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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2019-01-29 in all areas

  1. A Quick preview of 3 Shield meshes and the usage of spinas and umbos props variety: Still have to bake more shield shapes.
    3 points
  2. Hey guys, new version 1.0.1 is available to donwload. It is also available directly from MOD.IO.
    3 points
  3. Question: Who worked on the UI for this? Mainly the hero selection at the beginning? Would love to do something like that for Delenda Est.
    3 points
  4. Congratulations on your new release.
    2 points
  5. Greetings! As some of you might have noticed development has nearly come to a halt a while ago. This was not only caused by issues around the initial attempt at releasing Alpha 23, but also regarding how development was done, and a certain number of internal conflicts. A few people were not quite happy with where the development was going, or how the team "interacted" with each other. A long time ago the team at least had each other's backs in cases of conflict. Apparently this ceased to be the case a while ago. You might now wonder why this sad story above is the start of this communication. Well, some of us decided that we were not happy with this, and after each and every one of us stopped considering the current team in this state to be good steersmen we decided to give the whole community an alternative. Please let us introduce you to Fork AD. The amount of changes that have been made to the code since we forked is greater in number than the amount of changes to WFG's SVN repo since May. That may not sound like a lot, until you consider that we've been at this for less than a month, and WFG allegedly has a lot more active members. Now we know you've been craving to know some details of what we've changed so far. Apart from fixing some glaring bugs in the code that were even pointed out to WFG when they were noticed, we are updating a lot of things so we don't place users of our code at risk. There also is a lot better Single Player support, though one could blame that on most of said code effectively being unmaintained, better mod support, improved development tools, a bunch of housekeeping that was needed, and more. If you now ask yourself when and where you can download Fork AD, we still have to defer you to a later point. We will release for all supported platforms, which are still Linux, macOS, Windows, and BSDs, once we are confident that we are releasing something that fullfills your expectations, and is something we can be proud of. Although the progress has already been substantial, we are always open for reinforcement, either from new people or from those disappointed or demotivated by the WFG direction. Artists in particular are very welcomed. As said before, the state of that fork is not yet publicly available, but all information will be given on our website when available. Meanwhile, you can reach us at https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=forkad Kind regards, fatherbushido, leper and mimo.
    1 point
  6. Hello again everyone! Link to the last thread : This is a follow-up to the last thread I made; Our project supervisor wanted me and my partner to consolidate all the information from the beginning, so I will go again and explain our problems regarding the project we are developing. Our main idea is to develop machine-learning capabilities within the AI in the game. To do so, we are planning to use a work environment (probably TensorFlow) that works with python. Therefore, we need to find a way to connect our ML code that will be written in python with the AI files that are written in JavaScript. So far, we have been offered to use interfaces that are already found in the game code in C++, write the data that we need to a file that we can use ML on, and calling the JavaScript functions using python server in a way that could make us access the valuable API. We have also been offered TensorFlow.js, but unfortunately it turns out that the mathematical libraries essential to ML are not included with it. At the end, we have chosen the third option, and started working on a server that will fulfill our objectives in creating the link. However¸ we have ran into some problems regarding the JavaScript connection. We tried to use jQuery to create requests with the server, but spiderMonkey does not come with it. At the end of the day, we really want to use the server as a connection between JS and Python, and we would like to ask for any way for us to do so. Even so, if there are any other good ways that exist and can work with the game, we would be happy to hear. Thank you to all for your help and patience with us so far! It is really not that obvious. EDIT: Some more insight on what we have done so far: We want to extend the existing AI code, written in javascript, with machine learning code written in Python. To do so, we need to invoke our Python code from within the javascript code. We have been offered to make this connection via http (i.e. AJAX), but the game's spidermonkey engine doesn't seem to support AJAX.
    1 point
  7. So I recently tried to fight as the Roman faction and noticed something when I tried to build the fortified siege camp & siege walls and towers. They all decay back to Gaia. Now, this is not so much a problem HOWEVER. The gatehouse cannot be garrisoned and thus eventually will be lost to either the enemy or to Gaia. So! Either make the gate house garrisonable or remove decay for gatehouses because using siege gatehouses right now is out of the question.
    1 point
  8. Hello again. Made a little mod to add hotkeys for buildings. Press Space + Key to select the desired building from the panel. Hotkeys are meant to be ordered and not set per specific building. Holding pressed Space will show what key each building has in the panel (each key can be changed in user.cfg) Pyromod file here: buildings_shortcuts.pyromod Cheers and happy playing? xd *Compatible with fgod, autociv and maybe others
    1 point
  9. I envision that the user gets as much automation as he wants. If he does nothing at all, his player will be computer controlled. So defaults should be sensible. But the user can turn off particular automation features at different levels and try to manage things better manually. (If the player has turned off for example automatic building placement, the automation could still make suggestions, like "now it seems to be a good idea to build a storehouse here, OK?". Of course the user should be able to turn off suggestions as well.) Whether the workers emerge automatically from a civic center, barracks or the resource camp itself is a detail that could differ between factions. It should be automatic in any case. (It would make sense for the resource camp to provide the necessary housing for the workers associated with it.) I watched all the 0ad videos by Tom on youtube and people seem to like playing the game with citizen solders (and I liked watching such games). The "call to arms" feature would work in the Rock–paper–scissors type of system that is Raiding-turtling-booming. To counter raiding, a player would turtle by setting his most exposed resource camps to request citizen soldiers. To counter turtling, a player would boom by setting his resource camps to request cheaper female citizens. To counter booming, a player would raid. The player also has to consider which mix of soldiers a resource cam should request, depending on which kind of rush might come. This system could provide interesting and challenging games. And as I wrote above, the defaults should be sensible. So the composition of workers requested by a resource camp should be automatically set according to how exposed it seems to be to raids. And of course the user should be able to override this.
    1 point
  10. Hmm, animators need to study the walk of animals and not just go by memory or imagination. The feet of animals go a lot closer to the center line than many of the animal animations currently in the game. The pigs in the game, for instance, walk like they are about to poopoo on themselves, with an unnaturally wide stance. hehe You can see the hoof falls are very close to the center line from the front. Legs go underneath the animal, not splayed outward like a crocodile.
    1 point
  11. @wackyserious First shields with base wooden texture handle as prop too:Celtic_Shields.7z 9 Shield shapes so far: And a new boss: Update: Added reinforced variant for shield_c Added a secondary manipula: Added another base texture: for shield_i Added another boss thought isn't very much visible from afar: @Genava55 see if i theres any other shape/size that can be added.
    1 point
  12. 1. Did any of vanilla or borg team thought about adding tiredness of troops? When it comes to troops I doubt army in reality would be able to fight non stop until the death like a zombies. 2. It would be nice to see troops building tents / camps while resting and small sets of fire to keep them warm. Ofcourse while they are doing that ur food goes minus . 3. Barracks what I hate about them is that.... somehow they jump out of barracks from any direction instead of simply walking out of barracks using front entrance / back entrance (if there is any) 4. Everyone is hyped for soldiers doing eco in our matches. That's great idea but I never seen a soldier in full armor gathering wood, did you? ..... Probobably u could see but whatever.. Troops while on eco should have their armor , weapons with them. Lets say they would need to get slaves or at least go in to barracks and grab their stuff. Someone raiding? Be careful, leave some troops to protect ur eco. Spear vs raiders work great isnt it @borg-? 5. Season winter, summer etc would be amazing addition to the maps/game itself on the same map. About eles and cav fighting I already explained whats my issue with these to Borg and few others so pointless to explain once more. (more like I don't want to repeat myself once more lol) Some ideas may seem crazy but I think definitively some of them would add realitic gameplay.
    1 point
  13. The will be included, once the icons are in, the specific names are used, and the calf is fixed, along with some other little things, and maybe some template optimization, I believe they all duplicate stuff. Then I will give my greenlight
    1 point
  14. The mod works really well and imo very much better than the vanilla. The average game time could obviously extend to at least 30 minutes or more. Tbh counter system doesn’t bother me at all or OP this and that since most players choose their civs This mod diminishes a very early rush since CS can’t be trained anymore from the CC and requires specific military structures to train specific units. This extra specific structures bring additional flavor to the game as well as additional strategic tinkering. I already played the mod using SP for long hours but the lack of new and really good maps bring me back to MP lobby. So far the AI Petra has a very good and really promising behavior which means it retains its level like in vanilla producing huge and challenging armies depending on it’s difficulty. As in many gameplay discussions in the forum I am always into a more realistic behavior. Behaviors that should make the game not a man spam or fast click skills. Behaviors that make the game addictive not just in MP gaming POV but more on the SP gaming POV. A game that can have a lively kingdom bases and natural environmental occurrence. Yet I would recommend that - Each same types of military producing structures must be spaced far apart considerably so as to limit spamming and it’s building too (should maximize to 4 within one CC meaning it could only be built maximum on 4 quadrants). - Next CC can’t be built too far from own border. - Markets, temples (should be spaced apart too) and blacksmith should be available soon in P1 with limited techs. - Realistic resources sharing and barter. Need able to have roads and dirt roads. - Realistic arming using supply wagons and no more infinite arrows and javelins and stones for all units. 2nd weapon is nice. - taunts and flaring ally to minimize message sending through typing. RoN style is best. - No more phasing as it doesn’t make sense. Border expands as structures are built. New technology and new buildings appear after another or with preceding techs. - Make some real medics. Priest shouldn’t be OP but should give boost rather than healing and can’t wander in the frontline. - Units should be more tougher but can’t fight or should be down at less than 50% HP and below can’t inflict heavy damage to opponents. I want to see falling soldiers in the battle and them obstructing the movement of the units. - Good animations in the military structures when a unit/s are being trained/made. - Towers, forts, outposts, CCs, colonies, siege towers should not fire projectiles if no range units are garrisoned. Projectiles fired depends on range units garrisoned. Ships should behave the same way, can’t sail if not manned with minimum numbers. Garrisoned units must still sustain damage from range or crush weapons. - Need some brothel or ale houses and maybe monuments. Lastly an automatic production of men and women from immigrants, houses or CC. These are the units that can be either trained as soldiers or workers when they are sent to specific training structures. Military units sent and trained from military structures. Workers are trained from farmstead, nearest dropsite (different types of workers for wood, stone and metal). Citizen soldiers must come from workers and mercenaries from immigrants/gaia (need another monetary resources or maybe promise of food and land). Still dreaming... THe inclusion of other NEw Civs from other mods like Byzantine, Anglo Saxon, Norse from Mil AD etc are good features even if not within the time frame but can be toggled in the options. Terra Magna too!
    1 point
  15. @Genava55 btw if you could name me every piece of the shield numered in there (and any other prop you see over there that can be reused in any shield) would help me when naming the files. Materials you belive its appropiate for the shield if 2D artist can and are willing to help as lion and sundiata did earlier with a few draws i would be baking Base texture like this: Name me the colors you find suittable for the shields and the materials (specially if they are having bronze shields or any other material you know). Btw for now shields are generic and i'm using props only for preview purpose, if they are some faction exclusive only props they will be properly assigned and removed.
    1 point
  16. I'll reiterate my 0 A.D. Epochs vision. Where cultures can be explored in detail based on a period of time. Say, you as a player choose the Romans as your civ, and the match Host has chosen Classical Epoch, then your Romans would be the Polybian Romans. If the Host has chosen the Medieval Epoch, then your Romans would be the Byzantine Romans. etc.
    1 point
  17. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult anyone. I was just frustrated to find out that the Romans specifically depict the Polybian Era Republic, which makes all the symbols wrong, including my own, as well as the original Roman symbol that has been in the game since god knows when, without anybody pointing it out. Now there's no symbols, just plain sails... The in-game description and wiki pages really need to be changed, because they don't say anything about Polybian armies and allude to Empire. What about the multistoried Civic Center? That doesn't look right for the time. Even the temple. Shouldn't it look a lot more like the earlier Etruscan temples? The towers? There's probably a lot more issues I'm ignorant about... I appreciate the idea behind depicting an earlier, not often depicted era of Roman history. It just makes things very difficult. Furthermore, I believe we are not taking full advantage of the phases. They don't need to be the same for each faction! Romans evolving from early, to mid-, to late republic is perfectly logical and doable. Restricting Romans specifically to the mid-republican era is just less than ideal. I wasn't even excited about limiting the Romans to the Republic, let alone to a sliver in time of that republic...
    1 point
  18. There you go. https://github.com/ram1660/0ad Go to the AI folder to find our AI badbot.
    1 point
  19. I've mentioned this idea before, but it came back to mind while adding a new "desert" skyset to Delenda Est today. What if we could have a "Horizon Set" that superimposes over the sky box to make the horizon and sky look nicer? Would probably be another set of DDS files with an alpha. That way the horizon could be a set of desert mountains or rolling green hills or whatever is needed for the scenario. I made this sky set from the new Kushites menu background and I couldn't help to think it would have been easier and/or more powerful to have had the mountains as a separate set of images that I could use over any of the skies in the game. Are there any relevant tickets or patches for something like described? Any pitfalls?
    1 point
  20. That looks awesome!!! Would be a great addition to the game. I've wanted this for a long time... Kind of reminds me of the horizons in Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War.
    1 point
  21. While the idea behind this is kinda okay, this adds a lot of more unnecessary micro to the game because it's needlessly complicated. A much less complicated version of this is that you add builder units to the game that build resource camps. From those camps workers automatically emerge and start collecting the resource the camp is meant for. The number of workers per drop site can be increased by buying/training more workers up to a maxiumum of X per drop site. As you can see this solution is much cleaner, more automated and easier to understand. However, the "call to arms" feature for resource camps is not a good idea in general. If you have self defending economy you make raiding and direct combat less effecting. Since early raids cannot take out the economy there's a lot of "units dance around resource spots" until a very late stage of the game.
    1 point
  22. Another challenge is those black edges of the map making the horizon look ugly, but that's a separate, but related issue. Would it be worth it to truly make the map round? Or perhaps we can think of other ways to make the map and horizon looks more seamless.
    1 point
  23. Hey, No, we haven't! I managed to make the linking! I dug down into the game engine code and figured out what code was related to Engine.{FunctionName} in JavaScript files. I modified the code by adding 2 functions, AppendToBuffer and WriteToFile so we can send data the Python, I also added useful functions that cannot be accessed from the simulation folder. Right now we are trying to understand Petra's attack and defense in order to develop the machine learning and we really need an active Petra maintainer so we can ask him about stuff we don't fully understand.
    1 point
  24. in the super old videos of 0ad I noticed that there was an entire different soundtrack before the soundtrack we know today was composed, does anyone know where to find it? better yet, does anyone know where I can find the super classic version of the game to see how the game changed over time?
    1 point
  25. Took a closer look, and there are some more here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/audio/music?rev=8402 (though the win/loss tracks were not made by Boris Hansen, but by Allan Brown @dariusofwest iirc).
    1 point
  26. Since our announcement was shared in a few places among them the Wildfire Games Forums a few questions were asked. It is time to answer some of them. Project name No, the final project name will be Fork AD 9001. Project goals We still adhere to the old ideals of doing things properly. That means we first have to fix some code rot so there is a nice foundation to build on. Do note that this does not mean that there are no improvements upon already sound bases. While we intend to improve all aspects of the game, our current focus is on mod support and single player improvements. Different culture How we differ is in that we actually discuss things when discussion is needed, and ask for each others feedback. As opposed to a culture that makes one think of the quote "What we've got here is failure to communicate". Though we apparently caused quite a surge in WFG team communications with our announcement, you're welcome. Private source Yes, the repo is currently not public. Select individuals might be given access if it seems worth it however. Contributing to 0 A.D. We think some people might want to read the initial announcement again if it wasn't clear enough. Everyone is free to do with our released code what the license allows them to do. But that is where us contributing to 0 A.D. ends. Last we checked trying to interact with them did not lead to any useful result, and talking to walls is not the best use of our time. We do wish them luck with getting Alpha 23 released in a state that is worth calling a release. Something else that might be worth reading are the words of the most active contributor that is left "Secondly the capable motivated and available developers went down"source. And since we want to let people make up their own mind we do include some statistics, that might be skewed by a few factors. Among them are people committing patches by others, people doing reviews of others' code instead of committing things, and more. And not even all of us kept contributing through that full date range, but without further ado: git shortlog -sn --since='2017-01-01' --until='2017-12-31' 618 elexis 248 autobuild 228 mimo 147 fatherbushido 80 Imarok 59 leper 49 bb 48 Stan 46 Itms 30 wraitii 14 LordGood 14 Pureon 14 s0600204 13 enrique 9 vladislavbelov 6 FeXoR 3 gallaecio 3 scythetwirler 2 omri Despite our reservations against what is left of the team, we do appreciate them allowing part of this discussion to happen on their forums. As always we are open to questions and if you want to have your questions answered immediately, then you know where to find us. Kind regards, fatherbushido, leper and mimo.
    1 point
  27. Yes, op players (@borg-, @Feldfeldand @ValihrAnt) should be involved in balancing, right now long range siege is too op
    1 point
  28. I will mod whichever version of the game gives me !#$%king battalions.
    1 point
  29. The best they can do quickly for starting a community is maybe instead of a forum, make a Reddit community and use discord. So then start recruting artist and programmers, then an community manager and don't forgot use Indiedb. So youtuber can start to videos about new project. Easy, quickly , cheap.
    1 point
  30. The thing about open source is that you can't really stop others from using "your" code as long as they adhere to the original license. Both WFG and Fork AD can and will likely mix and match code and assets just like the mods have.
    1 point
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