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  1. 5 points
  2. Germanic house models. I am open to opinions and criticisms @wowgetoffyourcellphone
    4 points
  3. Well exo convinced me to work on a campaign mission.
    4 points
  4. Hello, AOE fan and seasoned "graphics worker" here. I am an illustrator, 3D modeler (this includes UV, texturing, characters with correct anatomy, props, buildings, etc), comic author, pixel artist (as in pixel art for mobile games, and also pixel art for UI stuff), UI (not really UX) expertise, web designer (only coding HTML and CSS), worked in several game titles (at 4 game companies, but not big ones), also free mods (back in the day when I had time, lol), and currently freelancing for board (and card) games illustration and design, 3D for miniatures 3D printing (I mean, gigs for that), and eventual oil portraits (some people still like that for a wedding, mascot, and etc...). The problem is I have very little time, and can't justify to work in unpaid projects, because my full time freelancing already provides low income, and as part of it goes to help some in desperate need (so, not really can allow myself to dedicate big chunks of time to free contributions). But I could have time after lunch most days (some minutes, but that's a lot in what it can produce....), if is there some possible way to contribute. In the case you have tasks that are not involving too much team coordination, neither require a lot of tech specs. Mostly as those require often more work than making the art (have worked a lot in mods, and in actual games, I know that). IE I've seen the specs for blender anims, and of course it makes sense, no engine would require less than that (I've seen quite worse) but this help would be more artistic than technical (when I'm into doing those complexities, gotta be paid, and then I do whatever it takes, no matter what). So, things I might be helpful at... Icons for UI, interested/motivated in large ones... "Maybe" full page illustrations. Maybe UI designs. Largely interested in Blender animations IF someone else could take care about the importing stuff (to the engine) and I could start from already compliant 3D models (ie, having its bones properly named and all stuff, for the game). Specially motivating would be complex animations, as the purpose (the part for my own benefit) here would be to add some animation sample to my portfolio page. I have only animated as a helper guy to the animator of every studio, being a worker covering mostly all the other areas mentioned (and some more...SEO, some scripting, video editing, etc). The other stuff also adds portfolio samples (to my site), but animation is what I'm lacking more of samples. It's always good to add more big scale illustration work. So, that could be fine, too (due to clients work, I'm used to adhere -and research- to specific historic references). My experience at companies was 100% with 3DS Max (a bit of Maya), but since many years (v. 2.28c) I've been using Blender for my eventual 3D freelancing. That does not mean I'm a Blender expert, only that it served for my particular freelancing. I'm expert in modeling/texturing in general, anyway. My strongest point is illustration. Pardon my English, is not my first language. So, I know is a large IF, and probably no collaboration would be possible. But well, just in case. If ends up as not being possible, I'm a huge fan of RTS games, specially Age Of Empires (Conquerors), so, I guess I'll be just chilling around, anyway. Attached samples to be removed soon, they have copyright, and rights, so, shall not be used in anything, other than me showing samples (I know about all of the contributions needing to be open sourced, and the thread where I'd have to post that paragraph, in case I'd contribute, before the fact). Edit: Removed the samples (I believe most team members had already seen them), as I am about to paste that legal waiver in the particular thread, while these samples wouldn't be part of the deal. But yep anything that I'd make from now, for this project. So, heading for that thread.
    3 points
  5. He said is feel more realistic now: Is more weird a villager to Zoom all over the map, Stamina should really be implemented to nerf this kinda of "zoom" infantry, making walk as a proper human. Walking would be the default and toggle run would make infantry drain stamina making skirmisher drain stamina slower than a hoplite or pikeman. Also is kinda broken compared to the resource gathering thing i've mentioned before, having 100 gathereres skirmishers are way better than 100 hoplites.
    2 points
  6. Quick question, how do you take out rams when playing as Macedonians and Athenians? And why don't they have swordmen?
    2 points
  7. Continuing my experiment with the new wood material:
    2 points
  8. Carefull with that, you can burn your video chipset and leave your motherboard useless (happend to my aunt pc's). Blend file of barrel: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L6GmEOG-HiuV_NE76ngIkrKT7YB3_h4P Editing normal map reducing opacity for have an inversed height in the cover:
    2 points
  9. So i've spent most of the day doing this (because my pc is crappy and don't have gpu but just an Intel HD4000 and every render is 30 mins long and preview is 30 seconds per frame): Experimenting with my base material for helmets and ships, plus another tutorial i've watched + everything i've learned so far. A fully zipped material into this: And this is how it looks inside: A WHOLE DAY FOR A SINGLE BARREL! Yes, thats how much it takes for my pc to experiment with materials. Plus this i've baked for the persians: Missing if desired the lower player color zone:
    2 points
  10. they even remaster the icons this time. the icons looks very nice with renders.
    1 point
  11. Hello everyone, This to inform modders of a breaking change in templates following https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP22754. Capture previously looked: <Capture> <Value>5</Value> ...[Other Stuff]... </Capture> You need to change "Value" into "Capture". The reason for this is that you may now use the "Damage", "Capture", and "GiveStatus" nodes in any place where you could previously use Damage. For example, you can now have capturing splash damage, or both a Capture and a Damage node in the same attack. "Capture" is no longer hardcoded to be the only attack type that can capture. This change also affects many simulation components, so feel free to ask questions about those if needed. Let me know if anything looks odd, as again, this changed many component files and there's a chance I've missed an edge case. Please note that tooltip support is not yet committed, this will be a WIP in the upcoming days.
    1 point
  12. Sadly, there is absolutely no such thing as common armor for the Suebians. Neither helmets or chainmail were common, even in noble burials. Scale armor are only found in Roman auxiliary tombstone gravure. For the 3rd century AD, there is a chain mail found in Vimose https://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-early-iron-age/the-weapon-deposit-from-vimose/the-chain-mail-from-vimose/
    1 point
  13. Oh, so we all agree here that Macedonians should have Thracian Black Cloaks armed with rhomphaia? Sorry I misunderstood @wowgetoffyourcellphone Let's ask @Nescio to be sure. If all the history enthusiasts agree, we can add the Thracian unit to the Macedonian roster, to help them out with those pesky rams. Macedonians would probably be played more often then, and it adds some nice regional context to the faction.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I actually have no qualms against giving the Skiritai spears. In fact! I'll do that in DE now! But for real, you said it yourself: the sword was a secondary weapon for the Hellenic cultures. Yep, I believe Thracian units under the Macedonians routed a small Roman force in the days before Pydna.
    1 point
  16. Swords were a standard secondary weapon for the Macedonian army, even for units like peltasts. I think swords were secondary weapons for most civs that used them anyway... Even the Spartan skiritai is randomly given swords even though they seem to have fought as light hoplites with spears. Alexander and his buddy with sword in hand, doing some naked lion hunting, because who needs clothes when you're emperor of the world, right? From a mosaic at Pella. Macedonia is also a lot closer to Thrace than Athens, and the Macedonian army was chockfull of Thracians. I know a lot of them were equipped in the Macedonian fashion, but all of them? Is this image so wrong? Thracians at the battle of Pydna. (I just saw you commented on this image way back in 2013, lol)
    1 point
  17. I have proposed a "shuttle speed" for the benefit of vanilla many times. Luckily in DE, this is not an issue.
    1 point
  18. It's been a while since I played vanilla in earnest, so I assumed Macedonians also got the Royal Stoa and Thorakites, but I guess I was wrong. In either case, there really isn't any historical justification as far as I know. The Macedonians should actually get the Black Cloaks, not the Athenians.
    1 point
  19. And bad loser rant continues: Today I had really good fight, but moment when I started to lose was when two rams anhilated ten remaining spearman, who could not do nothing damage. Seriosly rams should work only against structures.
    1 point
  20. A belated update. City Building Mod has been updated with Coin resources from Phase II. Not all of Phase II plans are completed, hopefully can be finished soon. Coin resource and how it works might sound familiar for those who played great mods like Delenda Est or especially 0abc where this mod takes a lot of inspirations from. I promised I would give it a different spin so here they are, Update 0.2.0: Coin resource added. It is meant to be a measure of prosperity of your city. All buildings consume Coin (negative trickle), except houses and markets/tavern. This is to simulate salary. Houses and markets generate Coin instead, to simulate taxation. Houses pay different amount of taxes depending on location desirability. House beside a barrack pay less tax than house beside a wonder. Units consume Food. Cavalry consume twice as much, and Elephants consume five times human food portions. Stable and kennels consume food as well Building consume Wood to simulate maintenance, as wood is degradable. Bigger building consume more wood. Some technologies also cost Coins where it makes sense. Phasing up always use coins. Mercenaries, Champions, and Heroes cost significant amount of coins, and mercenaries also consume Coins periodically. All resources can only be reduced to zero, but Coins can go negative to simulate government debts. etc. As usual, if you're interested to try the mod it is available on Mod.io and GitHub. Challenges faced on Phase II are these: Resource Cap: It's still a mystery to me. I thought I could just mimic Population Cap behaviour, but turns out it's very difficult. Not only Cost.js and Player.js has to be modified, it seems GuiInterface.js should also be changed, and I still don't understand this file. Victory Condition: Still figuring out how to trigger based on amount resources collected. My dream would be an option in Game Type before battle that says "Economic Victory" and the goal is to be the first to reach 50,000 Coins. Secondary resources: This should be implemented alongside resource cap. Also my concern is that this is going to make unnecessary microes. Therefore I shall postpone this until later. I'd probably dabble around Phase III meanwhile. Phase III is overhaul for Citizens to make it more interesting. Some of the main ideas I'd like to explore in this phase is to introduce a unit called Leader. A hero type unit that will be available since the beginning, replacing current cavalry. Leader is meant to be player avatar thus bestowed with advanced capabilities and aura which could be upgraded like in RPG games. I also would like to explore the possibilities of militia as starting units, which can be promoted to regular soldiers later. Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  21. 0abc updated again: women, slaves, and fishing boats use rhombus selection shape, traders and merchant ships hexagon all factions can train cavalry javelineers at the stable in the village phase each civilization gets a discount on some technologies: Carthage: Market technologies −30% resource costs and research time Gauls: House technologies −40% resource costs and research time Kushites: Temple technologies −10% resource costs and research time Macedon: Forge technologies −10% resource costs and research time Mauryas: Palace technologies −10% resource costs and research time Ptolemies: Naval technologies −25% resource costs and research time Rome: Arsenal technologies −50% resource costs and research time Seleucids: Stable technologies −20% resource costs and research time Libraries now give structures −10% build time (instead of technology discount) updated {civ}.json data files various minor updates and corrections [EDIT] also let the history window use bullets (which was surprisingly easy to do: D2221):
    1 point
  22. Nor were slingers their primary offensive units. I think playing with Celtic factions should intuitively make you focus on spearmen, swordsmen and cavalry, using slingers for defensive or harassing purposes. Ranged units in general should have limited effectiveness when attacking a unit with shield from the front, but more effective when hitting them from the side or back. This would encourage flanking maneuvers. I'd vote to get rid of all these weird extreme civ bonuses, and replace them with more normal ones. Like with Ptolemies. Why would anybody get free houses? Just give them a nominal cost at least. Build times really don't count as a cost here, and increasing build time of mud-brick structures to compensate for them being free is the wrong way to go imo... Houses should rather be built more quickly, but also have much lower health. Mauryan elephants increasing efficiency of assigned builders makes sense, but elephants building an entire structure from its foundation without any human present really doesn't belong in a game like 0AD imo. Iberian starting walls are the main reason I barely ever play them. I think It's annoying and it's not like Iberians were so famous for their walls... Everybody built walls... Rams can literally outrun infantry... And things like catapults, bolt shooters and scorpio's have an insane pierce armor (50?). Why? These aren't covered siege engines. Once infantry reaches them they should be as good as dead. And since they're not covered, they should be vulnerable to enemy ranged units as well. Military camps are cool, but why can't Ptolemies and Seleucids build more CC's?
    1 point
  23. Balance is a recurring problem, actually. So your concerns can be taken. I think that the Britons are intended to be the New Player's Faction, so they're overpowered. At least they're not as strong as before. Back then, 10-15 slingers can demolish houses and storehouses so quickly that they ignore soldiers hitting them. I'm also in favor in nerfing them again, but I want to maintain their Rushing Status. The Ptolemies are said to have the slowest Cavalry Rushes. So if you get clobbered by one, you have to re-evaluate your strategies countering them. In a real war, there are a mix of experienced soldiers: veterans who still don't like to kill, and veterans who got used to killing that it destroyed their moral compasses. Crushing New Players isn't wrong unless you plan to give them "Teaching Games". You only have to worry about looking like a Tryhard. Resigning because you no longer see the point is also fine as long as you tell everyone in the game "GG" or something like that. I think Resigning is only hotly debated in Ranked Games, because you know, (I can still win even if it will take me three days to get there). -- Well, that's just my opinion on the matter.
    1 point
  24. version 0.9.2 Fix: no random grey bar and no random error during game @faction02
    1 point
  25. Of course! And more, if you like. Never hesitate to ask questions, there are always people with more experience, so there is no point in wasting time by trying to reinvent the wheel yourself. Don't add duplicate art files. Templates can load any actor, regardless of civilization. E.g. `sele_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml`: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_unit_cavalry_ranged_javelinist"> <Identity> <Civ>sele</Civ> <Lang>greek</Lang> <SelectionGroupName>units/sele_cavalry_javelinist_b</SelectionGroupName> <GenericName>Militia Cavalry</GenericName> <SpecificName>Hippakontistès Politès</SpecificName> <Icon>units/sele_cavalry_javelinist.png</Icon> </Identity> <Promotion> <Entity>units/sele_cavalry_javelinist_a</Entity> </Promotion> <VisualActor> <Actor>units/athenians/cavalry_javelinist_b_m.xml</Actor> </VisualActor> </Entity> [EDIT] You need to create simulation templates for the units you want to be available for your civ, but you can let them load templates from other civs, if you like. E.g. create `acha_support_female_citizen`: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="units/spart_support_female_citizen"> <Identity> <Civ>acha</Civ> <SelectionGroupName>units/acha_support_female_citizen</SelectionGroupName> </Identity> </Entity> and `acha_support_female_citizen_house`: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="units/acha_support_female_citizen"> <Cost> <BuildTime>30</BuildTime> </Cost> <Identity> <RequiredTechnology>unlock_females_house</RequiredTechnology> </Identity> </Entity>
    1 point
  26. i leaved only syntagma to macedonians (the ones actually using it) didn't realized every civ has the formation enabled. I will commit a patch with every pikeman having syntagma variant files.
    1 point
  27. Imagine how it would be having a GPU. I would experiment further if the preview was as fast as tutorials, they can previsualize every micro change in seconds while for me it takes minutes. Also baking the texture in 2k or 4k size gives even better results when resizing and a sharper look but that as other things require a proper GPU, at least a GTX 1000+. Cool that you have also a HD4000, maybe i can post a blender file just to press bake or F12 for Screen render like enrique's did in his tutorial for scales or wood if you want to experiment changing colors, scales, shapes etc.
    1 point
  28. IIRC we scale square maps to fit into circle. UPD.
    1 point
  29. @Lion.Kanzen la verdad yo eliminé el servidor porque nadie se unía. Pensé que había más gente jugando el MOD. O de más que no muchos vieron el post. Igual ya me concentré en intentar crear mi propio MOD. Vamos a ver como va.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. It would be nice if someone (@Alexandermb?) could create the following actor animations: fishing boat ranged attack animation (hurl harpoon) fishing boat meat gather animation (chop at carcass), to be used for whales, crocodiles, etc. infantry and female citizen fish gather animation (spear-fishing), so they can catch fish in shallow waters near the shores I believe I've requested it before, but couldn't find it, hence me starting a new thread now.
    1 point
  32. The simulation template file name ought to be `{civ}_civil_centre.xml` for all civs; the `{civ}` part is then replaced with the civ code, e.g. `athen_civil_centre.xml`, not `athenians_civil_centre.xml`. You can give your template another name (`achaeans_cc.xml` or whatever), but then you also need to add a tiny template (`acha_civil_centre.xml` or whatever) to load it: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="structures/achaeans_cc"/> to ensure the AI, maps, units etc. can handle it. This is also what I did in my mod ( https://github.com/0abc/0abc-a23/tree/master/simulation/templates/structures ), where I moved templates into individual `{civ}/` folders, to make things more manageable.
    1 point
  33. It was very difficult to read fgod stats on snow biome lol. I wish for an option to scale fgod separately from the main 0ad gui. And to change the font, the default font seems to have some aliasing or something. There will be other streamers also, between us we will figure out the correct streaming configuration. I'm not aristol Dancing is too overpowered. I misgendered you at least once, I'm sorry
    1 point
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