs windows + 15fps
  2. Yeah wallsets were broken for a long time. They are fixed in A24. They are not things you want to screenshot(They are empty objects)
  3. No problem. There might be some loading tips overhaul If I get around finishing the patch. It would allow one to cycle through tips.
  4. I assume windows? %localappdata%\0ad\cache
  5. I might have something in stock. Needs some rework for Pyrogenesis though. There will definitely be something with MGM, just like LOTR or Star Wars mods.
  6. Actually the link above is my todo list, this is my wishlist https://mypads.framapad.org/mypads/?/mypads/group/wfg-z7fo47ha/pad/view/engine-feature-wishlist-191ecg73p IRC discussion http://irclogs.wildfiregames.com/2019-12/2019-12-12-QuakeNet-%230ad-dev.log
  7. @Bred Désolé pour la réponse tardive. Tu peux normalement uploader des fichiers en drag and drop sur le forum. Le fichier le plus important est interestinglog.html I devrait y avoir les erreurs
  8. Est-ce que tu peux uploader le fichier de log? %localappdata%\Local\0ad\logs
  9. L'erreur est étrange essaie de réactiver le feedback en bas a droite. Cela étant dit tu devrais pouvoir jouer normalement
  10. @Bred Bonjour et bienvenue Est-ce que tu as essayé de télécharger le dll du post au dessus du tien? Sinon tu peux essayer celui-là https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/system/libvorbis.dll
  11. Hey Andreas, Thanks for the hard work so far. I will try to get in touch with the OpenSuse packagers to see why they are not using the latest version. In the meantime you can either compile it yourself (if you need help just ask here) or wait. If you have windows and downloaded the latest package you should be fine. If you want the bleeding edge (SVN) version you can get it by following the instructions on the wiki. I guess you could try to convert a deb to a rpm with alien but I don't recommand it. You can also use https://software.opensuse.org/package/snapd to download @oSoMoN snap package. You should have both the last release and the dev version there.
  12. I like this one. It seems straightforward enough.
  13. That's 43. And @Freagarach helped me with it https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2382
  14. Is it? We can add new heads. I just wanted to work on the perks but it doesn't mean other work cannot be done in parallel.
  15. So what about replacing the tavern by the assembly as a start? Bolt typeface was an oversight EDIT: @Genava55 I noticed you are not in the game history.json credits files. How would you rather be credited? Just nick? Nick + Real Name? Just real name? No credits? EDIT2: Added in https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23336
  16. Using the developper overlay (ALT+D) you can disable camera constraints
  17. @Nescio maybe some ideas can be used in this thread? @Genava55 can you give your thoughts and maybe specific names on https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2155?
  18. Sounds fair. I'm not sure how to split this topic into four...
  19. How stable is your friend's internet connection? Does he play on Wi-Fi or Ethernet? If he plays on Wi-Fi is he far from the router? (Like behind walls or something)
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