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https://www.linux-community.de/ausgaben/linuxuser/2022/07/lebendige-geschichte-mit-0-a-d-erleben/?fbclid=IwAR20j2x5AhDrpRcIPPSCK4PkLQx8lHSbAjXu-HWPIXZv3PN6sK0lw6XA4404 points
https://play0ad.com/summary-of-the-japan-tours-festival-2022/2 points
Had sth. similar when plugging in the 2nd screen. The smaller notebook screen size was taken over to the second one, so that there was a black area to the right as well. Minimizing and maximizing didn't help. Needed to restart the programme. Cannot retry currently.2 points
I guess I'm one of the "quality control" guys here, so I'll put in my dime. Units start running when they start fleeing, as described here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js#L2003. They also run when chasing an enemy that flees (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js#L2310), but only after they've been attacking them before (legacy, don't ask me why; okay, since you do ask me, it is because running immediately would allow you to run accross the whole map to get somewhere quickly). Searching that file for "this.SetSpeedMultiplier(this.GetRunMultiplier());" reveals those are the _only_ occurances (of something that should be called "this.Run()"; I feel a patch boiling up). I do have to note that there are "cheats" to allow units to run besides this, but I'll leave that to the interested reader.2 points
Here is the third 'Release Candidate' of Alpha 26 - Zhuangzi Downloads - Current bundles are for SVN revision r27067/TBD Linux data and build macOS (x64) macOS (ARM) (Unavailable for now) Windows Things to note: Mind your mods -> they might introduce issues or Out Of Sync. Save your A25 config file somewhere, ideally. What changed: Alpha26 – Wildfire Games What changed since the last RC. How to port my mod PortA25ToA26 – Wildfire Games What to do if I have an error or notice something weird? Post your commands.txt (replay) and the interestinglog.html file from your folder. You can also reply to this thread. What to do if the game crashes? Upload your crashlog.dmp and crashlog.txt see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths What to do if I have an Out Of Sync? You should go in your logs folder, find the replay (commands.txt at least), the mainlog/interestinglog and find the OOS dump folder. Zip all these files and upload them here. We need the reports from two players to compare them: One OOS and one non-OOS players at least should upload their oos_dump files. Things you may want to test (non-exhaustive) Launch a random game Launch a skirmish. Connect to the lobby Play on the lobby with someone Play in LAN Launch Atlas and try things out there Open Unit tests demo (To see if there any breakage in displaying entities) (It's in scenarios) Enable feedback and see if it works (Main menu) See this video Connect to and use mod.io Test replaying new games Test Screenshots (F2) Test deleting all saved games Test Big Screenshots (Maj+F2) Test hotkeys Test Saving and loading a game. Test Quickload/Quicksave And of course playing games.1 point
Thanks for the suggestion. I've rebuilt from git commit 8e0fc8a (Jul 9, 2022) and the problem still exists.1 point
If you want that mute bot to be removed you should take it to user 1 as it's not hosted, controlled, or shared by WFG.1 point
1 point
Pretty solid article. Ofc I could nitpick some of the guidance it offers. I find these indents really ugly. I think all text lines should start exactly like the header, currently there are three positions. Who does something like this? Who thinks it looks good? Who is our German maintainer? I was wondering if "Gameplay" was an oversight or a decision.1 point
Yes, it was squares and not icons. Yes. Toggling icons makes the chicken squares appear/disappear. Guess they were just covered by the icons. Maybe I'll mess with icons.sizescale a bit.1 point
@Langbart Looks legit didn't we fix something similar?1 point
this is the new civilization bonus. I think the tooltips should say 0 sec.1 point
You should be able to capture the wonder if you have more than 10 units. The only thing you can't do is destroying the wonder or garrison units inside. The code for tiggers might have chnged in alpga 25 so some things might be broken.1 point
Me and @Jammyjamjamman fixed an error in fert_triggers.js yesterday and played Fert for the first time. It's a pretty cool map. Thanks for sharing it, @nani Question though: It seems that the only way to capture the wonder is to build a CC near to it (units can't capture it). Is that intended? Also, if a CC that is near it (and has therefore captured it) has been destroyed, ownership of the wonder doesn't revert back to Gaia... In effect, it seems like whoever captures the wonder first will win the game no matter what. Is there some code we could add that will make the wonder loses ownership in that case? We had wonder option enabled and set to five minutes. (This map is currently included with the community maps 2 mod)1 point
Yeah I'm also quite dubious about it. From what I could gather after a one hour search it seems to be only people who have it installed. Which is, to us at least a very useless metric. The snap apparently pings the server when the device is online. Would be interesting to sniff that packet maybe to know if it sends it if you run the game or just periodically. @vladislavbelov can generate it I think. I'll ask him Yeah it's possible. Sad though. Still the amount of people having never heard of the game never cease to amaze me. About 12/250 people I met last weekend heard of it. Well. Linux. Slackware had to switch to clang to be able to compile. They had GCC 4.8.1 https://repology.org/project/0ad/versions1 point
1 point
The first graph is by WFG, the latter two by Canonical. The 1k in the WFG graph is for v-16 (a25 I guess), while v-11 is only ~400. Still shockingly high I'd say. The covid spike is quite apparent in the graphs from Canonical, the one from WFG only covers the last month. Linux users don't download from WFG at all (at least hardly), distributions either mirror the sources or offer built binaries themself. The graphs from Canonical mostly show the shift from deb to snap. There isn't much other information to glean there other than estimating user base based on the plateau. The only thing I'm wondering is the exact definition of "weekly active devices"1 point
1 point
Something in the data doesn't make sense. The daily reports also suggest that those weekly numbers are inaccurate. The daily reports purportedly show that there are 1K reports from 23b every day. But the weekly active report shows that there are only about 100. Those numbers don't make sense next to each other. The weekly reports also don't show a COVID spike, which anecdotally doesn't make sense, and doesn't reflect the massive download spike that occurred at the same time For example, there were 50K downloads in April 2020 which is double current downloads. You would expect there to be a massive spike in the weekly reports. We see the sharp increase but then it plateaus at a slightly lower rate. That doesn't make sense when downloads are half what they were. The weekly reports should either steadily increase at a lower than previous rate or there should be a massive drop in reports because of uninstalls.1 point
Too late... RC2 is there just haven't had to write the post and upload it...1 point
1 point
You should have the previous version of the archive and if you delete it, the problem will be solved.1 point
here is very interesting blogpost https://aras-p.info/blog/2022/06/23/Comparing-BCn-texture-decoders/ that guy specializes on performance optimisations @Stan` @vladislavbelov what do you think?1 point
A bit. I still think it would be annoying micro to do the garrisoning But I think that is a feature that would be nice civ feature. Can it be implemented now? Perhaps that would be a good civ bonus. @wowgetoffyourcellphone, seems like something that goes well with the theme of the last mace team bonus1 point
(This partly could be mitigated by allowing CS to construct siege on the battlefield.)1 point
I was. I think the revision was still in progress, though.1 point
Why does everythint turn into a bloodbath everytime? As I said above attack move does nothing, formation do. It should be visible if you set it to no formation1 point
Do you like labels a lot? If the fact that you make a false statement and I correct makes me a "quality control guy", then yes, I probably am a quality control guy. I was talking about the XML files (but also the code that works with them). And what is your point now? That we have to go through the entire codebase to make sure there is nothing that changes the unit speed in our case? And you are trying to push this idea as the best way to settle a debate? I was treating you nicely when I called that "bad wording" instead of just a bad idea introduced by a wrong statement. And I see you are now trying to make this about myself, while it was your suggestion that was just bad. Yes, insert some irrelevant quotes instead of any reflection.1 point
A few more useful flare message (based on experience in other games): Form up on me! Help! Danger here! Let's go here! Vulnerable targets here! Enemy army spotted! Enemy is building, deny it! Build this for me! Protect this location! Cover me!1 point
The next step is to redesign the areas around the base. The topographic cells are to compressed, i want more space. So i put up in the map-description language an character (exclamation point), that connect cells to the cell of the base. I put this char exactly at the location of the default-hill. I could also overwrite the hill with some char and put the cell somewhere close. But there should always be some distance between the topographic features. The description of the map now looks like this: setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!"]); And the result now looks like this: Again, up to now, for all players the topography is the same. Next, i want to reduce the amounts of cell before me, at the moment there are three cells, i just want two, and i want them not to be aligned to my base. For the description i added the dot to erase any topographic feature, that was set by default, and a "X" to set a new cell. The description now looks like that: setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!", "", "", "", "", ".....X.....X......."] and the map looks like that: Now i make a little alteration, i will only put one hill in front of my base. The small "x" is like the big "X", but it will not get randomly displaced. setMap(["", "x", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!", "", "", "", "", "...........x......."] ); The result looks like that: Now i apply the random displacement to the cells: The cells now are lowered or raised plateaus, except the cells, that belong to the base - they are always lowered. For the accessibility there is no difference, if the plateau is raised or lowered, the ramps to the plateaus are either go up or down. Also, while the default cells are randomly displaced, the cells set by the discription-array are not. Of course you can create cells, that are displaced. But for this example i wanted to be the cells in the immediate surrounding of the base all to be fixed. The last step for now is texture and trees. And this is, what the "normal"-sized map for three players look like: Just for the observation, i have limited the trees to the proximity of the base - i have an old computer, and i utilize everything to reduce lag. But there is also a character for Cells with a forest. And this is what a map of the "medium" size looks like. Parts of the element described in the array are missing. So this map is already to small. Still you get a nice map, and still it is fair to all players.1 point
1 point
Only 538 that's too low compared to the population India have, maybe I should start sticking posters on walls for 0AD. I tried doing online stuffs but nobody care what I say.1 point
1 point
I'm for siege not using up any population but needs some garrison. Rams and catapults don't eat food and don't need to sleep in buildings. However, in order to prevent too much spamming, we can add a condition that they are only functional if garrisoned with units. This would be more interesting to play with and you won't need to worry about deleting your units once you reach 200 population.1 point
1 point
Are diverting the focus of the topic... Pls stay focused on finding solutions and bringing new ideas1 point
You eniterely missed the point. You cant do this: Just by the sheer amount of daily downloads of mods on mod.io that you never see (or extremely rarely) being played online tells me more than enough. On a good day it can surpass the number of online people in the lobby. The difference is, the lobby mainly consists of the same returning players while number of mod downloads are likely new people. Just to provide you a statistic. It's not annoying if it's rewarding. My point is, you're purely talking from a competitive perspective while many people don't play the game competitively. It often feels like the entire game gets build around the 1% of the (loudest) playerbase. Back on subject, i agree that buffing siege if you garrison them is the very least thing that can be done to make them more interesting.1 point
It's nice to see my fist used in so many techs Maybe I should make more of those.1 point
I'll use this as an example against overly complicated warships too. Do you want to have to load up garrisons in each and every ship in order to make it useful? If so, then for apm's sake you'd only be able to play with a very small number of ships. If you keep them simpler, each ships requires fewer apm, and you can have a larger number of ships (fleets instead of a small squadron). Same thing with making siege more complicated. If you add complexity in one area, then you probably need to remove complexity somehow. In this case, limiting you to like 1 or 2 rams. I can see a gameplay where Walls become more useful and interesting and then the attacker building 1 or 2 rams that they have to stock with troops and skillfully use to knock down the enemy walls effectively can be fun. But the game's not there yet, and it's not clear whether most players would like that (I would, but that's beside the point: I'm not most players).1 point
1 point
We already have a feature where you can request attack against a player. I think this should also be the same. When you click on flare, multiple standard standrd command will pop up as mentioned by @Lion.Kanzen. The player will select the command. If don't select any of these and use flare on map, then the popup will close and flare will act as normal present flare, you can mentione the reason in comment. Attaching wireframe for the same. @Stan` Do you think this a small task or big task?1 point
1 point
1 point
programmers do not need to apply. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers1 point
Middle Preclassic Period During the Middle Preclassic Period (1000-400 BC), small villages began to grow to form cities.[25] By 500 BC these cities possessed large temple structures decorated with stucco masks representing gods.[26] Nakbe in the Petén Department of Guatemala is the earliest well-documented city in the Maya lowlands,[27] where large structures have been dated to around 750 BC.[25] Nakbe already featured the monumental masonry architecture, sculpted monuments and causeways that characterised later cities in the Maya lowlands.[27] --------------------------------------- 1000 BC es demasiado temprano. 400 BC es aceptable pero se puede mejorar.1 point
Quizá fuera del preclásico/protoclásico. En ese período había muchas máscaras de estuco. Creo que encajaría bien y había muchos muy complejos.1 point
Needs to be a major change in Transiflex. Also "dein", "deine", "deiner" ... need to be capitalized. Then I'd follow.1 point
We should try and schedule a round of team games on the release candidate: a few things to check for: Are mercs still OP, or now balanced? Perhaps, but we have to check. What do we think of acceleration. Compare performance to a25 maybe. and then Han balance, but this is already being worked on.1 point
1 point