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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Dan could you provide basic steps for correct AO baking in blender 2.9?
  2. Take your time for the translations, we're currently in translation freeze which means all the work will be mostly for next alpha
  3. I think it's a TLS issue, can you try disabling it?
  4. Hey Rako, Nope it's not me Glad to hear you figured it out! Maybe you could upload the files somewhere in case other people want to do the same
  5. Might be worth showing you this. You asked me a few times what was my strange mode It's Atlas the map editor! That's where you can test things like skyboxes and other funny settings. Such as HDR DOF and bloom Which have been messing with your screenshots . There once was an attempt to improve all this mess but the patch was too big https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1486 editor.mp4 Would be nice to have it as a patch on Phab
  6. Don't We're almost ready to release
  7. Greetings, and welcome to the forums! Thank you, I will get deeper into things soon enough. Ought to be working right now. Good! Let me know if you have any questions, or if something sounds strange or weird Takes some contributions first, but we had some historians. @feneur was probably around (Might want to leave the spammer post limit if it's not done already) Yeah sure, you can edit trac pages for the website we don't have an easy contribution process, but you can make suggestions for sure. SVN and Git mirrors On Gitlab and Github, with the only difference that git is updated once per day. We use arcanist for contributions, but we can delve into that later, and you can use the webinterface of code.wildfiregames.com for the time being; PS: If you speak welsh well enough, or know people who do, you can also help adding the translation in the language https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/cy/
  8. You need to compile the game https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  9. It's still quite dark. Is it because of the AO? or lack thereof?
  10. system info and crashlog coming but not this is not actual crash and the game continued fine. Reported by @Edwarf @vladislavbelov The replay is another bug. Two of A six women batch at the beginning of the game decided to back after being tasked to the woodline @wraitii 2021-02-16_0005.zip
  11. GPU are actually very under used. The game is mostly cpu bound. The switching is mostly done by the driver. The point of those materials is to allow artists to have models with only a few textures eg only diffuse, or diffuse + spec, diffuse +spec + ao, diffuse +spec + ao + parallax, diffuse +ao etc. If you load a material requiring more texture you'll get warnings.
  12. According to vladislav "we might have up to 200-300 shader switches per-frame" And yes all are used.
  13. Well thankfully we don't have a shader per object. But we do indeed have quite a few shader. ---------------- basic_trans family For transparent objects Has a bad perf impact. basic_trans_{ao}_{parallax}_{spec} Special one basic_trans_{wind} (moves like if pushed by wind) ----- no_trans family No special stuff plain old diff spec normal parallax no_trans_{ao}_{parallax}_{spec} ----- player_trans family. multiplies a player color on the texture player_trans_{ao}_{parallax}_{spec} ------ There is also basic_spec creates a spec without specular texture basic glow creates a very faint glow effect using the alpha channel of the specular. objectcolor.xml is like player trans but you define the color in the actor
  14. Ah yeah I see. In general the specular was made for metallic parts but I can see how that went wrong for some stuff.
  15. Well it stayed as poc as the mod was not finished. Nowadays Nephy works on another mode called Hyrule conquest. I suppose we could use it for shields. I'm not sure I get you. Are we talking about the new bronze shields speculars that were made yellow so they could keep that tint or do you also talk about b&w ones ?
  16. Could be they have normal maps / spec maps, or use player color, or something else. Everything looks very green?
  17. I need to ask ricotz, but it's very likely it will come at the same time with the release.
  18. https://github.com/Balanced-Annihilation-Reloaded The issue is binary patching archives I suppose we don't even need to version anything. I really liked the idea of an autoupdater. Not sure how the official maintainers would look at it, since it could be a security concern.
  19. More scaringly. <variant frequency="0" name="Briton Fortress Old" file="structures/defensive_building.xml"> <variant file="structures/defensive_building.xml" frequency="0"> <variant name="Briton Fortress Old" file="structures/defensive_building.xml"> <variant name="Briton Fortress Old" file="structures/defensive_building.xml" frequency="0"> are equivalent <variant file="structures/defensive_building.xml" name="Briton Fortress Old"> <variant file="structures/defensive_building.xml" name="Briton Fortress Old" frequency="0"> work. current <variant frequency="0" name="Briton Fortress Old" file="structures/defensive_building.xml"> EDIT: IMHO variant should always be last to be overriden. Refs: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP18054 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3286 EDIT2: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3572
  20. Well those variants have frequency="0" but sill get picked because they are before (in the file) the frequency="1" variant
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